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Ongar Bulbul

Ongar Bulbul


Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Power Engineering

Email: b.ongar@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

PhD doctor, associate professor.

In 2001, she graduated from the Almaty University of Energy and Communications and received a diploma in thermal power engineering. In the same year, I entered a master's program in thermal power engineering.  

In 2002, she was invited to the department of “Theoretical Foundations of Electrical Engineering” at the Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications. At first she worked as an engineer, from 2003 as an assistant at the department, and from 2008 as a senior teacher.

From 2008-2013 she worked at the Department of Electrical Energy, in 2013 she entered doctoral studies at the Non-Profit JSC Almaty University of Energy and Communications, majoring in thermal power engineering. On December 7, 2018, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Numerical study of the patterns of formation of nitrogen oxides during the combustion of partially gasified coal.” In the spring, with the decision of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she was awarded the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (PhD) on March 13, 2019 (order No. 232) in specialty 6D071700 - Thermal Power Engineering.

In the spring, with the decision of the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, she was awarded the academic title dated May 30, 2022 (order No. 217) of ASSOCIATED PROFESSOR (ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR) in the specialty - ENERGY.  

Awarded the sign “Zhogargy oku ornynyn uzdik pedagogy – 2020” for outstanding contribution to education and science (2020).   Member of the Republican Commission “ULTTYK TESTILEU ORTALYYY” in the discipline “Theoretical Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering” when conducting EAUD and comprehensive testing for admission to master’s and college (2018-2021).  

Scientific internship at Ruse University "Angel Kanchev" in the direction of "Current directions of development of the energy industry" (from 07/05/2021 to 08/05/2021).

Scientific internship at Ruse University "Angel Kanchev" in the direction of "Energy-efficient and energy-saving technologies in heat and gas supply systems" (from 07/04/2022 to 08/06/2022).  

Scientific internship at Ruse University "Angel Kanchev" in the direction of "Energy, energy saving and energy resources" (from 03/06/2023 to 04/07/2023).

Awarded ALgys (THANK YOU) to the Minister of Education and Science for significant contribution to the development of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2021).  

Reviewer of 3 journals indexed in Scopus and KOKSON NDBs:

1) International Conference on Sustainable Energy Sources, Technologies & Systems 2023 (ICSESTS-2023). Organized by Division of Research and Development Lovely Professional University www.lpu. Advancing Sustainable Energy. Organized by Division of Research and Development, Lovely Professional University (Phagwara, Punjab (India);

2) Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov “Bulletin of PSU”. Energy series";   3) “VESTNIK KAZATK” Academy of Logistics and Transport; Editorial Board: International Journal of Advanced Logistics, Transport and Engineering (JSC "Academy of Logistics and Transport");  

Under the supervision of 1 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD):   Temporary member of the dissertation council and reviewer:  




Author of more than 61 scientific papers. It includes 10 methodological instructions and 6 textbooks, as well as 1 monograph. Articles were published in 20 publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KOKSON). In the international information resource Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus Q1 – 5 articles; Q2 – 4 articles; Q3 – 12 articles; Q4 – 3 articles published. Many articles have been published in other scientific publications of the Republic of Kazakhstan (in addition to conference materials), and international foreign conferences.  

Training 1) Short-term training in the course “Almaty University of Energy and Communications” under the “Energy Audit” program, from 01/20/2020 to 02/07/2020, in the amount of 120 hours, Almaty, 2020.  

2) Short-term training in the course “Almaty University of Energy and Communications” under the “Electrical Engineering” program in the amount of 72 hours in all sections of theoretical and practical classes, Almaty, 2019.

3) Short-term training in the course “Best Innovation group Lnc” according to the program “Prospects for the development of the power supply system in railway transport” during the period from 01/08/2020 to 01/22/2020, in the amount of 72 hours, Almaty 2020.  

4) Short-term training in the course “JSC Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpayev” under the program “Distance educational technologies in the educational process” from 12/13/2019 to 12/30/2019 in the amount of 72 hours, Almaty, 2019 .  

5) Completed courses of seminars and trainings on the topic “Modern Web technologies used in the educational process” during the period from 08/17/2020 to 08/20/2020, in the amount of 72 hours, Almaty 2020.

6) Short-term training in the course “Best Innovation group Lnc” according to the program “Prospects for the development of the power supply system in railway transport” during the period from 01/08/2020 to 01/22/2020, in the amount of 72 hours, Almaty 2020.  

7) Short-term training in the course “JSC “Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications” named after M. Tynyshpayev” under the program “Information and communication technologies in education” in the period from 06/09/2020 to 06/19/2020 in the amount of 72 hours, Almaty, 2020.  

8) Short-term training in the course “INTUIT National Open University” under the program “Energy Inspection. Energy audit" for 72 hours, Moscow, 2020.  

9) Short-term training in the course “Best Innovation group Lnc” according to the program “Use of audio information in the creation of digital educational resources” in the period from 04/06/2020 to 04/22/2020 in the amount of 72 hours, Almaty, 2020.  

10) Short-term training in the course “SKLAD online educational platform. National Institute for Higher Education" under the program "Blended Learning Technology", from June 22 to August 18, 2021, 84 hours.  

11) Completed an advanced training course in the direction of “Heat engineering and heat power engineering” on the topic: “Resource-saving technologies based on agricultural waste”, implemented from 08.11.2022 to 21.11.2022 in the amount of 72 hours, Palodar, 2022  

12) Completed the Meta course. Introduction to Android Mobile Application Development. (Coursera). 10/30/2022 Coursera | Online Courses & Credentials From Top Educators. Join for Free | Coursera  

13) Completed the Coursera Administrator Training course. (Coursera). 10/17/2023 Coursera | Online Courses & Credentials From Top Educators. Join for Free | Coursera  


Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications, Thermal Energy Faculty. Thermal power plants. 1996-2001 Thermal power engineer. ZhB 0021916.  

Almaty Institute of Energy and Communications, Master's degree. Thermal power engineering. 2001-2002 Master of Science in Thermal Power Engineering. MTB No. 0001773.  

Almaty University of Energy and Communications, Doctoral studies. Thermal power engineering. 2013-2016. Doctor of Philosophy PhD in specialty 6D071700-Thermal Power Engineering (dated March 13, 2019 (order No. 232)). GD No. 0002847.

Scientific projects

1 Research and construction of an autonomous mobile energy supply system for sheep farms. Joint Stock Company "Academy of Logistics and Transport". 2022-2024 zhyldarga arnalgan “Zhas galym” zhobasy boyynsha zhas galymdardyn zertteulerin granttyk karzhylandyruga arnalgan competition;

2. Development of technology for oil-free heating of the boiler using volatile combustible substances obtained during the heat treatment of coal. Non-profit joint-stock company "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin". 2022-2024 zhyldarga arnalgan gylymi zhane (nemese) gylymi-technikalyk zhobalar boyynsha granttyk karzhylandyruga arnalgan competitions (KR BGM);

3. Modeling of pulverized coal flame and study of the formation of nitrogen oxides during the combustion of gasified coal. Joint Stock Company "Academy of Logistics and Transport". 2022-2024 zhyldarga arnalgan gylymi zhane (nemese) gylymi-technikalyk zhobalar boyynsha granttyk karzhylandyruga arnalgan competitions (KR BGM);  

4. Design and research of hot water boilers with a thermal power of 35 - 116 MW, operating on natural gas, liquid or solid fuel with low metal content. NJSC "Almaty University of Energy and Communications named after Gumarbek Daukeev". 2020-2022 zhyldarga arnalgan gylymi zhane (nemese) gylymi-technikalyk jobalar boyinsha zhas galymdardy granttyk karzhylandyruga arnalgan competition.  

5. Exploring the expansion of renewable hydrogen production and solar capacity availability for a modular solar thermochemical system (MSTS). For grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2024-2026.  


In the international information resource Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) and Scopus  

1) Mergalimova, A., Ongar, B., Georgiev, A., Каlieva, К., Abitaeva, R., Bissenbayev, P. Parameters of heat treatment of coal to obtain combustible volatile substances. Energy, Volume 224, 1 June 2021, 120088, DOI: 10.1016/ (Index Clarivate Analytics-Q1, Impact Factor =6,082. CiteScore = 11.5; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 98); http://10.1016/

2) A Mohandass Gandhi, S Shanmugan, Ravinder Kumar, Ammar H Elsheikh, Mohsen Sharifpur, Anand K Bewoor, Olusola Bamisile, Anh Tuan Hoang, Bulbul Ongar. SiO2/TiO2 nanolayer synergistically trigger thermal absorption inflammatory responses materials for performance improvement of stepped basin solar stillnatural distiller. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 52 (2022/8/1) 101974. (Index Clarivate Analytics-Q1, Impact Factor =7,632; CiteScore = 6.5; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 79).

3) Ongar, B., Iliev, I.K., Nikolić, V., Milašinović, A. The study and the mechanism of nitrogen oxides’ formation in combustion of fossil fuels. Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, Volume 16, Issue 2, August 2018, Pages 273-283. DOI: 10.22190/FUME171114026O (Clarivate Analytics – Q2, Impact Factor =0,48; CiteScore = 4.6; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 77); http://10.22190/FUME171114026O

4) Ongar, B., Iliev, I., Smagulo. (Clarivate Analytics – Q3, Impact Factor =0,22; CiteScore = 1.2; Показатель процентиль по Cite Scorva, G., Mergalimova, A. Numerical Simulation of the Formation of Nitrogen Oxides in Pulverized Furnaces. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review.e = 43);  2020, Pages 171-175

5) Bulbul Ongar., Beloev, H., Iliev, I., Ibrasheva, A., Yegzekova, A. Numerical simulation of nitrogen oxide formation in dust furnaces. ЕUREKA: Physics and Engineering, (2022), №1, 23–33. (Clarivate Analytics – Q2, Impact Factor =0,3; CiteScore = 1.0; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 34);

6) Ongar B., Iliev I. K. Numerical simulation of the coal dust process to the emission of nitrogen oxides. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2018, 50, с. 146-152 (Clarivate Analytics – Q4, Impact Factor =0,17; CiteScore = 0.6; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 15);

7) Suyog S. S. PatilAnand K. K. BewoorRajkumar B. B. PatilRavinder KumarBulbul OngarYerlan SarsenbayevSeepana PraveenKumarAhmed Mohamed Mahmoud IbrahimMohammad S. S. AlsoufiAmmar Elsheikh. A New Approach for Failure Modes, Effects, and Criticality Analysis Using ExJ-PSI Model—A Case Study on Boiler System. Applied Sciences (Switzerland). Clarivate Analytics – Q2, Impact Factor: 2.838 (2021); 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.921 (2021). CiteScore = 3.7; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 73;

8) Ravinder Kumar, Prabhat Tripathi, Bulbul Ongar, Yerkin Khidolda, Zakaria Mohamed Omara, A.S. Abdullah, S. Shanmugan.Experimental study on double effect solar distiller using bioactivity nanoparticles with analysis of thermo-economic and enviro-economical. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering Received 19 February 2023; Received in revised form 16 April 2023; Accepted 4 May 2023.Clarivate Analytics – Q1, Impact Factor: 6.268 © Clarivate Analytics Journal Citation Reports 2022. CiteScore = 7.2; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 87;

9) Ravinder Kumar, Jayanta Chanda, Ammar H. Elsheikh, Bulbul Ongar, Yerkin Khidolda, Seepana PraveenKumar Hitesh Panchal e , S. Shanmugan.  Performance improvement of single and double effect solar stills with silver balls/nanofluids for bioactivation: An experimental analysis. Solar Energy. Received 28 December 2022; Received in revised form 20 April 2023; Accepted 9 May 2023.Clarivate Analytics – Q1, Impact Factor: 7.128 . CiteScore = 13.1; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 89;

10) Jeet Prakash Sharma, Ravinder Kumar, Mohammad H. Ahmadi , Azfarizal Mukhtar, Ahmad Shah Hizam Md Yasir, Mohsen Sharifpur, Bulbul Ongar, Anara Yegzekova.  Chemical and thermal performance analysis of a solar thermochemical reactor for hydrogen production via two-step WS cycle. Energy Reports. 2352-4847/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.  Clarivate Analytics – Q2, Impact Factor: 5.2.CiteScore = 5.6; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 68;

11) Aveek Gupta, Ravinder Kumar, Ashish Maurya, Mohammad H. Ahmadi, Bulbul Ongar, Anara Yegzekova, Jeet Prakash Sharma, Sumit Kanchan, Sagar Shelare. A comparative study of the impact on combustion and emission characteristics of nanoparticle-based fuel additives in the internal combustion engine. December 2023 Energy Science & Engineering Follow journal. Clarivate Analytics – Q1, Impact Factor: 4.035; CiteScore = 7.3; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 87;

12) B. Ongar, Hr. Beloev, A. Georgiev, I. Iliev, A. Kijo-Kleczkowska. Optimization of the design and operating characteristics of a boiler based on threedimensional mathematical modeling. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, Volume 55, Issue 2 (pp. 153-159) 2023 DOI: 10.34049/bcc.55.2.AESMT22-54. Clarivate Analytics – Q4, Impact Factor: 5.2. CiteScore = 0.9; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 17; http://10.34049/bcc.55.2.AESMT22-54.

13)  Zhamanbaev, M., Ilieva, D., Abitaeva, R.,  Ongar, B. Determination of the minimum wind speed leading to the galloping of conductors. E3S Web of Conferences, Volume 180, 24 July 2020, Номер статьи 04019. ISSN: 25550403 DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202018004019 (Impact Factor =0,24;  CiteScore = 1.2; Показатель процентиль по Cite Score = 43); http://10.1051/e3sconf/202018004019

Recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KOKSON):

1) Ongar B., Tuymebekova A., Temirbaev D.Zh., Issayeva. G. Directions of studying the process oxides formation of the pyrolysis of ekibastus coal dust. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2018, 1(427), с. 144-149. (БД SCOPUS Процентиль Cite Score – 40, Impact Factor =0,19. БД Web of Science – Q4);

2) Umirzakov, R., Mukhiddinov, D.N., Abdirova, M., Ongar, B. Influence on the mode of grain drying in the heat generator and combustion products. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2019, 1(433), с. 176-186. ISSN 2224-5278 (БД SCOPUS Процентиль Cite Score – 40, Impact Factor =0,32. БД Web of Science – Q3); http://10.32014/2019.2518-170X.22

3) Abildinova, S.K., Musabekov, R.A., Rasmukhametova, A.S.,  Ongar, B., Yessengabylov, I.Z., Aldabergenova, A.O., Issayeva, G.B. The efficiency of district heating systems in conditions of joint use of heat pumps. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2018, 3(430), с. 201-207 (БД SCOPUS Процентиль Cite Score – 40, Impact Factor =0,19. БД Web of Science – Q4);

4) Аgimov, Т.N., Umbetkulov, Е.K.,  Bakenov, K.А., Nekrasov, А.I., Ongar, B. Development of a valve generator with a variable frequency of rotation. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, 2019, 3(435), с. 180-188.  ISSN 2224-5278 (БД SCOPUS Процентиль Cite Score – 40, Impact Factor =0,21. БД Web of Science – Q3); http://10.32014/2019.2518-170X.84

5) Dostiyarov, A.M., Umishev, D.R., Saduakasova, G.B.,  Mergalimova, A.K.,  Ongar, B. Modeling of the combustion process in a diesel engine. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 446, 2021, Pages 68-73. ISSN: 22245278. (БД SCOPUS Процентиль Cite Score – 40, Impact Factor =0,18. БД Web of Science – Q3); http://10.32014/2021.2518-170X.36

6) Khizirova, M.A., Chezhimbayeva, K.S., Mukhamejanova, A.D.,  Manbetova, Z.D., Ongar, B.  Using of virtual private network technology for signal transmission in corporate networks. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 447, 2021, Pages 100-103. ISSN: 22245278. (БД SCOPUS Процентиль Cite Score – 40, Impact Factor =0,8. БД Web of Science – Q3); http://10.32014/2021.2518-170X.69

7) Mukhamejanova, A.D., Tumanbayeva, K.Kh., Lechshinskaya, E.M., Ongar, B. Statistical analysis of real traffic of machine-to-machine communication. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 446, 2021, Pages 107-113. ISSN: 22245278. (БД SCOPUS Процентиль Cite Score – 40, Impact Factor =0,8. БД Web of Science – Q3); http://10.32014/2021.2518-170X.41

8) Orazaliyeva, S., Wójcik, W., Yakubova, M., Ongar, B. Measurement of the veer and rotation of an optical fibre using a bragg grating. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 438, 2019, Pages 190-196. ISSN: 22245278. (БД SCOPUS Процентиль Cite Score – 40, Impact Factor =0,21. БД Web of Science – Q3); http://10.32014/2019.2518-170X.170

9) A. K. Mergalimova, R. A. Umirzakov., B. Ongar., O. M. Talipov. Comparative analysis of the cost-effectiveness of using compressed and liquefied natural gas for lighting and stabilizing flare combustion in boilers. BULLETIN PSU. Energy series Published since 1997. No. 3 (2019) Pavlodar. With. 287-295. ISSN 1811-1858;  

10) A. K. Mergalimova, R. A. Umirzakov., B. Ongar., O. M. Talipov. Ignition of boiler units and ensuring stable ignition of a pulverized coal flare using compressed natural gas. BULLETIN PSU. Energy series Published since 1997. No. 4 (2019) Pavlodar. With. 272-278. ISSN 1811-1858;  

11) N.M. Aitzhanov., B. Ongar. , P.A. Bisenbaev. , E.S. Baitenov, A. Zhanibekuly. Assessment of energy efficiency and the possibility of using a voltage stabilizer with an energy saving function in industrial networks. News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of Kazakhstan physico-mathematical series. Number 334 (2020), 74 – 80, Volume 6. ISSN 1991-346Х; http:// https //;  

12) Tolebay N. Zh., Azimbaev Zh. R., Mergalimova A. K., Ongar B. Toraygyrov University Khabarshysy. LAST MAGAZINES. ISSN 2710-3420. Energy series. No. 1. 2022 167-177 b.  

13) B. Ongar, J.J. Kaliev, N.I. Kulakhmetov, A. Zhaksylyk, A. R. Karasaeva. Kun photoelectric stationalaryn promising technologies men zhumys erekshelikteri. М. ISSN 1609-1817. Automation, telemechanics, bailanys, electric power, akparattyk zhuyeler series. Vestnik KazATK, 121(2), 315–322;  

14) Rakhmatulina A.B., Nurakhmetova K.K., Ongar B., Uderbaeva A.E., Nauryzbaeva A.A. The beetle of the hydraulic cylinder is tizbekti tiimdi zhobalau. M. Tynyshpaev atyndagy Kazak kolik zhane kommunikalar academysynyn khabarshysy. ISSN 1609-1817. Automation, telemechanics, bailanys, electric power, akparattyk zhuyeler series. Vestnik KazATK, 121(2), 547–553;  

15) A.E. Karmanov, A.S. Nikiforov, E.V. Prikhodko, B. Ongar. Study of the heating process of linings of high-temperature units in order to determine the permissible residual life. KazKKA Khabarshysy No. 3 (122), 2022 ISSN 1609-1817 (Print); http://10.52167/1609-1817-2022-122-3-182-188  

16) Umyshev, D., Aidymbaeva, Zh., Dostiyarova, A., Ongar, B., & Biakhmetov, B. Improving the environmental safety of a diesel engine. Vestnik KazATK, 123(4) (2022);  

17) Aripova, N., Prikhodko, E., Karmanov, A., Ongar, B., ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF OPERATIONAL FACTORS ON THE DURABILITY OF LININGS OF POLLING LADE. Vestnik KazATK, 123(4) (2022);  


19) Ongar, B., Shalmagambetov, R., Smagulova, G., Nurmadieva, E., Adal, B. MODELING OF HEAT TREATMENT AND FUEL COMBUSTION IN AN EXTERNAL VORTEX BURNER. KazATK Bulletin, (2023). 127(4);  


21) B. Ongar, G. K. Smagulova, E. A. Sarsenbaev, E. A. Nurmadieva, E. E. Seitbek. STATIONARY MODE ZHIMMDERDI ESEPTEUDE ELECTR GELILERININ MODE ZHIMMDERIN MODELDEU JONE OTAILANDYRU. BULLETIN of Toraigyrov University Energy series Published since 1997 ISSN 2710-3420 No. 2 (2023) Pavlodar;  


23) B. Ongar, E.A. Sarsenbaev, A.T. Egzekova, K.B. Kalymov, E.E. Seitbek. REVIEW OF PROMISING TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS FOR THE USE OF BIOGAS. Bulletin of KazATK, 130(1).  


1) Ongar B., Sarsenbaev E.A., Mergalimova A.K. Clean coal technologies. – Almaty: 2023 –436 p. ISBN 978-601-325-349-7  


1) Ongar B. Electrical engineering and electronics. Oku kuraly. – Almaty: JSC “Logistics of Zhane Kolik Academies”, 2021. – 125 b. ISBN 978-601-325-244-5, UDC 621.3 BBK 31.2 O-59;  

2) Abitaeva R.Sh., Ongar B. Elektr toraptar men zhuyeler. Oku kuraly. – Almaty: 2020. – 129 b. ӘОж 621.311.1(076.1);  

3) Ongar B., Abitaeva R.Sh., Smagulova G.K. Mathcad bagdarlamasyn elektro tizbekterinin theorysynd koldanu. Oku kuraly. – Almaty: JSC “Logistics of Zhane Kolik Academies”, 2021. – 95 ​​b. ISBN 978-601-325-253-7, UDC 621.31 (075.8) BBK 31.2 ya73 O-59.      

Article title Journal title Direction Year
1 Көмірді жағу технологиясының аз мөлшерде қоршаған ортаға әсері. «М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2022
2 Күн фотоэлектр станцияларының перспективті технологиялары мен жұмыс ерекшеліктері «М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2022
3 Жүк көтергіштің гидроцилиндрлік тізбекті тиімді жобалау. «М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2022
4 Исследование процесса разогрева футеровок высокотемпературных агрегатов с целью определить допустимого остаточного ресурса. «М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2022
5 Повышение экологической безопасности дизельного двигетеля «М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2022
6 Анализ влияния эксплуатационных факторов на стойкость футеровок разливочных ковшей. «М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2022
7 Трансформаторлардың трансформаторлық коэффициенттері бойынша электр желілерінің тұрақты жұмыс режимдерін есептеудің математикалық әдістері «М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2023
8 Моделирование термической обработки и сжигания топлива во внешней вихревой горелке «М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2023
9 Исследование основных факторов понижающих энергетические показатели штанговых глубинных насосов и выбор базовой модицификации на основе интеллектуального алгоритма «М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2023
10 Стационарлық режимдерді есептеуде электр желілерінің режимдерін модельдеу және оңтайландыру «Торайғыров университетінің Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы. Энергетикалық сериясы Энергетика 2023
11 Аэродинамические характеристики безлопастного ветряка VORTEX «М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы» ғылыми журналы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2023
12 Обзор перспективных технологических решений по использованию биогаза М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2024
13 Экспериментальное исследование эффективности солнечной системы нагрева воды М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2024
14 Үш деңгейлі кернеу түрлендіргішінің математикалық моделі Торайғыров университетінің хабаршысы. Энергетикалық сериясы Энергетика 2024
15 Жаңартылатын генерациялау бірліктерінің нарықтық интеграциялық стратегиялары М.Тынышбаев атындағы Қазақ көлік және коммуникациялар академиясының Хабаршысы Көлік, көлік инженериясы, көлік логистикасы, жүк тасуды ұйымдастыру, автоматтандыру, телемеханика, байланыс, энергетика 2024
16 Оценка энергетической эффективностии возможности использования в сетях промышленных предприятий стабилизатора напряжения с функцией энергосбережения Қазақ бас сәулет-құрылыс академиясының хабаршысы Техникалық ғылымдармен технологиялар / Технические науки и технологии 2020
17 Растопка котлоагрегатов и обеспечение устойчивого воспламенения пылеугольного факела с использованием сжатого природного газа С.Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік университетінің хабаршысы Техникалық ғылымдармен технологиялар / Технические науки и технологии 2019
18 Сравнительный анализ экономичности использования сжатого и сжиженного природного газа для растопки и стабилизации горения факела в котлах С.Торайғыров атындағы Павлодар мемлекеттік университетінің хабаршысы Техникалық ғылымдармен технологиялар / Технические науки и технологии 2019

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Study on a fault tree analysis model and power generation estimation in a coal-fired power plant.