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Nauryzbayeva Arshyn Iztileukyzy

Nauryzbayeva Arshyn Iztileukyzy

Master of Technical Sciences

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"

Email: a.nauryzbaeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Master of Technical Sciences., author of more than 20 scientific papers, 2 textbooks


1) 1995-2000

KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev

specialty "Automated information processing and management systems",

System Engineer

JB-No. 0122228

2) 2012-2014

Eurasian Technological University

6M070300-Information systems


technical sciences,

JB-M No. 0055444


1. L. S. Kuntunova, M. A. Sydybayeva, A. I. Nauryzbayeva development of models and methods of logistics systems G. Almaty, Vestnik Kazatk No. 3, 2019, STR. 194-202.

2. A. D. Nurlanbek, A. zh.Toygozhinova, zh. zh.Kaliyev, K. zh. Dostaev, A. I. Nauryzbayeva algorithm of management of the movement of trains on the line of the metro of Almaty, STR.615-619. , Vestnik Kaznitu No. 6.

3. Khompysh A. A. I. Nauryzbayeva Organization of data exchange via FTP / HTTP Server Vestnik Kazatk№ 3, 2016,

4.development of models and methods of logistics systems. Vestnik Kazatk № 3 (110), 2019

5.A. zh. Moldakalykova, A. I. Nauryzbayeva, A. S. Bizhanova calculation of the distribution of arrays of Applied programs and databases at the nodes of computing systems, G. Almaty, Vestnik Kaznitu No. 2.

6. Nauryzbayeva A. I., Moldakalykova A. zh., Nurlanbek A. distribution of arrays of application programs and databases in the nodes of computing systems. // Kazatk, Vestnik 2019, No. 2, STR-127-132.

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