Mussilimov Kuanysh Bakhytuly
Master of engineering and technology
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Automation and сontrol
Email: k.mussilimov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
He began his career in KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev in 2018.
He teaches disciplines for students of specialties 5B070200 - Automation and Control, 6B07103 - Automation and Robotics:
"Fundamentals of building MES - systems", "Fundamentals of automation", "Automation of typical technological processes and productions", "Intelligent control systems of technological processes", "Microprocessor complexes in control systems", "Technological measurements and instruments", "Linear automatic control systems", "Databases in control systems", "Neural network technologies of automation", "Numerical methods in Python", "Computer technologies of control systems design", "Information and communication technologies".
1. 2011-2015. Kazakh national technical University named after K. I. Satbayev. Specialty "Automation and Control".
2. 2015-2017. Kazakh national research technical University named after K. I. Satbayev. Master. Specialty "Automation and Control".
3. 2017-2020. Kazakh national research technical University named after K. I. Satbayev. Doctoral study. Specialty "Automation and Control".
Scientific projects
1. A. Ibraev, K. Mussilimov. Automation of the wind energy complex based on the Bolotov rotary turbine (WRTB). Bulletin of National Academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ISSN 1991-3494, Volume 1, Number 365, Almaty 2017.
2. K. Mussilimov, I. Issakozhaeva. Development of an automated wind energy complex based on the Bolotov rotary turbine (WRTB). Collection of first International scientific-practical conference “Global science and innovations 2018”, ISBN 978-601-275-874-0, Astana 2018.
3. A. Ibraev, K. Mussilimov. AUTOMATION OF A WIND ENERGY COMPLEX BASED ON THE BOLOTOV ROTOR TURBINE (WRTB). International scientific-practical conference under the motto "Great people of the Great Steppe - K. Satpayev", Almaty 2019.
4. A. Ibraev, K. Mussilimov. Automation of the wind energy complex based on the Bolotov rotary turbine (WRTB). The 17th INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 2019, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND MANAGEMENT, ISSN 1691-2489, April 26, 2019, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
5. A. Ibraev, W. Wójcik, K. Mussilimov. DEVELOPMENT OF WIND ENERGY COMPLEX AUTOMATION SYSTEM. Informatics Control Measurement in Economy and Environment Protection, Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska, p-ISSN 2083-0157, e-ISSN 2391-6761, IAPGOS, 2/2019, 36–40, June 15, 2019, Lublin, Poland.
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