Moldabayev Serik
Doctor of technical sciences
Head of Department
Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov
Department of Mining
Email: s.moldabayev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Moldabaev S.K. in 1982 He graduated with honors from the Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute (now NTU Dneprovsky Polytechnic in Ukraine) with a degree in Technology and Integrated Mechanization for the Open Development of Mineral Fields. In 2010, he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty "Theoretical Foundations of Designing Mining Systems" and in the same year received the title of professor in the specialty "Mineral Development". Total scientific and pedagogical experience - 38 years. In real production conditions, he introduced a non-transport technology for the development of heterogeneous mixed rocks (protected by 2 copyright certificates for inventions of the USSR), resource-saving technologies for involving in the development of adjacent sections of the quarry field with internal and external dump formation and the phased construction of a mixed laying flank trench with limited space on the day surface (patent Kazakhstan). He developed a safe intensive technology for the development of work areas on steep sides, adopted for implementation by Lomonosovskoye LLP and Angrensor Energo LLP (protected by 2 patents of Kazakhstan) and interested in the commercialization plan of SSGPO JSC and EEC JSC. He has 236 published scientific works, including 1 monograph, 2 study guides, 14 patents and inventions and 46 publications in foreign countries. With regard to grant financing, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as a scientific adviser, is completing a third project with a real implementation in production. Winner of the State Grant "Best Teacher of the Year" for 2010. Since 2017 is a full member of the National Academy of Mining Sciences.Education
1979-1982 Dnepropetrovsk Mining Institute (now the National Mining University) Technology and comprehensive mechanization of open pit mining of mineral deposits, Mining engineer, Honors Diploma ЗВ № 811601Scientific projects
Participation in scientific projects (over the past 5 years): the following research works have been carried out and are being carried out under state grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on an agreement b Participation in scientific projects (over the past 5 years): the following research works have been carried out and are being carried out under state grants of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and on an agreement basis: 1) 0261 / GF2 “Development of a methodology for the implementation and optimization of breakthrough technologies in open pits with an inclined and steep fall of formations” - supervisor; 2) 0713 / GF3 “Development of an effective technology for the use of powerful excavator-automotive complexes in deep quarries with the transition to internal dumping” - supervisor; 3) 1686 / GF4 “Intensification of construction, reconstruction and increasing the efficiency of quarrying using two-level mining of ledges with an equal length of the front of their work” - supervisor; 4) 1699 / GF4 “Improving the efficiency of transshipment devices during the operation of combined modes of transport with an automobile downhole link in the open-cast mining of Kazakhstan’s deposits” - executive officer; 5) according to the agreement No. 2432/17/20 of the legal entities dated October 19, 2017 with JSC SSGPO R&D Lot No. 2 - The rationale for the transition to a combined automobile-conveyor-railway mode of transport and the approbation of safe intensive development of working areas along steep sides with using excavator-car complexes at the Kachar quarry of JSC SSGPO (2017-2019) - supervisor; 6) AP05133548 “Equipment, optimal placement and high-performance use of cyclic-flow technology complexes in the development of deep iron ore quarries” - supervisor; 7) “Creation of a methodology for designing the process of transition to cyclic-continuous technology in deep quarries with road and rail transport” within the framework of the program 2018 / BR05235618 “Modernization of technologies and production in the mining and mining industries of the Republic of Kazakhstan” - the project scientific leader. project scientific leader.Publications
Rakishev B.R., Moldabayev S.K., Rysbekov K.B. Technology of liquidation of stripping works’ lagging on open pits with the usage of excavating and automobile complexes/ Мoskow: GIAB Mining informational and analytical bulletin. 2015. - № 4. - С.103-112/
Молдабаев С.К., Абен Е., Касымбаев Е.А., Сарыбаев Н.О. Комплектация комплексов циклично-поточной технологии при комбинированном автомобильно-конвейерно-железнодорожном виде транспорта // Научно-технический журнал «Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень». – М.: изд-во «Горная книга», 2019. - № 7. – С. 158-173. (Scopus)
Kuzmenko S.V., Kaluzhnyi Ye.S., Moldabayev S.K., Shustov O.O., Adamchuk A.A., Toktarov A.A. Optimization of the position of the complexes of cyclic-flow technology in the refinement of deep iron ore quarries (Оптимизация положения комплексов циклично-поточной технологии при доработке глубоких железорудных карьеров) // Mining of Mineral Deposits, 2019. Volume 13, Issue 3, pp. 104-112. (Scopus & Web of Science)
Moldabayev S., Sultanbekova Zh., Adamchuk A., Sarybayev N. Method of optimizing cyclic and continuous technology complexes location during finalization of mining deep ore open pit mines // 19 International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. – Albena, Bulgaria, 2019. – Volume 19. – pp. 407-414. ISSN 1314-2704. https://doi.org/10.5593/sgem2019/1.3 (Scopus)
Serik Moldabayev, Bolatbek Rysbaiuly, Zhanat Sultanbekova, and Nurzhigit Sarybayev. Methodological approach to creation of the 3D model of an oval-shaped open pit mine // E3S Web of Conferences Volume 123 (2019) Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering 2019. - Berdiansk, Ukraine, 2019. – р. 13. https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/201912301050 (Scopus)
Chetveryk M., Bubnova O., Babii K., Shevchenko O., & Moldabaev S. (2018) Review of geomechanical problems of accumulation and reduction of mining industry wastes, and ways of their solution (Обзор геомеханических проблем накопления и сокращения отходов горнодобывающей промышленности и пути их решения): Mining of Mineral Deposits. Volume 12. Issue 4, pp. 63-72. (Web of Sience).
Moldabayev S., Adamchuk A., Sarybayev N., Schustov A. Improvement of open cleaning-up schemes of border mineral reserves (Совершенствование схем открытой доработки приконтурных запасов полезного ископаемого) // 19 International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. – Albena, Bulgaria, 2019. – Volume 19. – pp. 331-338. ISSN 1314-2704. (Scopus).
Шустов А.А., Молдабаев С.К., Адамчук А.А. Определение объемов работ и сроков сдачи в эксплуатацию элементов комплексов циклично-поточной технологии // Сб. научн. тр. Национального горного университета, 2019. - № 58. – С. 144-153. (S
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
1) Innovative methods of deconservation of temporarily non-working sides of deep quarries - the dissertation was submitted to the SU Dissertation Council on Mining;
2) Development of the mining transport system of iron ore quarries with the reduction of mining operations - the formation is being completed;
3) Creation and testing of resource-saving technologies for the completion of deep iron ore quarries in Kazakhstan - a doctoral student of 3 years of study, is being formed;
4) Development of a methodology for the effective application of cyclic flow technology in career fields of rounded shape - doctoral student 2 years of study;
5) Substantiation of the intensity and boundaries of the effective application of the technology of mining round-shaped quarry fields with steep-slope layers in depth -
doctoral student 2 years of study;
6) Potential topic: Creation of a software product to optimize the design parameters of steep-slope layers in deep quarries;
7) Potential topic: Creation of a software product to optimize the calendar schedule of mining operations during open-pit mining of deposits with steep-slope layers.