Kulyash Alimova
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Head of Department
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Department of Engineering Systems and Networks
Email: k.alimova@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Head of the Department of Engineering Systems and Networks of the Institute of Architecture and Construction named. T.K. Basenova Satbayev University. Candidate of Technical Sciences, in the field of: 05.23.04 - “Water Supply, Sewerage, Building Water Protection Systems” and 05.23.03 - “Heat Supply, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Gas Supply and Lighting”.
She began her professional and pedagogical activity in 1989 as a design engineer of the North-Kazakhstan State Design Institute "Sevgrazhdanproekt" in Petropavlovsk.
Between 1997 and 2004 worked as a senior lecturer at North Kazakhstan State University of Petropavlovsk.
From 2001-2003 Chief construction specialist (part-time) GKKP "Management of administrative buildings under the apparatus of Akim of the North Kazakhstan region", Petropavlovsk.
From 2005 - 2009 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Engineering Systems and Environmental Protection, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev of Almaty.
From 2009 - 2016 - Associate Professor of the Department "Engineering Systems and Networks" KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev. From 2016 to the present - Head of the Department of Engineering Systems and Networks at Satbayev University.
1. The full course "The curriculum of the International Society of Engineering PedagogyIGIP". Almaty, Kazakhstan Center for Engineering Pedagogy Society for the Training of International Teachers of Technical Universities. (Certificate No. 4586, in the amount of 204 hours)
2. International seminar-training “Innovative approaches, teaching methods and training of competitive specialists”, Almaty, KazNU named after Al-Farabi Institute for Advanced Studies (certificate, in the amount of 16 hours)
3. Master class "Achievements of Nanoscience and Application of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies in Industry", KazNTUim.K.I. Satpayev, (certificate)
4. "Information systems" a full course of advanced training of university teachers KazNU. Al-Farabi, (Certificate No. 3469 in the amount of 144 hours).
5. "New innovative technologies in the field of creating comfortable conditions for air conditioning systems." KAZSEE Kazakhstan Association of Engineering Education (certificate KZ01-25, 72 hours)
1)1984-1989 - Alma - Ata Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Systems and Structures, engineer specializing in Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation.
2) 2007-2009 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of Ecology and Economics, Department of Engineering Systems and Environmental Protection. Qualification - Candidate of Technical Sciences, in the field of: 05.23.04 - “Water Supply, Sewerage, Building Water Protection Systems” and 05.23.03 - “Heat Supply, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Gas Supply and Lighting”.
Scientific projects
Scientific interests: Innovative ventilation and air conditioning systems for industrial and public buildings. Gas supply systems for the production of refractories. Led by Alimova K.K. 7 master's theses were defended. During 2008-2017 She was the executor of 4 grant research projects and contract work, as well as the project’s supervisor on the topic: “Development of an information and telecommunication system for monitoring transport and engineering networks, buildings and structures for preventing emergency situations”.Publications
1. "Improving the process of fuel combustion. Review of foreign technologies". News of the scientific and technical society "KAHAK".-2015 No. 3 (46). - P. 89-98.
2. "Research of Smoking modes of contemporary gas burning device with peripheral gas supply". International conference "Science and Education in the XXI century" International Center Education @Technology 2015 (USA).
3. R. Zh. Sharipov, K. K. Alimova. Current issues of energy saving and energy efficiency. Vestnik of SU, 2019 No. 1(131). - P. 148-152.
4. Кalidollina А.Т., Alimova K.K. Biogas as a source of energy for consumers in rural location. Review Association of Science and Technology "КАHАК", 2017 - №4(59). - С. 45-49.
5. Omirkhan A.B., Alimova K.K. Questions of development of «smart house» system in Kazakhstan. Review Association of Science and Technology "КАHАК", 2019 - №2(65). - P. 64-68.
6. Zh. K. Kassymbekov, O. V. Atamanova, K. K. Alimova, G. Zh. Kassymbekov. Protection of centrifugal pumps from abrasive wear using a vacuum hydrocyclone. Bulletin the National academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan ISSN 1991-3494 Volume 1, Number 383 (2020), P. 6 – 13.
7. Alimova KK, Srazhadinova Sh.E. Modern solutions to increase the efficiency of the heating system of the building. Bulletin of KazNITU 2020 (2), p. 385-389
8. Alimova K. K., Userbay AK Multi-split air conditioners and their features in operation. Bulletin of KazNITU 2020 (2), p. 389-395
9. Alimova KK, Userbay AK, Srazhadinova Sh.E. Fancoils for heating and cold storage - efficiency of work, possibility, scope of application. Bulletin of KazNITU 2020 (2), p. 371-375
10. Kassymbekov Zh., Alimova K., Kassymbekov G. Study of the process of erosion of a micro hydroelectric power plant (hpp) turbines in the form of a hydrocyclone. // PERIÓDICO TCHÊ QUÍMICA, 2020 Vol.17, N.36, p. 527-541.
11. Salikova N.S., Rodrigo-Illarri J., Alimova K.K., Rodrigo-Clavero M. Analysis of the Water Quality of the Ishim River within the Akmola Region (Kazakhstan) Using Hydrochemical Indicators. Water. – 2021. - №13, 1243.
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Potential research studies of doctoral students
Development and implementation of modern ventilation, heating and gas supply systems at housing and communal services enterprises.