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Kulbaeva Aliya Kairatovna

Kulbaeva Aliya Kairatovna

Master of Technical Sciences

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"

Email: aliya.kulbayeva@satbayev.111



2016-2020 - KazNU named after Al-Farabi 2020-2022 - International University of Information Technologies


1.Kulbayeva A. K., Rakhmetulayeva S. B., Bolshibayeva A. K., Yasar A. (2024). Data processing methods for financing terrorism: The role of Microsoft Power BI in money laundering detection. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT 2024) (pp. 528–535).

2. Kulbayeva, A. K., Rakhmetulayeva, S. B., & Bolshibayeva, A. K. (2024). Detecting money laundering activities in Kazakhstan: A machine learning approach and a comprehensive study. Bulletin of D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University, 2(53), 53–64. 4212_2024_2_53

3.Bolshibayeva A.K., Rakhmetulayeva S.B., Kulbayeva, A.K. (2023). Machine Learning Methods to Detect Terrorist Financing. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Digital Technologies in Education, Science and Industry (DTESI 2023), December 06–07, 2023, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

4. Кулбаева, А.К., Рахметулаева С.Б., Болшибаева А.К., Мукашева A.K. (2023). Применение метода машинного обучения для исследования проблем отмывания денег и финансирования терроризма в Республике Казахстан. Вестник Алматинского университета энергетики и связи, (4)63, 67.

5. Rakhmetulayeva S. B., Kulbayeva A. K. (2022). Symptomatic assessment of diseases using decision trees and analysis of electronic medical records. International Journal of Information and Communication Technologies, 9(1), 1–9.

6. Rakhmetulayeva, S. B., Kulbayeva, A. K., & Mukasheva, A. K. (2022). Development of electronic medical records system with data security algorithm in healthcare environment of Kazakhstan. Вестник Алматинского Университета Энергетики и Связи, 2(57), 92–101.

7. Rakhmetulayeva, S., & Kulbayeva, A. (2022). Building disease prediction model using machine learning algorithms on electronic health records’ logs. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Digital Technologies in Education, Science and Industry (DTESI 2022), October 20–21, 2022.

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