Menlibay Myrzahmetov
Doctor of technical sciences
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Email: m.myrzakhmetov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Born on April 21, 1941 in the village of Shardara, Kyzylkum district, South Kazakhstan region, in a family of a collective farmer, he lost his father early in 1945. M. Myrzakhmetov started his career in 1956 as an agricultural worker of the Pobeda cotton farm in the Kirov district of South Kazakhstan region. in 1958, he graduated from the Pobeda secondary school in the Kirov district. In 1959-60g. g. worked as a fitter in SMU Kazakhsantekhmontazh Shymkent. In 1964, he graduated from the Kazakh Institute of chemical technology (Kashti), engineering-building faculty on a speciality "Water supply and Sewerage". In 1964-65g.g. worked as the master of SS "Centopietre". In 1965-1966 d. d assistant Professor of "Hydraulics" of Kashti. In 1967, he entered the post-graduate program of the Leningrad Institute of civil engineering (LISI), which he successfully completed with a thesis for the degree of candidate of technical Sciences-1970. Myrzakhmetov M. since 1989. Doctor of technical Sciences, since 1990. Professor, since 1996. academician of NIA RK, International engineering Academy (Moscow), academician of the International academies of Higher education. From 1971 to 1979, he worked as an associate Professor, Deputy Dean of the faculty, head of the Department. Department of hydraulics, water supply and sanitation of the Kazakh Polytechnic Institute (KazPTI). From 1980 to 2001, he worked as the Dean of the engineering and environmental faculty of the Kazakh state Academy of architecture and construction (Kazgas). Since 2002-Director of the Institute "Construction and ecology" of KazNTU. K. I. Satpaeva, from 2006 to June 2016, head of the Department "Engineering systems and networks". Since 2016, he has been a Professor at the Department of Engineering systems and networks.
Doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, academician of the International Academy of engineering and the National engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and International academies of higher school (HS), were awarded commemorative medals, 100 years to V. I. Lenin, 10 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 40 years of the Virgin lands, the excellence in education of RK, honorary worker of education of Kazakhstan
1.1959-1964 - Kazakh technological Institute (Kazti), Shymkent
2. February 1967 - March 1971 - Leningrad Institute of Сivil engineering, aspirantura
3. Doctor of technical Sciences 05.23.04 water Supply and Sewerage
Scientific projects
Professor Myrzakhmetov Menlibay is the head of the following research projects:
1. Grant project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic No. 2018 / AP05132198 “Development of innovative technologies for wastewater treatment and treatment of sludges ensuring their environmental safety” in accordance with the agreement No. 110 dated 03.03.2018 with the State Institution “State Institute of Science and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan” , in the framework of the state order for the budget subprogram 102 “Grant financing of scientific research” for the period from 03/05/2018 - to 31 January 2020
2. Economic agreement on the topic No. 4.012.18 “Research and development of innovative technology for the treatment of wastewater Kostanay, ensuring its environmental safety” in accordance with the agreement No. 1001 of 05.21.2018 with the State utility company “Kostanay-Su” of the mayoralty of the city of Kostanay of the state institution “ Department of Housing and Communal Services, Passenger Transport and Highways of the Akimat of the city of Kostanay. ”
1. Andraka, D., Dzienis, L., Myrzakhmetov, M., Ospanov, K. Application of natural Zeolite for intensification of municipal wastewater treatment. Journal of Ecological Engineering 2017 18(2), P. 175-181.
2. Ospanov, K., Myrzakhmetov, M., Andraka, D., Dzienis, L. Application of natural zeolite for intensification of municipal wastewater treatment. Journal of Ecological Engineering 2016 17(5), P. 57-63.
3. Andraka, D., Ospanov, K., Myrzakhmetov, M. Current state of communal sewage treatment in the republic of Kazakhstan. Journal of Ecological Engineering 2015 16(5), P. 101-109.
4. Myrzakhmetov M.M., Zhuginisov, M.T., Sartaev, D.T., Aidarova, S.B., Turganbay, S. The properties of the sodium silicate binder composition based on quartzite deposits. Advanced Materials Research 2014 941-944, P. 239-244.
5. Menlibai Myrzakhmetov, Kairat Ospanov, Timur Rakhimov and Dariusz Andraka. Assessment of the Impact of Sewage Storage Ponds on the Water Environment in Surrounding Area // Proceedings. -2020. – Vol.51 (1), No.20. – p. 63-68.
6. Myrzahmetov, M., Umbetova, S.M., Ashiryayev, K.S., Kozhakhan, A.K., Kanarbay, A.U. On the strategy of integrated water resources management in Kazakhstan. Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, 2018, 9(8), стр. 1821–1826.
7. Ospanov, K., Myrzahmetov, M., Zapparov, M. Study of the products of pyrolysis recycling. Sewage sludge in the Aeration Station Almaty, Kazakhstan. Procedia Engineering, 2015, 117(1), стр. 288–295.
8. Zuginisov, M.T., Myrzahmetov, M.M., Sartayev, D.T., Orynbekov, Ye.S. Heat-resistant ferrochrome slag based concrete. Magazine of Civil Engineering, 2014, 51(7), стр. 38–45.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Innovative methods of industrial wastewater treatment.
Retechnologization of wastewater treatment and precipitation treatment.