Meruyert Nazhipkyzy

Meruyert Nazhipkyzy

Doctor of Chemistry

Associate Professor

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Email: m.nazhipkyzy@satpayev.111


Professional biography

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, holder of the international scholarship of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Bolashak" -2012, holder of the title of the Best university teacher-2016, holder of state scholarships for talented young scientists-2016, holder of state scholarships for leading scientists - 2021, a well-known specialist in the field of chemical physics, nanotechnology and materials science.

In addition, M. Najipkyzy was awarded the A.Nobel Medal of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (certificate, certificate, badge) dated November 22, 2018 for her contribution to the development of invention.

From 02/20/2013 to 08/15/2013, she completed a language internship at the University of Reading under the Bolashak program (Reading, UK).

From 07.10.2013 to 20.12.2013 she trained at the laboratory "Center for Advanced Materials" (Reading, UK).

From 23.04.2014 to 30.04.2014, she conducted a number of studies related to the preparation of ceramic sorbents within the framework of the project "Nano and macro pores coal and ceramic for purification and separation" (Valab Vidyanagar, India).

From 07.06.2016 to 18.06.2016, she completed a scientific internship at the University of Surrey (Surrey, UK).

From 05.05.2017 to 09.06.2017, she completed a scientific internship in the profile of nanotechnology at Waseda University (Waseda, Japan).

From 30.09.2017 to 13.10.2017, she interned at City College at the Department of Chemistry (New York, USA).

From 19.01.2018 to 30.01.2018, she completed a scientific internship at the Electron Microscopy Laboratory at the University of Reading (Reading, UK).

From 26.07.2021 to 10.08.2021, she completed a scientific internship at the Eskisehir Technical University (Eskisehir, Turkey).

1. Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council in the field of personnel training 8D071 - Engineering and Engineering, the name of the educational program "6D074000/ 8D07113 - Nanomaterials and nanotechnology (chemical sciences)" (Protocol No. 11 of June 22, 2021).

2. Member of the State Attestation Commission for the graduation of undergraduates in the educational program "Nanomaterials and nanotenology in chemistry" (2018-2020).

3. Member of the Organizing Committee of International Symposia:

- "Physics and Chemistry of carbon materials / Nanoengineering" (Almaty, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2022); " Gorenje i plasmochemistry" (Almaty, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021).

4. Member of the editorial board in the journal "Universal Journal of Applied Science" from 2014 to the present.

5. Member of the editorial board in the journal "Eurasian Chemical-Technological Journal" for the period from 2015 to 2017.

6. Member of the editorial board in the journal "Advances in Materials Chemistry" from 26.04.2014 to 25.04.2017.

7. Member of the Independent Accreditation and Rating Agency (NAAR) from 2014 to the present.

8. Coordinator and developer of the Master's degree program "Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies in Chemistry" (two-degree) within the framework of the USOS program with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia from 2018 to the present.


2006-2008 Faculty of Law of the Kazakh National Agrarian University (correspondence department, second higher). Specialty: "jurisprudence". 

2004-2006 Postgraduate course of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. Specialty: "05.13.18. - Mathematical modeling, software packages and numerical methods".

2002-2004. Master's degree of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics (diploma with honors). Specialty: "Thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering".

1998-2002 Bachelor's degree of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Faculty of Physics. Specialty: "Thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering".

Scientific projects

1) Project Manager "2037/GF4 Development of anti-icing coating technology", No. 0115RK00838. 2015-2017

2) Project Manager "2158/GF4 Development of technology for the production of superhydrophobic carbon nanomaterials in the pyrolysis and combustion of hydrocarbons and the creation of waterproofing materials based on them", No. 0115RK00858. 2015-2017 Gorenje

3) Project manager "Obtaining nanostructured materials based on diatomite for water purification". IRN of the project AP05133836. 2018-2020

4) Project manager "Obtaining fiber composite materials by electrospinning and creating electrodes based on them for supercapacitors". IRN of the project AP08856321. 2020-2023.

5) The executor of the project "0269/PCF Development and creation of production technology in the combustion processes of carbon nanomaterials with specified properties and the creation of structural materials for various purposes on their basis", No. 0115RK01892. 2015-2017 gorenje

6) The executor of the project "2036/GF4 Creation of highly efficient solar energy collectors based on carbon nanotubes", No. 0215RK00675. 2015-2017

7) The executor of the project "Experimental and numerical study of the mechanisms of formation of soot particles, fullerenes and graphenes in combined flames and the creation of a controlled method of their synthesis". IRN of the AR05133755 project. 2018-2020

8) "Obtaining fiber composite materials by electrospinning and creating electrodes based on them for supercapacitors." IRN of the project AP08856321. 2020-2022.

9) AP19677415 "Obtaining nanocomposites from food waste and creating electrode materials based on them for supercapacitors" (The goal of the project is to create electrode materials for creating highly efficient supercapacitors based on food waste.)

10) AP08856321 Production of fiber composite materials by electrospinning and creation of electrodes based on them for supercapacitors 2022-2024 (The goal of the project is to develop a controlled synthesis of lignin fiber composite materials of the required length, diameter and porosity containing nanoparticles of various types and creation on their basis) electrodes with high specific capacitance for supercapacitors.)



1. Nazhipkyzy M., Temirgaliyeva T.S., Lesbayev B.T., Prikhodko N.G., Mansurov Z.A. Obtaining superhydrophobic sand on the basis of soot synthesized during combustion of oil waste //Procedia Manufacturing 12. – 2017. – P. 17-21. Индексируемый в Scopus.

 2. Bodykov D.U., Abdikarimov M.S., Seitzhanova M.A., Nazhipkyzy M., Mansurov Z.A., Kabdoldina A.O., Ualiev Zh. Processing of oil sludge with the use of the electrohydraulic effect //Engineering and Physics Journal. – 2017. – Vol. 90, №. 5. – P. 1155-1161. Индексируемый в Scopus.

 3. Prikhod′ko N.G., Smagulova G.T., Rakhymzhan N.B., Kim S., Lesbaev B.T., Nazhipkyzy M., Mansurov Z.A. Comparative Investigation of the Efficiency of Absorption of Solar Energy by Carbon Composite Materials //Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. – 2017. – Vol. 90, №. 1. – P. 123-132. Индексируемый в Scopus.

4. Myrzabaeva M., Insepov Z., Boguspaev K.K., Faleev D.G., Nazhipkyzy M., Lesbayev B.T., Mansurov Z.A. Investigation of nanohydrophobic sand as an insulating layer for cultivation of plants in soils contaminated with heavy metals //Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. – 2017. – Vol. 19, №. (1). – P. 91-98. Индексируемый в Scopus.

 5. Lesbayev B.T., Nazhipkyzy M., Prikhodko N.G., Mansurov Z.A., Temirgaliyeva T.S., Ustaeva G.S., Nurgozhaeva A., Beksultan J., Turganbaeva A., Mansurov Z.A. Creating of Anti-icing Coatings Based on Nanoscale Powders of Silicon Dioxide obtained from Silicone Waste //Procedia Manufacturing 12. – 2017. – P. 22. Индексируемый в Scopus.

6. Nazhipkyzy M., Temirgaliyeva T., Zhaparova A.A., Nurgain A., Lesbayev B.T., Mansurov Z.A., Prikhodko N.G. Synthesis of Porous Carbon Material and Its Use for Growing Carbon Nanotubes //Materials Science Forum. – 2017. – Vol. 886. – P. 32-36. Индексируемый в Scopus.

7. Prikhodko N.G., Rakhimzhan N.B., Smagulova G.T., Lesbayev B.T., Lesbayev A.B., Nazhipkyzy M., Temirgaliyeva T.S., Mansurov Z.A. Highly Efficient Collectors of Solar Energy Using Nanocarbon Coatings Based on Vegetable Raw Materials //Procedia Manufacturing 12. – 2017. – Р. 1. Индексируемый в Scopus.

8.  Baiseitov D.A., Tursynbek S., Tulepov M.I., Sassykova L.R., Nazhipkyzy M., Gabdrashova Sh.E., Kazakov Y.V., Pustovalov I.O., Abdrakova F.Y., Mansurov Z.A. and Dalton A.B. Use of the nanostructured soot in gas generators for processing of a bottomhole zone of oil wells // Journal of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, 53, 3, 2018, P. 543-548. Индексируемый в Scopus.

9. Глава в книге на англ.языке “Highly Anisotropic Polymer Composites Based on Carbon Nanotubes”. "Carbon Nanotubes - Recent Progress" ISBN: 978-1-78923-053-6. Chapter 8, P.127-148.

10. Prikhodko N.G., Smagulova G.T., Rakhymzhan N., Auelkhankyzy M., Lesbayev B.Т., Nazhipkyzy M., Mansurov Z.A. Synthesis of single-layer graphene in benzene–oxygen flame at low pressure // Combustion Science and Technology. - Vol.190, №11. - 2018. - Р. 1923-1934. Томсон Рейтер.

11. Smagulova G.T. , Nazhipkyzy M., Lesbaev B.T. , Bakkara A.E. , Prikhod’ko N.G., Mansurov Z.A. Influence of the Type of Catalysts on the Formation of a Superhydrophobic Carbon Nanomaterial in Hydrocarbon Flames //Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. – 2018. – Vol. 91, № 3.  – Р. 774-783. Индексируемый в Scopus.

12. Temirgaliyeva T.S., Kuzuhara S., Noda S., Nazhipkyzy M., Kerimkulova A.R., Lesbayev B.T., Prikhodko N.G., Mansurov Z.A. Self-Supporting Hybrid Supercapacitor Electrodes Based on Carbon Nanotube and Activated Carbons //Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. – Vol. 20. – 2018. – P. 169-175. Индексируемый в Scopus.

13. M. Nazhipkyzy, A. Nurgain, A.A. Zhaparova, A.R. Seitkazinova, N.G. Prikhodko, R.R. Nemkayeva. Raman Characteristics of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes on Diatomite //Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. – Vol. 20, №4. – 2018. – P. 319-323. Индексируемый в Scopus.

14. Temirgaliyeva T.S., Nazhipkyzy M., Nurgain A., Mansurov Z.A., Bakenov Zh.B. Synthesis of carbon nanotubes on a shungite substrate and their use for lithium–sulfur batteries //Инженерно-физический журнал, 2018. – Т.91, №5. – С. 1365-1371. Индексируемый в Scopus.

15. Bodykov D.U., Seilkhanov T.M., Nazhipkyzy M., Toylybayev A.S., Salakhov R. MMR-Spectrometric Determination of the Fragmented Oil Composition from the Karazhanbas and Zhangurshi Oil Deposits //Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. – Vol. 20, №3. – 2018. – P. 229-233. Индексируемый в Scopus.

16. Nazhipkyzy M., Araylim Nurgain, Marc Florent, Alfonso Policicchio, Teresa J. Bandosz Magnetic soot: Surface properties and application to remove oil contamination from water // Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103074. Индексируемый в Scopus

17. Temirgaliyeva T.S., Nazhipkyzy M., Nurgain A., Turganbay A.B., Dinistanova B., Mansurov Z.A. Synthesis of multiwalled carbon nanotubes by CVD and their functionalization // Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics. – 2020. – Vol. 93, №1. – Р. 96-99. DOI: 10.1007/s10891-020-02094-8, Индексируемый в Scopus

18. Nurgain A., Nazhipkyzy M., Zhaparova A.A., Issanbekova A.T., Alfe M., Musina A.S. Acid Modification of Diatomite-Based Sorbents. Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. – 2020. – Vol. 22. – Р. 157-164. Индексируемый в Scopus

19. Nazhipkyzy M., Harris P.J., Nurgain A., Nemkayeva R.R. Carbon Nanotubes Synthesized by CCVD Method using Diatomite and Shungite Minerals // Eurasian Chemico-Technological Journal. – V. 24, №1. – P. 3-11. Индексируемый в Scopus

20. Li W.Nazhipkyzy M.Bandosz T.J. Inorganic matter in rice husk derived carbon and its effect on the capacitive performance. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2021, 57, pp. 639-649. IF:7.216. Индексируемый в Scopus. Q1


21.Nazhipkyzy M., Araylim Nurgain, Marc Florent, Alfonso Policicchio, Teresa J. Bandosz Magnetic soot: Surface properties and application to remove oil contamination from water // Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2019) 103074. Индексируемый в Scopus Q2

22. Nazhipkyzy M., Nemkayeva R., Nurgain A., Seitkazinova A., Dinistanova B., Issanbekova A., Zhylybayeva N., Bergeneva N.S., Mamatova G.U. The Use of Diatomite as a Catalyst Carrier for the Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes // Nanomaterials. – V. 12, №11. DOI 10.3390/nano12111817 Индексируемый в Scopus Q1

23. Nazhipkyzy M., Assylkhanova D., Nurgain A., Seitkazinova A., Özsin G., Varol E.A. Effective separation of petroleum oil-water mixtures via flexible and re-usable hydrophobic soot-coated melamine sponge // Journal of Water Process Engineering. – V. 49.  DOI 10.1016/j.jwpe.2022.103032  Индексируемый в Scopus Q2