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Omirbekova Zhanar Zhumahankyzy

Omirbekova Zhanar Zhumahankyzy


Associate Professor

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of Automation and сontrol

Email: zhanomir@gmail.222


Professional biography

Lecturer  of artificial intelligence methods in control systems, researcher, developer Machine Learning. She has experience as a design engineer in the field of automating the process control system of the oil and gas industry and metallurgy. Academic experience - more than 10 years. Author of more than 35 scientific papers, including 5 articles in the SCOPUS database, 8 guidelines and 5 tutorials. She is  author of the educational-methodical manual in English.

Omirbekova Zhanar Zhumakhankyzy in 2014 defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialty 6D070200 - “Automation and control”.

Since February 1, 2010, she has been working at the Department of Automation and Management, she also performed contractual projects in collaboration with TOO Verbulak, the executive officer in the contract projects:

No. 1915Q “Development of sections of the technical project of the MES system at the Atyrau oil refinery and Pavlodar petrochemical plant”; He is an executor in scientific projects as a researcher:

AR05130067 "Development and testing of intelligent algorithms for optimal control of the technological process of obtaining phosphorus anhydride P2O5 in the conditions of a pilot industrial installation NDFZ" 2018-2020. AP08053212 Development and implementation of a new comprehensive adaptive-personalized educational environment based on the cognitive approach of SMART learning Limited Liability Partnership "Bilim Media Group" Competition for grant funding for young scientists on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022 AP08052305 Justification of designs and the creation of prototypes of automatically controlled wind power stations with swinging sails. The Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management "Karagan Dinski State Technical University "2020 - 2022 Competition for grant funding for young scientists on scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2020-2022 AP06750921" Automation and digitalization of sailing wind power plants for energy supply of military facilities ". Non-profit joint-stock company Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev 2019-2021 Competition for grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2019-2021 Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan AP05130067-OT-18 Development and testing of intelligent algorithms for optimal control of the technological process of obtaining phosphorus anhydride Р2О5 in the conditions of a pilot plant NDFZ Non-profit joint-stock company "Kazakh National Research LI Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev "2018 - 2020 BR05236671 Integrated development and implementation of energy-efficient technologies and environmentally friendly building materials for the development of" green construction "of social housing in the Republic of Kazakhstan Non-profit joint-stock company" Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev "01/04/2018 - 12/31/2020 Competition for program-targeted financing for scientific, scientific and technical programs for 2018-2020 AP05131589 Development and testing of intellectual x algorithm optimal process control of phosphorus removal of arsenic and organic matter in industrial environments NDFZ-profit joint-stock company "Kazakh National Research Technical University named after KI Satpayev "2018 - 2020 Grant financing competition for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2018-2020 In the course of scientific activity, she took part in the jury of the Hackathon “Digitalization of the Healthcare Ecosystem and Social Protection. Blockchain” - 05/19/2018.

Currently, she is a developer of machine learning LCARDIO - measuring blood pressure taking into account geolocation and weather factors.

Omirbekova Zh. Currently works as an assistant professor teaching: Modeling on Matlab; Numerical methods; MES Basics; Fundamentals of Automation; Artificial intelligence methods in control systems also carry out research work.

 From 2009 to the present, he has more than 35 scientific works, including 5 articles in the SCOPUS database, 8 guidelines and 5 study guides. He is the author of the teaching manual "Mathematical modeling in Matlab" ("Mathematical modeling in Matlab") in English


CAU. Almaty, Dzhandosova 70,2003-2008 Engineer - programmer No. 0000259

KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev of Almaty, Satpayev 22 2008 2009 6N0702, Master of Engineering and Technology, 0000883

KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev of Almaty, Satpayev 22 2010 2013 6D070200- PhD

Scientific projects

1 AP06750921 “Automation and digitalization of sailing wind farms for power supply of military facilities”.

Non-profit joint-stock company “Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev "2019 - 2021

2 AP05130067-OT-18 Development and testing of intelligent algorithms for optimal control of the technological production of phosphorus anhydride R2O5 in a pilot plant NDFZ

Non-profit joint-stock company “Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev "2018 - 2020

3 BR05236671 Integrated development and implementation of energy-efficient technologies and environmental building materials for the development of "green construction" of social housing in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Non-profit joint-stock company “Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev »01/04/2018 - 12/31/2020

4 AP05131589 Development and testing of intelligent algorithms for optimal control of technological processes for the purification of phosphorus from arsenic and organic substances in industrial conditions

Non-profit joint-stock company “Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev "2018 - 20


1 Omirbekova, Zh; Suleimenov, A; Boleeva, L; ,Development of diagnostic systems for thermal facilities based on data processing,"Information Technologies, Management and Society",  2018

2. Mukhanov, BK; Omirbekova, Zh Zh; Orakbayev, Y Zh; Kangtarbay, MB; ,Modeling process of in-situ leaching of various regimes,"Information Technologies, Management and Society"  ,2017, 


4. Mukhanov, Bakhyt K; Usenov, Azamat K; Omirbekova, Zh Zh; Baimuratov, Olimzhon A; ,Process of in-situ leaching modeling in a Comsol Multiphysics environment,The 2nd International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results (SCIECONF-2014)  499-503,2014

5. Mukhanov, Bakhyt; Omirbekova, Zhanar; Alimanova, Madina; Jumadilova, Shynara; Kozhamzharova, Dinara; Baimuratov, Olimzhon; ,A model of virtual training application for simulation of technological processes,Procedia Computer Science,56,,177-182,2015,Elsevier

6. Mukhanov, Bakhyt K; Omirbekova, Zhanar Zh; Usenov, Azamat K; Wójcik, Waldemar; ,Simulating In-Situ Leaching Process Using COMSOL Multiphysics,International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications,60,3,213-217,2014,De Gruyter Open

7. MUKHANOV, Bakhyt K; WÓJCIK, Waldemar; OMIRBEKOVA, Zhanar Zh; ORAKBAYEV, Yerbol Zh; ,Application of virtual training model for technological processes,Przegląd Elektrotechniczny,93,5,129--133,2017

8. МУХАНОВ, БК; ОРАКБАЕВ, ЕЖ; ОМИРБЕКОВА, ЖЖ; САРБАСОВА, РБ; АДИЛОВА, ШК; ,ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ И ПОСТРОЕНИЕ ГИДРОДИНАМИЧЕСКИХ МОДЕЛЕЙ СКВАЖИН ПОДЗЕМНОГО ВЫЩЕЛАЧИВАНИЯ,Вестник Алматинского технологического университета,,4,10-15,2017,"Акционерное общество"" Алматинский технологический университет

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