Kozhantov Arystan
Candidate of technical sciences
Senior Lecturer
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Mining
Email: a.kozhantov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Open-pit Mining (1998-2016).
KazNITUim.K.I.Satpeva, Senior lecturer of the Mining Department (2016-2017))
Karaganda State Technical University, University of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, senior lecturer of the Department "Development of Mineral Deposits" (RMPI) (2017-2018)
INSTITUTE OF SEISMOLOGY LLP, Leading Researcher (VNS) of the Laboratory of Technogenic Seismicity (2018-2021)
KazNITUim.K.I.Satpeva, Senior lecturer of the Mining Department (2021).
Entered the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after V.I.Lenin (KazPTI) (1992)
Graduated from Kazakh National Technical University (1997)
Specialty: "Open-pit mining", MINING ENGINEER,
Scientific projects
1) No. 753. MON.GF. 13.4 "Modernization of blasting technologies at quarries using innovative methods for determining their parameters";
2) No. 753 MON GF. 13. 16 "Multifactorial analysis of the stability of high internal dumps based on numerical geomechanical models of hollow-inclined and inclined development";
3) Summary report on the author's supervision of the implementation of the program for comprehensive geodynamic monitoring and risk assessment of seismic deformation processes associated with the development of the Karachaganak oil and gas condensate field for 2019 (contract No. AP/Y/15/0865 dated 18.08.2015). Applicant: Limited Liability Partnership "Institute of Seismology";
4) Member of the research group on the project "BR05236798-OT-20 Comprehensive studies of earthquake-prone areas of the south-east of Kazakhstan and the development of the basis of an early warning system for strong earthquakes" reports PCF 2020 implementation period: 01.01.2018 - 01.01.2020. Applicant: Limited Liability Partnership "Institute of Seismology";
5) Conducted an espert solution of a textbook for technical and vocational education of the specialty "Open mining of mineral deposits", qualification "Excavator driver": Textbook / Balgabaev M.M., Husan B., Shirshov D.A. / Nur-Sultan: Non-profit Joint Stock Company "Talap", 2020, 305 p.;
6) Reviewer of master's theses.
Advanced training: 17 certificates. More than 20 scientific articles and 9 reports at international conferences. From 2017 to 2021 - 5 articles, 3 reports at the conference, a textbook co-authored in Kazakh and Russian "Fundamentals of mining technology– - Almaty: KazNITU, - 174 pages.№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |