Naurushev Batyr Kabirovich
Master of engineering and technology
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev
Email: b.naurushev@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Lecturer at Satbayev University, Master of Engineering and Technology. Scientific researcher of grant fundamental research in the field of natural sciences.
Academic degree - Master of Engineering and Technology, a teacher with 10 years of experience.
He began his career in 2008 as an engineer of the department “Applied Mechanics and Fundamentals of Machine Design” and continued his teaching career with an assistant in 2010, and since 2016 he has been a lecturer.
1) 2004-2008 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev. Faculty of Engineering. Specialty 050712 - "Mechanical Engineering". Qualification - Bachelor.
2) 2008-2009 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev. Faculty of Engineering. Specialty 6N0712 - "Mechanical Engineering". Academic degree - Master of Engineering and Technology.
3) 2016-2019 - Satbayev University, A. Burkitbaev Institute of Industrial Engineering. Doctoral PhD specialty 6D071200 - " Mechanical Engineering ".Scientific projects
1. In 2014 took a language internship at Stafford House, Brighton (UK).
2. In 2019 held a research internship at the Tor Vergata University of Rome (Italy)
In his activity, the lecturer Batyr Naurushev tries to show students analytical solutions and numerical solutions using modern CAE software products.
Research in the theory of mechanisms and machines, stress-strain state, automation. The development of methods of structural and parametric synthesis for the optimal design of lifting mechanisms and actuators of manipulators, aims to increase the reliability and durability of mechanisms and machines.
At Satbayev University, Naurushev Batyr is a scientific researcher in a grant project on fundamental research of the MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic “Structural and parametric synthesis of actuators of machines and manipulators” during the implementation period from 2018 to 2020.
1. Baigunchekov, Zh., Kalimoldayev, M., Ibrayev, S., Naurushev, B., (…), (2017). Parallel manipulator of a class RoboMech. Mechanism and Machine Science. ASIAN MMS 2016, CCMMS 2016. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 408, Springer, pp 547-557
2. Baigunchekov, Zh., Ibrayev, S., Izmambetov, M., Naurushev, B., (…), (2018). Synthesis of Reconfigurable Positioning Parallel Manipulator of a Class RoboMech. 2018 International Conference on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robots, ReMAR 2018 (Delft, Netherlands) – Proceedings 8449852, 6 p.
3. Baigunchekov Zh., Ibrayev S., Izmambetov M., Naurushev B., Mustafa A. (2019). Synthesis of Сartesian manipulator of a class RoboMech. Mechanisms and Machine Science. Vol. 66, Springer, pp. 69-76.
4. Zh. Baigunchekov, Zh. Zhumasheva, B. Naurushev, A. Mustafa, R. Kairov, B. Amanov. (2019). Parallel Manipulator of a Class RoboMech with Two End-Effectors, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2019, WCE 2019 (London, UK), pp. 449-454
5. Наурушев Б.К., Измамбетов М.Б., Байгунчеков Ж.Ж., Дүйсенбек Ә.Н. (2019). Исполнительный механизм робота с двумя схватами. Патент на полезную модель №4389. НИИС РК. Бюллетень №44 – 01.11.2019
6. Байгунчеков Ж.Ж., Измамбетов М.Б., Наурушев Б.К.(2018). Монография «Синтез и анализ плоских исполнительных механизмов манипуляционных роботов параллельной структуры с двумя рабочими органами», 215 стр., 2018, Алматы.
7. Zh. Baigunchekov, M. Utenov, M. Izmambetov, B. Naurushev (2017). Synthesis of the Intellectual Parallel Manipulator with Two Degrees of Freedom. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research, 2017, volume 162, p. 361-365.
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