Mukazhanov Nurzhan Kakenovich
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Software Engineering
Email: n.mukazhanov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
1.09.2021 - currently associate professor of the Department of Software Engineering, KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev
1.09.2020–31.08.2021 - Assistant Professor of the Department of KIIB, JSC MIIT.
06/20/2019–08/31/2020 - Dean of the Faculty of Information Technologies, JSC MIIT
08/25/2015–06/20/2019 — senior lecturer, assistant professor of the department of KIIB, JSC MIIT
01.09.2012-26.07.2015 - doctoral student at the International University of Information Technologies, specialty 5D070400-Computer technology and software.
01.09.2010-31.08.2012 - KazNTU named after. K.I. Satpayeva, teacher of the POSiS department
2012 - 2015 yy. International information technology university, Faculty: Information technologies, Major: 6D070400 - Computer systems and software engineering
2008 - 2010 yy. KazNTU named after. K.I. Satpayev, Faculty: Information technologies, Specialty: 6N704 - Computer systems and software engineering (graduated for master’s program)
2004 - 2008 yy. KazNTU named after. K.I. Satpayev (now, KazNTRU named after. K.I. Satpayev), Faculty: Information technologies, Major: 050704 - Computer systems and software engineering (graduated for bachelor’s program)
Kuandykov A.A., Mukazhanov N.K., Tolegenov A.M., Potoki dannyh v informasionno-logisticheskoi sistemy, «Vestnik KazNTU» №5, 2020 g. – S. 675-680
Kalpeyeva, Z., Kassymova, A., Umarov, T., Mustafına, A., Mukazhanov, N.,The structure and composıtıon of the busıness process model, ACM Internatıonal Conference Proceedıng Serıes, 2020, 3410783
Uskenbayeva, R., Moldagulova, A., Mukazhanov, N., Creatıon of Data Classıfıcatıon System for Local Admınıstratıon, 6th World Congress on Global Optımızatıon (WCGO 2019) / Advances ın Intellıgent Systems and Computıng, 2020, 991, str. 761–768
Abdul Razaque, Muder Almıanı, Mukazhanov Nurzhan Kakenovıch, Meer Jaro khan, Energy Effıcıent Medıum Access Control Protocol for Wıreless Sensor Networks, 2018 6th Internatıonal Renewable and Sustaınable Energy Conference (IRSEC)/ 5-8 Dec. 2018/ Rabat, Morocco, Morocco/ ISSN: 2380-7385/ electronıc address-https://ıeeexplore.ıeee.org/document/8703030
Mukazhanov N.K., Är türlі qūrylymdy derekterdі jedel analitikalyq öŋdeu, Monogorafiя, ISBN 978-601-7911-17-1, Almaty q., «HATU» AQ, 2018j. – 175 bet.
Mukazhanov N.K., Kisapov A.M., Musapirova G.D. , İssledovaniya po raspoznavani obrazov prostranstvennyh obektov, Doklady Nasionalnoi akademii nauk Respubliki Kazahstan, №4 2017, ISSN 2224-5227
Mukazhanov N.K., Anarbaev K, İssledovanie modelei i metodov obrabotki medisinskih graficheskih dannyh, «Vestnik KazNTU» №4, 2017 g.
R. Uskenbayeva, N. Mukazhanov, Data decomposıtıon for formatıon aggregatıonal values of hypercube ın multıprocessor parallel computatıon systems, Computer modellıng and new technologıes, 2015, Vol. 19, No.3 – 17-23 p.p., ISSN 1407-5806, ISSN 1407-5814 (on-lıne: www.cmnt.lv) Rıga
Kuandykov A.A., Uskenbayeva R.K., Mukazhanov N.K., Development of methods for receıvıng analytıcal data from dıfferent SQL/ NoSQL databases and leadıng to unıform format, Proceedıngs of the 14th Internatıonal Conference on Control, Automatıon and Systems (ICCAS 2015). - Bussan, Korea. October 13-16, 2015. 1309-1314 pp.
Uskenbayeva R.K., Cho Y.I., Bektemyssova G., Mukazhanov N., Kozhamzharova D.K., Kurmangalıyeva B.K., Multıdımensıonal ındexıng structure development for the optımal formatıon of aggregated ındıcators ın OLAP hypercube, Proceedıngs of the 14th Internatıonal Conference on Control, Automatıon and Systems (ICCAS 2014). - Gwangju, Korea. October 22-25, 2014. – 1466-1470 p.p.
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