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Moldagulova Aiman Nickolayevna

Moldagulova Aiman Nickolayevna

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Associate Professor


Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of Software Engineering

Email: a.moldagulova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

— 2023-P.N. — Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of Information and Telecommunication Technologies

Professor of the Department of Software Engineering

— 2021-2023 — Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of Information and Telecommunication Technologies

Head of the Department of Software Engineering

— 2009-2021 International Information Technology University (IITU)

Acting professor

— 2004-2010 University of International Business (UIB)

Head of the Department of Information Systems


1978-1983 — Kazakh State University named S.M. Kirov

Mechanics and Applied Mathematics Faculty

Applied Mathematics

Scientific projects

1. Project of the Grant Funding program for scientific research “Intelligent system of lending to the manufacturer/importer of goods”, AP19675226, 2023-2025. Priority “Information, telecommunication and space technologies, scientific research in the field of natural sciences”, project manager.

1. Project under the Grant Funding program for scientific research “Development of methodology, architectural and software solutions for transforming business processes of their automation based on cloud technologies BPAAS (using the example of administrative processes of public administration)”, AP05134071. 2018-2020. Priority “Information, telecommunications and space technologies, scientific research in the field of natural sciences”, position of SNS.

2. Project under the Program-targeted financing program for scientific, scientific and technical programs “Platform for digital transformation of business processes of the national economy”, BR05236517. Priority “Information, telecommunication and space technologies, scientific research in the field of natural sciences”, 2018-2020. SNS position.

3.Project no. 561553-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Accessibility and Harmonization of Higher Education in Central Asia through Curriculum Modernization and Development/ACADEMICA/ funded with the support of the European Commission.

4. Project for the development of labor skills and stimulation of jobs: “Development and pilot implementation of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education based on professional standards” under Contract No. KZSJ-1.2/CS-04-CQS


Dispatching system of mining and transport enterprise requirements specification // Informatics in the scientific knowledge, Varna, Bulgaria, June - 2012

Модель взаимодействия организаций и университетов в формировании специалистов в области информационных технологий // Современные проблемы науки и образования. Россия – 2012. – № 5; URL:

Conceptual model of dispatching system of mining and transport enterprise» // Сборник тезисов 11 международная конференция «Informational Technologies and Management» Апрель - Рига, Латвия, 2013

Формы и методы организации СРС/П в техническом вузе //Труды III –ей Международной научно-практической конференции «ИКТ: образование, наука, инновации» - Алматы, 2013

К вопросу проведения лабораторных занятий в вузе //Труды III –ей Международной научно-практической конференции «ИКТ: образование, наука, инновации» - Алматы, 2013

«The business and education: improving competenceof students in the field of IT»// сборник тезисов 12 международной научной конференции «Informational Technologies and Management» Апрель –ISMA, Рига, Латвия, 2014

The development of the technology radar. Proceedings of the 6th Scientific-practical internet-conference, 2015: 139-141. 

The technology prospect of e-gov RK. Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2015, July 28-30, 2015, Hangzhou, China. 

Information and Communication Technologies. Textbook. In 2 parts. Part 1. 1 st edition – Almaty: IITU, 2017. 

Information and Communication Technologies. Textbook. In 2 parts. Part 2. 1 st edition – Almaty: IITU, 2017. 

On handling unstructured data in Hadoop.Международная конференция "Цифровые технологии в науке и индустрии -2017" (DTS&I- 2017) г. Алматы (Казахстан). 

USING THE TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE MODEL IN UNDERSTANDING LEARNING EXPERIENCE BY UTILIZING THE WEB 2.0 TECHNOLOGIES. Международная конференция "Цифровые технологии в науке и индустрии -2017" (DTS&I- 2017) г. Алматы (Казахстан). 

Forecasting inflation using Big Data. Республиканская научно-практическая конференция «Конституционные реформы – основы демократического развития общества и третья модернизация Казахстана», ЮКГУ им. М.Ауэзова, Шымкент, 2017. 

Using KNN Algorithm for Classification of Textual Documents.ICIT 2017 The 8th International Conference on Information Technology. doi:10.15849/icit.2017.0000 © ICIT 2017 ( 

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Models and methods for processing big data