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Salina Aigul

Salina Aigul



Institute of Project Management

Department of Management and Mathematical Economics

Email: a.salina@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Salina A.P. has many years of experience in research and teaching: In 1995 she defended her thesis on the topic: Organization of accounting in companies engaged in foreign economic activity. In 2003, the Higher Attestation Commission awarded her the academic title of Associate Professor. She has published over 40 scientific works, including the textbook "Principles of Accounting". She was the developer and lead manager of the project for the translation of Kazakhstani curricula and the standard of the specialty "Accounting and Auditing" to international educational standards in cooperation with the Kazakh State Academy of Management and USAID, CARANA Corp. Salina A.P. has practical experience as a lecturer in business trainings for the management of large Kazakhstani companies and banks, organized by USAID Carana Corp, Pragma Corp, JICA Kazakhstan-Japan Center for Human Resource Development, KBTU Business School, etc. She was the editor of the professional journal “Accountant's Bulletin: International Financial Standards Reporting ".


1985-1989 Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy, accounting and analysis

1992 - 1995 Kazakh State Academy of Management, postgraduate studies, Accounting and Auditing

2008 - Pg Cert in Research Methods, Robert Gordon University, UK

2017 - PhD, Robert Gordon University, UK


Salina, A.P.Zhang, X. and Hassan, O.A.G. (2020), "An assessment of the financial soundness of the Kazakh banks", Asian Journal of Accounting Research, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

Цифровизация в банковской системе Казахстана, Monografia Pokonferencyjna Science, Research, Development #15 Economy. Management. State and Law V.02, Rotterdam, Netherlands 30.03.2019 - 31.03.2019

Банковские системы в рамках. - ЕАЭС Новейшие технологии в различных отраслях науки

материалы международной научно-практической конференции, 23-25 декабря  2019,  Нурсултан,

«Bassam», 2019, 142, с.7

Empirical Results of Testing the Altman Models: Bank Sector, Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of The Republic of Kazakhstan, Published Since 1944Almaty, Nas Rk, 2019 ISSN 2518-1483 (Online), 2019, V26 c.156

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Financial soundness of banks analysis and prediction

IFRS: preparedness and implementations