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Myrzakulov Maxat

Myrzakulov Maxat

Master of Technical Sciences

Deputy Director

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Email: m.myrzakulov@satbayev.111


Professional biography

In 2014-2015 he worked at nust MISIS Moscow, the Center has a laboratory assistant position. Main duties in this position: research on determination of thermoelectric properties of nanostructured materials; Preparation of dispersed powders; Research of morphology and distribution of particles by size and phase composition; Sintering of samples on SPS and Gleeble installations; Research of structure and functional properties of materials;

In the period 2015-2016, he worked in Imeo (Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment) of Almaty as a laboratory assistant of metal science, Junior researcher. In this position, he conducted research and development on individual sections (stages, tasks) of the topic in accordance with approved methods under the guidance of the responsible Executive. The main responsibilities were: research to determine the physical and chemical properties of materials; Study of the structure and functional properties of materials;

Also from 2017 to the present time he works at Satbayev University, at the Department of Technological Machines and equipment as a leading engineer.


(2009-2013) Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty Institute: GMI (Mining and Metallurgical Institute) Specialty: Metallurgy

Master (2013-2015)

NITU "MISiS" (Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys), Moscow

Institute: INMIN (Institute of New Materials and Nanotechnology)

Specialty: Materials Science and Technology of New Materials

Research subject: Volume nanostructured thermoelectric materials based on SiGe

Phd Doctor (2015- present)

Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty

Institute: GMI (Mining and Metallurgical Institute)

Specialty: Metallurgy

Research topic: Research on the use of new fluxing additives in the production of titanic slags.

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