Bayanbay Nurlan
Master of Technical Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Robotics and technical means of automation
Email: n.bayanbay@satbayev.111
Professional biography
In 2014, graduated from K. I. Satbayev Kazakh National Technical University, instrument engineering
In 2016, graduated from the St. Petersburg national Research University of Information technology, mechanics and optics (ITMO), specialty: mechatronics and robotics, the theme of the master's thesis " multi-Agent flight control for UAVs"
Also was engaged in the implementation of the medical information system (MIS) in Municipal clinical hospital № 4 in Almaty.
Qualifications and trainings: Internships at the Warmian-Masurian University (Poland), as well as at the Sorbonne University (France), Tokai University (Japan), the Technical University of Berlin (Germany) and the University of Anhalt (Germany).
He is fluent in Kazakh, Russian, and English. He has many letters of gratitude and more than 20 certificates.
Higher education, K. I. Satbayev Kazakh National Technical University, Bachelor's Degree, Specialty: 5B071600-instrument engineering, 2014
Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO), Faculty of KTU, Specialty: 15.04.06 mechatronics and robotics, Master's degree, 2016
Satbayev University, PhD doctoral student in "Instrument Engineering", 2021
Scientific projects
Development of a stairs-climbing wheelchair
Modernization of the bionic prosthetic arm control system.
Development of a portable cardioanalyzer.
Disign of a multiagent system for search&resque operations
Development of a courier job for medical institutions.
Smart lock project
1.Bayanbay, N.A., Beisembetov, I.K., Ozhikenov, K.A., Bezborodova, O.E., Bodin, O.N., Polosin, V.G. The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Emergency Medical Assistance. 20th International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices, EDM-2019, Erlagol, Altai Republic; Russian Federation. 2019. June. (Scopus). pp. 597-600.
2. Ozhikenov, K.A.; Mikhailov, P.G.; Kassimov, A.O. Bayanbay, N., Kuatkanova, J. Combined Sensors of Physical Parameters. Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. (Web of Science, Clarivate Analytics). 2015. Issue 3. Pp. 55.
3.Bayanbay, N.A., Ozhikenov, K.A.,Tuleshov, Y.A.,Bezborodova, O.E.,Bodin, O.N., Spirkin, A.N, Peculiarities of equipping an unmanned medical aerial vehicles during search and rescue operations, International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices, EDMVolume 2020-June, June 2020,(Scopus) Номер статьи 9153525, Pages 464-469
4. Алимбаева Ж. А. Баянбай Н. А, Ожикенов К. А. , Алимбаев Ч. А. Метод адаптивного подавления помех в ЭКС. Неделя науки СПбПУ: Материалы научной конференции с международным участием, 19-24 ноября 2018 г., Институт биомедицинских систем и технологий.
5. Адилов А. И. Баянбай Н. А., Куатканова Ж. Е. Использование адаптивных алгоритмов управления роботом-манипулятором, 2016, Вестник КазНИТУ.
6. Адилов А. И. Баянбай Н. А., Ожикенов К. А., Куатканова Ж. Е. Мультиагентное управление полетом строя БПЛА, 2016, Вестник КазНИТУ
7. Баянбай Н. Жалел Б. Исследование системы управления макета робота Solar-bot, 2015, International scientific review
8. I. K. Beisembetov,K. A Ozhikenov,O.E. Bezborodova,O.N. Bodin,V. G. Polosin. The Use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Emergency Medical Assistance (conference paper). International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices, EDM 2019-June, pp. 597-600, ISSN: 2325-419X
9. K. A Ozhikenov,Y. A. Tuleshov,O. E Bezborodova, O.N. Bodin,A.N. Spirkin. Peculiarities of equipping an unmanned medical aerial vehicles during search and rescue operations (conference paper). International Conference of Young Specialists on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices, EDM 2020-June, pp. 464-469, ISSN: 2325-419X
10. A.T.Bekbay ,Zh.N.Alimbayeva,C.A. Alimbayev,K.A. Ozhikenov,Y. Mukazhanov.DEVELOPMENT OF AN ATRIOVENTRICULAR BLOCK PREDICTION OF METHOD FOR PORTABLE HEART MONITORING SYSTEM. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, Том 3, Выпуск 5-117, Страницы 15 – 27, 2022, ISSN: 17293774
11. Alimbayeva, Z.N., Alimbayev, C.A., Bodin, O.N., Mukazhanov, Y.B. Portable ECG Monitoring System.International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, ,Том 13, Выпуск 4, Страницы 64 – 76, 2022, ISSN: 2158107X
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