Kokkuzova Manshuk
Master of Technical Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Geology and Oil-gas Business Institute named after K. Turyssov
Department of "Geological survey, search and exploration of mineral deposits"
Email: m.kokkuzova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Total length of scientific and pedagogical activity: 13 years. Work experience in the specialty: 13 years.
From 2007 to 2008 Engineer of the Department of General Geology, Mineralogy and Petrography. In 2008 to 2015 Highest Qualification Specialist.Mineralogy Sector Engineer (IGS) in 2014 to 2017, Until now Senior Researcher , Noble Metals Laboratory 2017, Tutor of the Department of Geology and Exploration of Mineral Deposits in 2017.
Publications (including in journals with a non-zero impact factor), scientific papers, inventions (over the last 3 years): 4 articles (1 article in international conferences with a non-zero impact factor, 3 articles in the materials of the international scientific-practical conference.
In 2021, for her contribution to the development and active participation in the scientific life of the university, she received a letter of thanks from the Rector of KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev.
1. From 2003 to 2007 Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satbayev Exploration Department, Specialty: geology. Bachelor «Geology» № 0016958.
2. From 2010 to 2012 Caspian public university, masters degree programme, full-time education. 6М070600 «Geology and exploration of mineral deposits», Master of Engineering, №0015820.
3. From 2015 to 2018 Kazakh National research technical university named after K.I. Satbayev, PhD, full-time education. 6D070600 «Geology and exploration of mineral deposits», doctoral student of PhD.
Scientific projects
1. Participation in scientific projects (over the past 3 years): Topic: "Creation of a database on unique, rare and insufficiently studied minerals of deposits of noble and rare elements of Kazakhstan for the integrated development of mineral raw materials" (Contract No. 277 (0302) dated 02.02.2017) under the leadership of D.G.-M.N. Bekenova G.K. in the K.I. Satpayev IGN (performer).
2. "Creation of a database on unique, rare and insufficiently studied minerals of deposits of noble and rare elements of Kazakhstan for the integrated development of mineral raw materials." MNS contractor. "Scientific support for the replenishment and expansion of the mineral resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan". SNA contractor. "Micro- and nanomineral ore components as a resource for replenishing Kazakhstan's mineral reserves for the development of technologies for their development." SNA contractor.
1. G. Bekenova, K. Dyussembaeva. (2016). International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM. Том 2, стр. 1081-1088. GOLD-TELLURIDE ASSOCIATION IN THE ORES OF GOLD-POLYMETALLIC DEPOSITS OF RUDNY ALTAI AND CENTRAL KAZAKHSTAN.
2. Мукаева А.Е., Булегенов К.У., Дюсембаева К.Ш.(2017). Продуктивные золотоносные ассоциации в колчеданно-полиметаллических месторождениях Рудного Алтая и Центрального Казахстана.
3. G. Bekenova, K.Dyussembayeva, A. Dolgopolova & R. (2017). Seltmann. Applied Earth Science. Gold-barite-polymetallic VMS deposit of Maikain, NE Kazakhstan. Стр. 71-72.
4. R. Seltmann, A. Dolgopolova, D. Konopelko, R. Creaser, E. Belousova, A. Miroshnikova, A. Mizerny, M. Mizernaya, D. Makat (2017). Large copper and gold systems of Kazakhstan and Tienshan: Geodynamics and metallogeny revisited.
5. The gold ore deposit bakyrchik and views on the formation of the mineral deposits in black shale strata. Umarbekova, Z., Seltmann, R., Dyussembayeva, K., Kokkuzova, M. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEMЭта ссылка отключена., 2017, 17(11), страницы 1111–1118
6. Минерально-сырьевой потенциал Казахстана на литий, Международная научно-практическая конференция «Сатпаевские чтения 2020» на тему «Научные исследования и инновации в геологоразведке – ключ к эффективному восполнению минерально-сырьевой базы РК», ISBN 978-601-323-209-6
7. Yu. Silachyov, V.A. Glagolev, M.N. Kokkuzova. Gold content determination in small core-samples by instrumental neutron activation analysis. International Journal of Biology and Chemistry 17, № 1 (2024). IRSTI 31.19.15 https://doi.org/10.26577/IJBCh2024v17i1-a9
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