Meruert Ismagulova
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Associate Professor
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Department of "General Physics"
Email: m.ismagulova@satbaev.111
Professional biography
1974 - 1977 postgraduate study at Kazakh Polytechnic Institute
1977 - 1980 lecturer, Department of Physics, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named after K.I.Satpayev
1980 - 2001 Senior Lecturer, Alma-Ata Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
2001 - present associate professor, Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev
KazNU named after Al Farabi, Faculty of Physics
Full-time postgraduate study, Kazakh National Research University named after Satpayev
Scientific projects
Physical processes in hydrogen permeable membranesPublications
H.R. Mailina, A. Sh. Irkegulov, M. Sh. Ismagulova. Coherent optics part 1. Physical practice. Tutorial. 6.7 pp. Almaty, KazNRTU 2016. ISBN 978-601-228
M.Sh. Ismagulova. Molecular Physics and Thermodynamics. Physical practice. Tutorial. 12.6 pp Almaty, KazNRTU, 2016. ISBN 978-601-228-964-0
M.Sh. Ismagulova, N.S. Akhtaeva Innovative educational technologies in teaching physics Satpayev readings, Almaty, KazNRTU, pp. 1311 - 1314, 2017. ISBN 978-601-323-145-7
Tastanov E.A., Bondarenko I.V., N.M.Sadykov, M.Sh. Ismagulova. Processing of the mineral part of refined ferrochrome slags to obtain granular porous heat-insulating material. Complex use of mineral raw materials, №4. 2018. pp.158-164, ISSN 2224-5243
E.A. Abdirakhman, V. Panichkin, M.Sh. Ismagulova, H.R. Mailin. Electroplastic effect in titanium alloys. Satpayev readings, Almaty, KazNRTU, pp. 1058 - 1062? 2019. ISBN 978-601-323-145-7
M.Sh. Ismagulova, G.E. Bedelbaeva, I. V. Bespalova. Innovative educational technologies in teaching physics. Bulletin of the Almaty University of Energy and Communication. - 2019. - No. 2 (45). - pp. 101-106.
E.I. Kuldeev, I. V. Bondarenko, E. A. Tastanov, R.E. Nurlybaev M.Sh. Ismagulova. The use of Kazakh diatomites as carriers of mineral fertilizers in agriculture. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Effective technologies for the production of non-ferrous, rare and noble metals" JSC "IMiO", Almaty, 2018, pp. 321 - 324. ISBN 978-323-132-9
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