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Orynbet Marat

Orynbet Marat

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of Automation and сontrol

Email: m.makhanbetuly@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Professional biography.

Professional scientific and pedagogical activity.

Almaty Branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute. Alma-Ata (1982-1988). Position: Teacher. Department of General Engineering Disciplines.  Almaty Technological University. Alma-Ata (1991-1994). Position: Senior Lecturer. Department of General Engineering Disciplines.  National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Institute of Informatics and Management of Almaty (1996-2003). Position: Senior Researcher. Laboratory of System Analysis and Conrol. Kazakhstan Engineering and Technology University. Almaty (2003-2010) Position: Associate Professor, Head of Department, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs.  Kazakh National Research Technical University. K.I. Satpayev. (2010 - to this day). Position: Associate Professor. Department of Automation and Control.



1) Kazakh Polytechnic Institute (KazPTI). Alma-Ata (1977-1982). Department of Automation and Telemechanics. Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering. Specialty: Diploma 0606 - Automation and Telemechanics. Honors degree.

2) Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman. Moscow city. (1988-1991 years). Full-time graduate school. Department of P-1.

3) He defended his thesis in 1991. The topic is “Modeling and control of complex precision electromechanical systems”.

Specialty: 051301- technical systems.

Scientific projects


AUT1392 Technological measurements and devices. 2) AUT1461 Fundamentals of Automation 3) AUT1091 Process Control



1) Orynbet M. Bayndina G. Building optimal boundary control by the successive approximations method. Informatika AutomatikaPomiary 1 / 2014.24-26R.

2) Orynbet M.M. Ospanbekov K.B. Mathematical model of the stress-strain state of a tape bearing of finite and infinite width. Bulletin of the NIA RK No. 1, 2015. P. 79-87

3) Orynbet M.M. The principle of construction and analysis of the accuracy of the operation of the belt tension regulator feed unit. Bulletin of the NIA RK N2 (64), 2017.P.22-28

4) Orynbet M.M. Calculation of parameters and analysis of the quality of the tape tension regulator of a rigid structure by numerical simulation. Proceedings of the International Satpayev Readings “Innovative Solutions to Traditional Problems: Engineering and Technology” April 12, 2018, pp. 1199-2002

5) Orynbet M. Kairbekov A. Heating system for natural gas distribution station. Conference Information Technologies and Management 2019 April 25-26 Riga 30-32

6) Orynbet M. Bigalieva V. Modeling of physical and mechanical processes of precision complex elektromechanical systems. The 17th International Scientific Conference Information Technologies and Management 2019 April 25-26 Riga The 17th 32-34

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