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Nietbay Sayat Erzhanuly

Nietbay Sayat Erzhanuly


Senior Lecturer

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Department of civil engineering and building materials

Email: s.niyetbay@satbayev.111


Professional biography

1) June 2011 — June 2013 - Hilti Kazakhstan, Tengiz, IB-MOA. Position: Design engineer

2) October 2015 — February 2017 - GlobalStroySnab, Atyrau, ANPZ. Post: Engineer of the production and technical Department

3) April 2017 — February 2020 - Ersai Caspian Contractor, ERSAI Caspian Yard, FGP. Post: Field Engineer for Construction

4) November 2020 — November 2021 - BAZIS CONSTRUCTION, Karabatan. Post: Leading Engineer of the Technical Audit Department

5) September 2021 — International Educational Corporation, KAZGAS. Post: Chairman of the Methodological Council, assistant Professor


1) 2011 - Kazakh Head Architectural and Construction Academy. Faculty of General Construction, Calculation and Design of Buildings and Structures

2) 2015 - Exchange program - Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy. Civil engineering, design engineering

3) 2015 - St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg. Civil Engineering Institute, Computer-aided design of buildings and structures

4) 2024 - Kazakh National Technical University named after K. I. Satpayev, Almaty. Institute of Architecture and Construction, 8D07303 Construction and Production of Building materials and Structures


1) ENSURING THE SEISMIC RESISTANCE OF A BUILDING USING A GEOTECHNICAL SEISMIC INSULATING SCREEN. Bessimbayev, Y., Zhambakina, Z., Niyetbay, S. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022, 3(7-117), стр. 59–67
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