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Omar Rakymzhan

Omar Rakymzhan

Master of Technical Sciences

Junior Researcher

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Email: r.omar@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Participation in scientific projects: during the period of study in the magistracy at Satbayev University from 2019 to 2021, as an engineer, he took part in the implementation of six economic contractual research projects:

1) Topic No. 4.033.19 Studies of the gravitational washability of coal samples from the Molodezhny and Kuu-Chekinsky open-pit mines

2) Topic No. 4.035.19 Study of the washability of manganese ores of the Borly deposit and the development of a technology for their processing

3) Topic № В.012.20 Study of the gravitational concentration of ore at the Mizek deposit

4) Topic No. В.014.20 Study of the washability of 6 (250 kg each) samples of Pb-BaSO4 ore of various mineralogical composition of the Uzynzhal deposit for additional studies

5) Topic № В.023.21 "Research of gravitational washability of manganese ore of the Kulan - Ketpes deposit and development of processing technology"

6) Topic № В.020.21 "Study of the gravitational washability of manganese ore from the Chashma deposit (sample T-2) and the development of processing technology"


5В073700 - Mineral processing, Bachelor, No. 1253424

7М07223 - Metallurgy and mineral processing, master of technical sciences, № MD00017231626


1. Омар Р.С, Телков Ш.А, Мотовилов И.Ю. Темірқұрамды кендердің гравитациялық байыту технологиясын зерттеу // «САТПАЕВ ОҚУЛАРЫ – 2020» I том, 542 б.

2. Омар Р.С, Телков Ш.А, Мотовилов И.Ю. Темірқұрамды кендердің гравитациялық байыту технологиясын зерттеу // «САТПАЕВ ОҚУЛАРЫ – 2021» I том, 993 б.

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