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Risdauletov Bekarys Marsuly

Risdauletov Bekarys Marsuly

Master of Technical Sciences


Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Email: b.risdauletov@satbayev.111

Professional biography

1) 16.02.2021 - 03.05.2021 — BI Group. Trainee-master. Working with primary documentation. Development of draft projects. Collection and maintenance of documentation. Collection and analysis of information.

2) 02.06.2021 - 03.09.2021 - Lighthouse Kazakhstan. Assistant design engineer. Direct execution of the instructions of the ISU. Collection and maintenance of documentation. Preparation of explanatory notes and design assignments.

3) 03.04.2022 - 10.03.2024 - The operator of the production line. Work on the production line. Packaging of finished products. Product quality control.


1) 2017-2021 - Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev,  Institute of architecture and construction named after T.K. Basenov, Department of "Construction and building materials", specialty 5B072900 - "Construction". Qualification - Bachelor of Engineering and technology;

2) 2022-2024 - Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of architecture and construction named after T.K. Basenov, Department of "Construction and building materials". Qualification  - Master in the Educational program 7M07303 "Construction and production of building materials and structures." 


1) Б.М. Аубакирова, Б.М. Рисдаулетов. Көпқабатты үйлер үшін плиталық және қадалық іргетастарды есептеу және жобалаудың негізгі принциптерін зерттеу. Вестник КазГАСА.
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