Kozha Yerkin

Kozha Yerkin

Master of Technical Sciences


Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Department of Materials Science, Nanotechnology and Engineering Physics

Email: y.kozha@satbayev.111


Professional biography

1. 2005-2012 he worked as an engineer at the Institute of Metallurgy of the Kazakh National Technical University. Satpayev.

2. Since 2017, tutor of the Kazakh National Research Technical University. K.I. Satpayev Institute of Industrial Engineering A. Burkitbaeva.


1. 2000-2005 He graduated from the Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev with a degree in metallurgy

2. 2012-2014 Received a master's degree in the specialty "Materials science and technology of new materials" of the Kazakh National Technical University. K.I. Satpayev.

3.2014-2017 PhD doctoral studies in the specialty “Materials Science and Technology of New Materials” of the Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev.

Scientific projects

Project № 100-16-GK “Creation of a pilot production of innovative aluminum alloys from domestic raw materials and finished products from them with a nanostructured protective coating”, metallurgical engineer.


1.Влияние электролитноөплазменной обработки на структуру стали 45Г. Металловедение и термическая обработка металлов № 11 (773), 2019, г. Алматы, ISSN 0026-0819, 14-17

2 Laboratory installation for electrolytic-plazma treatment of steel //NEWS of national academy of  sciences of zhe republic of  Kazakhstan.-Almaty, NAS RK,2017.-4(424).c.219-224

    3. Электролитті-плазмалық  өңдеуден кейінгі болаттың беткі қабатының құрлысы мен қасиеттерінің өзгеруі, Қазақcтан-Британ техникалық университетінің хабаршысы  №2-3(41-42).2017.-с.101-105,ISSN1998-6688.

4.Исследование влияния электролитно-плазменной обработки на структуру и износостойкость стали бурового  инструмента.12октаября 2017г.в г.Пенза часы1-с.49-56.ISBEN978-5-907012-09-7

5.Алюминий қорытпасын микродоғалы тотықтыру,КазҰТЗУ,Хабаршысы,2015.№4(110).-б.28-33.ISSN1680—9211.

6. Structural  phase transitions of  law-carbon  alloy steels during  Electrolitic –Plazma  processing //2016    2nd international  conference  on artificial and industrial  engineering .-Beijing ,China,2016.-part2.c.491-495.

7. Электролитті-Плазмалық өңдеуден кейін болаттың беттік қабатының химиялық құрамының өзгеруі.Алматы 2014.ISBN978-601-228-654-0.215-221Б.