Mukhtarbek Tatybayev
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences
Deputy Director
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Department of Standardization, Certification and Metrology
Email: Mukhtar_t.k@mail.333
Professional biography
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assoc. Professor of the Department of Standardization, Certification and Metrology, KazNational Research University named after K.I. Satpayev. Tatybaev M.K. graduated from KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev in 1996 with a degree in “Chemical technology of macromolecular compounds.” In 1999, he graduated from graduate school with a degree in Chemical Technology of Macromolecular Compounds. In 2006, he defended his Ph.D. thesis in specialty 13.00.02 – “Theory and methodology of teaching and education (chemistry).” He is the author of more than 56 scientific papers, the holder of innovative patents “Chlorine-containing epoxyimide of alicyclic tetracarboxylic acids as a binder for composite materials”, “Pumping unit”. The author of the textbook “Corrosion in Mechanical Engineering” is Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayeva, 2011, has more than 56 scientific publications in materials of international conferences, in republican and foreign publications. Tatybaev M.K. is the executor of scientific grant funding topics: “Development of a new design of a centrifugal soil pump”, (2011-2013) “Development of a new design of a machine with a powerful thermodynamic working body for carrying out slot workings in the extraction of granite blocks”, (2013-2015) Development of design and technological methods for increasing the wear resistance of heavily loaded gear drives of ball mills” (2015-2017). Tatybaev M.K. takes an active part in the development of science in the field of mechanical engineering technology, equipment and technology of oil and gas engineering. Merits in the field of pedagogical, organizational and scientific activities Tatybaev M.K. awarded with diplomas and thanks from the university.Education
Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev (1991-1996)Scientific projects
He was the developer of 2 national standards, executor of scientific grant funding topics: “Development of a new design of a centrifugal soil pump”, (2011-2013) “Development of a new design of a machine with a powerful thermodynamic working body for carrying out slot workings in the extraction of granite blocks”, (2013 -2015) “Development of design and technological methods for increasing the wear resistance of heavily loaded gear drives of ball mills” (2015-2017).
Project Manager "DP23692174 - Creation of innovative high-strength technologies for protecting industrial equipment from corrosion and mechanical wear under extreme loads" (2024-2026)
1. Tatybayev M.K, Povetkin B.B. Ibragimova Z.A. Sushkova J.A. «Harbening of a surface of the drive of spherical mills to methobs superfikal and plastic and deformation». Журнал Evrazian minig. 2014, №1(21) Стр. 69-74. процентиль CiteScore: Business and International Management - 70; Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology - 67; Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering - 66; 2. Povetkin, V.V., Bagitova, S.Z., Kerimzhanova, M.F., Tatybayev, М.K., Bukayeva, A.Z. «The comparative analysis of computer model operation of tooth gearing with evolvent gearing and Novikov’s gearing» News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciencesthis link is disabled, 2019, 5(437), стр. 34–45 процентиль CiteScore: Geology - 40 Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology - 37 3. "Improvement of the design of hydraulic transport devices for the transport of hydroabrasive media in the enrichment industry" Seitkhanov, A., Povetkin, V., Bektibay, B., Tatybayev, M., Bukayeva, A. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologiesthis link is disabled, 2019, 5(1-101), стр. 6–16 процентиль CiteScore: Applied Mathematics - 56 Management of Technology and Innovation - 54 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering - 52 4. Conference Paper "High velocity thermal spraying tools used in technological processes and productions" Bukayeva, A., Povetkin, V., Kerimzhanova, M., Tatybayev, M. Vibroengineering Procedia, 2016, 10, стр. 474–479 5. "The production method of high pressure hydraulic cylinders" Aimukhanbet, B.A., Povetkin, V.V., Turdaliev, A.T., ...Kerimzhanova, M.F., Tatybayev, M.K. Modern Applied Science, 2015, 9(2), стр. 30–41 6. "Fundamentals and Prospects of the Development of Reduction Steelmaking" Tleugabulov, S.M., Abikov, S.B., Koishina, G.M., Tatybaev, M.K. Russian Metallurgy (Metally) this link is disabled, 2018, 2018(3), стр. 282–286 процентиль CiteScore: Materials Science – 21№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |