Salkynbek Dosaly Issakhanuly
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Institute of Project Management
Email: d.salkynbek@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Title of the position:
Teacher of KazNTU named after K.Satpayev. 01.10.1989-03.02.1995
Senior lecturer of KazNTU named after K.Satpayev. 03.02.1995-03.11.2005
Associate Professor of KazNTU named after K.Satpayev. 03.11.2005-01.08.2016
Associate Professor of KazNTU named after K.Satpayev. 01.08.2016-27.08.2017
Head of the Department of Kaznau. 01.09.2017-04.11.2020
Leading researcher of the humanitarian research Center "Rukhani zhangyru" at KazNAIU. 04.11.2020-07.08.2021
Associate Professor of Kazntu named after K.Satpayev 01.09.2021-
Until now
Kazakh State University named after S.M.Kirov. Faculty of History. Specialty: history, qualification: historian. Teacher of History and Social studies No. 715429 Year of admission - 1984. Year of graduation - 1989
Scientific projects
Scientific interests: fatherland history, social philosophy, eucation.Publications
1 Salkynbek D. I. Honored Worker of the national spirit Kazakh history. 2017 ,No. 9, pp. 0.5
2 Salkynbek D. I. sacred places of Almaty Kazakh history. 2018 ,No. 5, pp. 0.5
3 salkynbek D. I. kurultai of April Kazakh history. 2020 ,No. 7. p. 0.5
4 Salkynbek D. I. life path moral personality Kazakh history. 2020 ,No. 10. p. 0.6
5 Salkynbek D. I. love for the motherland begins with yourself Kazakh history, 2021. No. 2, p.0,6.
6 Salkynbek D. I. Let's taste historical images Kazakh history, 2021. No. 3. 0,6 P.
7 Salkynbek D. I. Asem Kala-Almaty Kazakh tarikhy, 2021. No. 4. 0,6 P.
8 Salkynbek D. I. Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan: goals and results Kazakh history, 2021. No. 5. 0,6 P.
9 salkynbek D. I. The History of the Kazakh people, 2019. No. 1. 0.8 p.p.
10 Salkynbek D. I. Explorations of the Kazakh lands by European scientists at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries Astra Salvensis. Revista de istorie si cultura. SCOPUS. 2018, No.
11. - s 237-241 11 Salkinbek D. I. historical exhibits-heritage of the nation Kazakh history, 2019. No. 3. 0.6 p.
12 Salkynbek D. I. history of the development of symbols of cartographic materials of the history of Kazakhstan of the XVIII-early XX centuries. The Messenger Is The Messenger. Series "historical and political-social sciences". Almaty, 2019. op No. 5. 7-14.
Salkynbek D. I. Decolonization begins with the history of the nation: research. - Almaty: Kazinform, 2010.- 295 P.
Salkynbek D. I. High personalities (with B. Kabdoshev). - Almaty: Kazinform, 2011. 210 P.
Salkynbek D. I. Activist Idris Mustambayuly. Monograph. - Almaty, 2013. - 278 P.
Salkynbek D. I. Stalin and Kazakhstan (together with A. Kulbaeva). - Almaty, 2016. - 481 P.
Salkynbek D. I. Heroism and tragedy. Almaty: Kazntu named after K. Satpayev, Polytech publishing house, 2022. p. 321.
Salkynbek D. I. Is a great son of the Kazakh people. Monograph. Almaty: Kazntu named after K. I. Satpayev, Polytech publishing house named after T. Keneev, 2023. - 291 p.
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