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Khrushchev Sergey

Khrushchev Sergey

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics


Institute of Project Management

Department of Management and Mathematical Economics

Email: s.khrushchev@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Full Professor of Satbaev University (August 01, 2018 – present time)

Scientific research position Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, USA (July 15-July 31, 2018)

Full Professor of the ISE, Kazakh-British Technical Uuniversity (August 01, 2011 - May 31, 2018)

Guest Professor of Institute fur Mathematik, TU-Berlin, Germany (October 15, 2010-July 31, 2011)

Full Professor at the Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Mathematics, North Cyprus (2008-2010).

Full Professor at Atilim University, Department of Mathematics, INCEK 06836, ANKARA, Turkey (2001 2008).

Full Visiting Professor at Purdue University, Department of Mathematics, West Lafayette, Indiana, US (2000-2001).

An assistant professor at Leningrad State University, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics (1972-1975).

Scientific research positions: Senior research position at St.Petersburg division of V.A.Steklov Mathematical Institute (1982-1987); A research position at St.Petersburg division of V.A.Steklov Mathematical Institute (1975-1982).


Leningrad State University Bachelor of Science in Mathematics 1966-1971

Leningrad State University Candidate of Science in Mathematics and Physics 1975

Leningrad State University Doctor of Mathematics and Physics in 1982

Scientific projects

Working on publishing a textbook for "Linear Algebra"


S. Khrushchev Continued Fractions and Orthogonal Polynomials: From Eulers point of view, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications (No. 122), ISBN- 13: 9780521854191, Cambridge University Press, July 2008. Cited by 15. This book was published in a very prestigious series of Cambridge University Press.

S. Khrushchev Orthogonal Polynomials: The First Minutes. Proc. Symposia in Pure Math, 76:2(2007), p 875-905.

S.V.Khrushchev and N.K.Nikolskii, Functional model and some problems of spectral function theory, Trudy Matem. instituta V.A.Steklova AN SSSR (1987), v. 176, pp. 97-210.

N.K.Nikolskii, V.P.Havin, S.V.Khrushchev, Linear and Complex Analysis Problem Book, Lecture Notes in Math., N 1043 (1984), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Sergey Khrushchev, AP Calculus for students of Economics, Finance, and Mathematics (2019, 640pp). KDP

S. Khrushchev, A. Simonov, B. Zhautikov "A simple solution to the ChatGPT bot problem in online education" (to ap[pear)

S. Khrushchev "Uniformly convergent Fourier series with universal power part on closed subsets of measure zero", JAT, vol 287, April 2023.

S. Khrushchev “A continuous function with universal Fourier series on a given closed set of Lebesgue measure zero”, JAT, vol 252, April 2020.

O. Holtz, S.Khrushchev, O. Kushel "Generalized Hurwitz Matrices, Generalized Euclidean Algorithm, and Forbidden Sectors of the Complex Plane", Compt. Methods Funct. Theory 16 (2016), 395-431.

S.Khrushchev "Mergelyan's Theorem for Zero Free Functions", Journal of Approximation Theory 169 (2013), 1-6. Citations 3.

M. Derevyagin, O. Holtz, S.Khrushchev, M. Tyaglov. "Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials" Journal of Approximation Theory 164(2012), 1238-1261.

S.Khrushchev "Two great theorems of Lord Brouncker", Mathematical Intelligencer vol 32 (2010) N 4, pp. 19-31.

S. Khrushchev The Great Theorem of Marko and Jean Bernoulli sequences, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 223(2010), 1548-1553.

S.Khrushchev "Periodic Schur functions and slit discs" Journal of Approximation Theory 159(2009) 293-307.

S.Khrushchev "Rational compacts and exposed quadratic irrationalities" Journal of Approximation Theory 159(2009) 243-289.

S. Khrushchev The Euler-Lagrange Theory for Schurs Algorithm: Wall Pairs Journal of Approximation Theory 139 (2006), 371-401.

S. Khrushchev The Euler-Lagrange Theory for Schurs Algorithm: Algebraic exposed points Journal of Approximation Theory 139(2006), 402-429.

S. Khrushchev Continued Fractions and Orthogonal Polynomials, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 178 (2005) 267-303.

S. Khrushchev Turan Measures, Journal of Approx. Theory (2003), v. 122, 112-120.

S.Khrushchev, Classi_cation Theorems for General Orthogonal Polynomials on the unit circle, Journal of Approx. Theory(2002), v.116, 268-342.

 L.Golinskii and S.Khrushchev, Cesaro Asymptotics for Orthogonal Polynomials on the unit circle and classes of measures, Journal of Approx. Theory (2002), v.115, 187-237.

S.Khrushchev, Schurs Algorithm, Orthogonal Polynomials, and convergence of Walls continued fractions in L2(T) , Journal of Approx. Theory(2001), v.108, No 2, 161-248.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Mathematical Analysis