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Rakhmetulayeva Sabina Batyrkhankyzy

Rakhmetulayeva Sabina Batyrkhankyzy



Institute of Automation and Information Technologies

Department of "Cybersecurity, information processing and storage"

Email: s.rakhmetulayeva@satbayeva.111


Professional biography

2006-2008 Academy of Civil Aviation, Teacher

2009 – 2016  T.Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics, Senior Lecturer

2016-2024 - International University of Information Technology, Associate Professor, PhD

2024 – present: Satbayev University, Professor, PhD


2002 - 2006: Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Bachelor of Mathematics and Computer Science

2006 - 2008: Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, Master of Science in Computer Science

2009 - 2015: T.Ryskulov Kazakh University of Economics, PhD in Information Systems

Scientific projects

Grant funding for young scientists for 2022-2024 Project:

"Development of machine learning methods and algorithms for predicting pathologies of the cardiovascular system based on echocardiography and electrocardiography"


Rakhmetulayeva, S.B., Duisebekova, K.S., Kozhamzharova, D.K., Aitimov, M.Zh.: «Pollutant transport modeling using Gaussian approximation for the solution of the semi-empirical equation», Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2021, 99(8), pp. 1730–1739. (Indexed by Scopus)

Bolshibayeva, A.K., Uskenbayeva, R.K., Kuandykov, A.A., Rakhmetulayeva, S.B., Astaubayeva, G.N.: «Development of business process design methods», Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 2021, 99(10), pp. 2344–2358. (Indexed by Scopus)

Duisebekova, K.S., Kozhamzharova, D.K., Rakhmetulayeva, S.B., Umarov, F.A., Aitimov, M.Z.: «Development of an information-analytical system for the analysis and monitoring of climatic and ecological changes in the environment», Procedia Computer Science, 2020, 170, pp. 578–583. (Indexed by Scopus)

Uskenbayeva, R., Sabina, R., Aigerim, B.: «Managing Business Process Based on the Tonality of the Output Information», Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2020, 991, pp. 882–890. (Indexed by Scopus)

Uskenbayeva, R.K., Abu, K., Bolshibayeva, A., Rakhmetulayeva, S.B.: «An algorithm for creating an automated system based on platform of business process», Procedia Computer Science, 2020, 175, pp. 253–260. (Indexed by Scopus)

Rakhmetulayeva, S.B., Syrymbet Z.: «Convolutional Neural Network Analysis of Fundus for Glaucoma Diagnosis», 2022 IEEE Smart Information Systems and Technologies (SIST) 28-30 April, 2022, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. (Indexed by Scopus)

Rakhmetulayeva, S.B., Bakiyev M., Mukasheva A.: «Development of information system for diet optimization using food selection model», Вестник АУЭС, Vol. 1 No. 56 (2022).

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