Samarkin Yuriy
Assistant professor
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Architecture Department
Email: y.samarkin@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Associate Professor of VAK, associate Professor of the Kazakh State Academy of Architecture and Construction, as well as the Caspian public University, senior lecturer Of the Institute of Architecture and construction of Kaznitu. K. I. Satpayev.
Having received artistic and pedagogical education, decades taught engineering graphics and the graphic arts discipline in the most reputable universities of the RK on Construction, Architecture and Design, for which students wrote a textbook on descriptive geometry, and developed a number of manuals for these disciplines.
Mathematics Department (faculty of graphic) KPI named after Abay, Specialty Drawing and painting, Almaty 1970.
at the Aviation Institute at the Department of Applied geometry, Moscow, 1972.
at the Art and Industrial Academy named after G. S. Stroganov at the Department of Drawing, specialty "Decorative and applied art" , Moscow, 1973.
Scientific projects
Participant and winner of several dozens of Kazakhstan and international exhibitions and competitions, including photographic. Winner and prize-winner of some of them (Russia, Latvia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Germany (ART-WEEK-European art week), Italy (YICCA), USA (Manhood - the Artisttable's First Ever Men's Show, online show started Feb. 10, 2016. (ArtisTTable, Acme, MI, USA), etc.).Publications
1 Gothic rose as an alchemical symbol. Bulletin Of Architecture And Civil Engineering No. 1 2016 –Almaty: KazHAAC, 2016.
2 Russian art week - international exhibition Central house of artists (CHA), January 16-24, 2016, Moscow (Russia) - 1st and 2nd degree diploma.
3 Manhood-international exhibition and competition (USA). The Artisttable's First Ever Men's Show, online show started Feb. 10, 2016. (ArtisTTable, Acme, MI, USA) - 1st place (Golden frame).
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