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Kuralai Duisebayeva

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Standardization, Certification and Metrology

Professional biography

April 1981- August 2000 Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR, Institute of Chemical Sciences, Almaty

Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis (laboratory assistant, engineer, junior researcher, researcher)

August 2000 – May 2024 Ministry of Trade and Integrations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee for Technical Regulation and Metrology, RSE "KazStandart", Astana, Branch for Almaty and Almaty region of RSE "KazStandart", Almaty.

August 2000 – March 2004 Leading Specialist

March 2004 - Chief Specialist

April 2004 - July 2005 Director of the South Kazakhstan Representative Office of the Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology Consulting, Almaty

August 2005- November 2020 Chief Specialist (scientist-keeper of the State Standard of Temperature units) South Kazakhstan branch of RSE "KazInMetr" , Almaty.

November 2020 – May 2024 Leading expert (scientist-keeper of the State Standard of Temperature units) Branch for Almaty and Almaty region of RSE "KazStandart", Almaty

September 2024 Associate Professor of KazNITU named after K.I. Sptpaev, Almaty, KZ


1980 – 1986 Kazakh State University, Faculty of Chemistry, Almaty

1990-1994. Postgraduate studies at the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov, Almaty.

1998 thesis defense.  Diploma


October 2003 Theoretical course and internship, Slovak Metrological Institute, Bratislava,

The title of the scientific keeper of the temperature standard. Certificate.

2006 May Seminar "Application of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 requirements in calibration and testing laboratories. Almaty city

The mission and objectives of accreditation in eliminating technical barriers to trade

July 2011 Belarusian State Institute of Metrology BelGIM, Minsk

Methods of implementation of the main reference points of MTSH-90 (international temperature scale).

2013 May Seminar within the framework of COOMET "Calibration of resistance thermometers by direct comparison method" St. Petersburg.


2015, Comparsion of type S thermocouples at the freezing points of zinc, aluminium and copper, BIPM&IOP Publishing Ltd Metrologia, 2015, T.5, Number 1A, 03007. 2019, Realizations of the ITS-90 from 273,16 K to 933,473 K (COOMET.T-K3.3), BIPM&IOP Publishing Ltd Metrologia, 2019, Volume 56, Number 1A, 03001 2014, Эталон единицы температуры до и после модернизации. Опыт модернизации лаборатории, Журнал метрология №4, 2014, с.10-11 2016, Результаты сличения термопар S в реперных точках цинка, алюминия, меди, Журнал метрология №3, 2016, с.13-16 2018, Результаты сличения Государственного эталона единицы температуры в диапазоне температур от 0 ⁰С до 660,323 ⁰С, Журнал метрология №4, 2018, с.12-15  
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