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Mendybaev Serik Kukaevich

Mendybaev Serik Kukaevich

Candidate of Philosophy

Assistant professor

Associate Professor

Institute of Project Management

Email: s.mendybayev@satbayev.111

Professional biography

1. Agrarian University, Almaty, 1979-1984

2. Satbayev University, Almaty, 1984-present


higher education, Moscow State University, 1970-1975

Scientific projects

Scientific interests:  ontology, epistemology, philosophy of science and technology


1) Monograph Philosophy and Ideology LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing is a trademark of: AV Akademiceverlag GmbH & Co. KG 2013 66121, Saarbrucken, Germany (co-authored with R. Mazhidenova)

2) You and you: to the ethics of sociality. Philosophical and social-humanitarian journal Adam Alemi 3-4 20153 ISSN No. 1999-58-49 (co-authored with R. Mazhidenova)

 3) Apology and ethics of justification. Bulletin of KazNU № 4 (62), 2017

 4) Methods of teaching philosophy in technical higher educational institutions 4 International Conference on Education &Educational Psychology 2013 ICEEPSY Cyprus Centre (EuropeanUnion). ISSN: 1986-3020 ISSN number is registered by the ISSN (co-authored with Kuntuova I.M. and Mazhidenova R.M.)
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