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Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

Samoilov Konstantin Ivanovich

Doctor of Architecture


Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Architecture Department

Email: k.samoilov@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

From 1987 to 1994: Kazakh research and design Institute of automobile transport. Architectural and construction Department (Almaty city). Position: Architect, category III Architect, category I Architect, head of the sector, Chief architect of the Architectural and construction Department. 

From 1994 to 2004: Avtotekhnika Company, Architectural and design workshop (Almaty city). Position: Chief architect of the Architectural design workshop, Head of the Architectural design workshop. 

From 2004 to the present: Europolis Company, Project Department (Almaty city). Position: Head of the Project Department and Chief project architect, chief consulting architect ( ). 

From 1990 to 2019: Almaty Institute of architecture and construction and Kazakh Head Academy of architecture and construction, faculty of Architecture (Almaty city). Position: Assistant, Senior lecturer, associate Professor, Head of the Department "history of architecture and drawing" (1998-2003), associate Professor. 

From January 2019 to the present: Professor of the Department of Architecture of Satbayev University.

Scientific supervisor of three protected dissertations on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of architecture. Scientific consultant of one protected dissertation for the degree of doctor of architecture. 

Author and co-author of more than 170 publications on various issues of theory and history of architecture and art, as well as a textbook and a number of methodological developments for the specialties "Architecture" and "Design". 

Author and co-author of more than 200 projects (150 completed by construction) of buildings and structures for civil, industrial, transport, memorial and religious purposes.


Doctor of architecture, all-Russian research Institute of theory of architecture and urban planning, Moscow, 1999-2004.

Candidate of architecture, Almaty Institute of architecture and construction, Almaty, 1983-1986.

Architect, Kazakh Polytechnic Institute / Alma-Ata Institute of architecture and construction, Almaty, 1977-1983.

Technical architect, Almaty construction College, Almaty, 1973-1977.

Scientific projects

Architecture, design, history of architecture, architecture of buildings and structures of housing and civil, industrial, transport and memorial and religious purposes


since 2000:

1. Transition stages when changing the style orientation of architecture in the aspect of the training course "Fundamentals of architecture". - "Humanitarian education: traditions and innovations": Abstracts of the scientific and methodological conference, 18.03.2000. - Almaty: AF S.-Pbgup, 2000. - P. 48-50.

2. Architecture that perpetuates love. - Hall, 2000, No. 1. - P. 32-33, P. 48.

3. The world of fantasy. - Design & Advertising, 2000, No. 1. - P. 29.

4. Masterpieces from two angles. - Hall, 2000, No. 2. - P. 7.

5. Modern architectural and design activity as a synthesis of arts. - Architecture and Design. Furniture and Interior. Kazakhstan international exhibition. 20-25. 06. 2000: Official catalog. Exhibition magazine. - Almaty: Atakent-Expo, 2000. - Pp. 86-88. / Lokteva Ya. Yu.

6. the Concept of the ethnographic Park of the peoples of Kazakhstan. - Ideological and methodological problems of modern science and education: interuniversity collection of scientific papers dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Kazgas. Part P. - Almaty: KazGASA, 2000. - P. 33-37. / Dolenko O. N.

7. 111 years of the Eiffel tower. - Exclusive design, 2000, no. 4. - P. 24-27.

8. Legalizing the old-timers of the underground. - Design & Advertising, 2000, No. 3-4. - P. 39.

9. Phenomenology of regional architectural forms in the architecture of Kazakhstan of the XX century. - Bulletin of the Kazakh State Academy of architecture and construction, No. 1(2), February 2001. – Almaty: KazGASA, 2001. – Pp. 26-27.

10. multi-Tiered ensemble of kurdoners of Abay square in Almaty. - Bulletin of the Kazakh State Academy of architecture and construction, No. 1(2), February 2001. – Almaty: KazGASA, 2001. – Pp. 27-32.

11. The course of Typological analysis from the standpoint of utilitarian and conceptual versatility works. - Humanitarian education: traditions and innovations: Materials of the scientific and methodological conference 25.03.2001; Almaty branch of the Saint Petersburg humanitarian University of trade unions. - Almaty: AF S.-Pbgup, 2001. - Pp. 96-97.

12. Just an emblem ... - Hall, 2001, No. 2. - P. 26 / Rosenberg G. I.

13. development of forms in Kazakh architecture of the XX century. - Bulletin of the Kazakh State Academy of architecture and construction, No. 2 (4-6), April-June, 2001. – Almaty: KazGASA, 2001. – P.6-11.

14. Renaissance remake in the Kazakh architecture of the XX century. - Bulletin of the Kazakh State Academy of architecture and construction, No. 2 (4-6), April-June, 2001. – Almaty: KazGASA, 2001. – P.6-14.

15. Karakhan Mausoleum in Taraz – the original appearance of the early twentieth century. - Bulletin of the Kazakh State Academy of architecture and construction, No. 4 (10-12), October-December, 2001. - Almaty: KazGASA, 2001. - P. 15-18

16. On a comprehensive presentation of the course "history of architecture in Kazakhstan and Central Asia". - New approaches to training highly qualified personnel in Kazgas. / Materials of the I and II scientific and methodological conferences. - Almaty: KazGASA, 2001. - P. 55-57. / Glaudinov B. A.

17. Features of the course "Fundamentals of design" in the aspect of specialization "Manager R. V. D." - Problems of quality management of education in a humanitarian University: Materials of the scientific and methodological conference 30.01.2002; Almaty branch of the St. Petersburg humanitarian University of trade unions. - Almaty: AF S.-Pbgup, 2002. - Pp. 57-60.

18. Typological analysis in the aspect of synthetics and utilitarian-semantic universality of works of art. - Materials of the First international scientific and practical conference: "Problems of new techniques and technologies in light industry and education "(April 12-13, 2002 ) / Academy of fashion business "Symbat". - Almaty, 2002. - P. 164-166.

19. Problems of synthetization of regional cultural forms and their interaction. - Regional cooperation: contradictions, convergence, new economic order. / Proceedings of the international scientific conference may 17-18, 2002: in two parts. Part 2. - Almaty: University "Turan", 2002. - P. 357-360.

20. the Theme of Central Asian classics in the architecture of Kazakhstan in the 1920s. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy, No. 5 (1-3), January-March, 2002. – Almaty: KazGASA, 2002. – P.12-16.

21. the Main directions of development of architectural and artistic forms in the architecture of Kazakhstan of the XX century. - United scientific journal. – 2002. - №35(58). – Pp. 54-57.

22. the Main architectural and artistic forms in the ancient and medieval architecture of Kazakhstan. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2002. – №2(6), April-December, Pp. 41-47.

23. Architecture of the descendants of the "Golden man". - Architecture. Construction. Design. – 2002. - № 1/2 (25/26). – P. 5-21. / Rustembekov A. I., Ibraev B. A.

24. Architectural and artistic forms in the architecture of Kazakhstan of the late XX-early XXI century. - Problems of quality of education in a humanitarian University: Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference. – Almaty: AF Spbgup, 2003. – P. 245-250.

25. The unique architectural ensemble of the exotic. - Luxury house. – 2003. - № 1 (6). – Pp. 6-9.

26. Where did the girl with the paddle go? / Interview. Correspondent A. Sobraliev. - News of the week. – 2003. - №19(135). – 14-20 may – - P. 19. / A. Sabralieva

27. Architectural and artistic forms of constructivism in the architecture of Kazakhstan in the 1920s-30s. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2003. – №3(7), January-July, Pp. 28-32.

28. Fireworks of Almaty art Nouveau. - Luxury house. – 2003. - № 6 (11). – P. 10-13.

29. Features of various trends in the development of architectural and artistic forms in the architecture of Kazakhstan of the twentieth century. - United scientific journal. – 2003. - №27(85). – Pp. 62-65.

30. Architectural and artistic forms that developed in the architecture of Kazakhstan before the beginning of the twentieth century. - United scientific journal. – 2003. - №28(86). – Pp. 57-60.

31. Interaction of architectural and artistic forms of various origins in the architecture of Kazakhstan of the twentieth century. - News of Higher educational institutions. Construction. – 2003. - №12(540). – Pp. 94-97.

32. ARCHITECTURE of KAZAKHSTAN of the XX CENTURY (Development of architectural and artistic forms). ARCHITECTURE OF THE KAZAKHSTAN OF THE 20-CENTURY (Development of architectural-artistic forms). - Moscow-Almaty: m-Ari design publishing House, 2004. - 930 p. - ISBN 9965-576-17-3

33. Urban development complexes of the new capital of Kazakhstan as a reflection of turn-of-the-century architectural trends. - United scientific journal. – 2004. - №4(96). – Pp. 57-60.

34. Evolution of directions of development of architectural and artistic forms in the architecture of Kazakhstan of the XX century. - News of Higher educational institutions. Construction. – 2004. - №1(541). – Pp. 92-96.

35. development of synthesis of spatial arts in Kazakhstan at the turn of the century. - Traditional and contemporary art of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. / Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference. - Almaty: "Ushkiyan", 2004. - P. 506-509.

36. Architecture of Kazakhstan at the turn of the century. - Architecture. Construction, Design. – 2004. – №2 (35). – Pp. 34-36.

37. Features of the architectural process in Kazakhstan in the XIX-early XX century. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2004. – №3-4(12-13), July-December, Pp. 69-77.

38. Features of the development of architecture in Kazakhstan in the late XX-early XXI century. - Economics, law, culture in the era of social transformation: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference (January 26, 2005). Part 1. - Almaty: Almaty branch of S.-Pbgup, 2005. - P. 255-265.

39. Features of interpretation of ancient order forms in the architecture of Kazakhstan of the XX century. - Antique Bulletin. Research and publications on antiquity. - Issue 2. / / Almaty branch of S.-Pbgup. - Almaty, 2005. - P. 271-282.

40. Features of the development of architecture in Pavlodar in the late XIX-early XXI century. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2005. – №2-3(16-17), April-September. - P. 52-54. / Toylybaeva E. B.

41. Characteristic features of the architectural process in Kazakhstan in the first half of the twentieth century. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2005. – №4(18), April-September, Pp. 53-62.

42. Manifestation of deconstructivism features in the architecture of Kazakhstan in the late XX-early XXI century. - Economics, law, culture in the era of social transformation: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, January 25, 2006. - Almaty: Almaty branch of Spbgup, 2006. - P. 182-185.

43. Dynamics and direction of the architectural process in Kazakhstan in the second half of the twentieth century. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2006. – №1(19), January-March, Pp. 46-57.

44. Aesthetic relativism and absolute pragmatism. - Interview to the correspondent of the magazine "Expert. Kazakhstan " To V. Molchanov. // Expert Kazakhstan. – 2006. – № 31 (87), 28 August-September 3. - P. 42-43. / Molchanov V.

45. ionic order theme in the architecture of Kazakhstan in the first half of the twentieth century. - Economics, law, culture in the era of social transformation: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, January 24, 2007. - Almaty: Almaty branch of Spbgup, 2006. - P. 197-199.

46. Order composition of a four-story residential building on Omarova street in Almaty. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2006. – №4(22), October-December, Pp. 46-50.

47. ionic order theme in the architecture of Kazakhstan in the first half of the twentieth century. - Economics, law, culture in the era of social transformation: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, January 24, 2007. - Almaty: Almaty branch of Spbgup, 2007. - P. 197-199.

48. the ionic capital with a single balustrade is a unique interpretation of the classical theme. - Antique Bulletin. Research and publications on antiquity. Proceedings of the Fourth international scientific conference organized Ancient society (Center for classical studies in AF NOITS "Saint-Petersburg humanitarian University of trade unions") on the topic: "Actual problems of antiquity and the early middle ages" (March 24, 2007). Collected papers. - Issue 4. / / Almaty branch of S.-Pbgup. - Almaty, 2007. - P. 352-361.

49. Directions of formation in architecture of the middle XIX – beginning of XXI century (in terms of Glossary arm training course "world history of architecture -2"). - Economy, law, culture in the era of social transformations: materials of the international scientific-practical conference, 23 January 2008. - Almaty: Almaty branch of Spbgup, 2008. - P. 61-64.

50. Formalization of the ancient tradition of proportioning elements of architectural composition. - Problems of the history of the Ancient world and the Early middle Ages. Proceedings of the Fifth international scientific conference organized by the Almaty center of ancient studies ("Ancient scientific society") (March 29, 2008). Collected papers. Edited by V. N. Vdovin-Issue 5 ("Antique Bulletin" series).- Almaty, 2008. - P. 394-403.

51. Formation of a set of concepts for creating environmentally optimal settlements in the architecture of the XX-early XXI century. - Economics, law, culture in the era of social transformation: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, January 21, 2009. - Almaty: Almaty branch of NOUVPO Spbgup, 2009. P. 94-99. / Tuyakaeva A. K.

52. you can't ruin a City with a building. - Interview for the magazine " Expert. Kazakhstan " / / Expert Kazakhstan. – 2009. – № 16 (211), 27 April-may 3. - P. 46.

53. The pathos of creation. - Interview for the magazine " Expert. Kazakhstan " / / Expert Kazakhstan. – 2010. – № 37 (268), 20 – 26 September. - P. 26-23. / Sabitov A. R.

54. urban planning in the Uyghur Orkhon Khaganate (VIII-IX centuries). - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2010. – №4(38), October-December, Pp. 48-51/ M. B. Glaudinova

55. Genesis of the "Elite dwelling" as an independent unit of architectural typology. - Economics, law, culture in the era of social transformation: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, January 21, 2012. - Almaty: Almaty branch of NOUVPO Spbgup, 2012. P. 207-214. / Kurmankulov N. Zh.

56. Features of the formation of educational, research and production centers. - Economics, law, culture in the era of social transformation: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, January 21, 2012. - Almaty: Almaty branch of NOUVPO Spbgup, 2012. - P. 214-222. / Nurkusheva L. T.

57. Research of funeral rites of Kazakhs in the works of scientists of the XV-first half of the XX century. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2012. – №1(43), October-December. - P. 15-19. / Voinkov D. V.

58. Prospects for the formation of a crematorium complex in Almaty. - Student and science: Prospection // Collection of materials of the XII annual Republican scientific student conference. Part I.-Almaty, 2012. - P. 90-94. / Voinkov D. V.

59. Problems of environmental pollution in the city of Almaty in connection with urban planning aspects of the placement of citywide cemeteries. - Student and science: Prospection // Collection of materials of the XII annual Republican scientific student conference. Part I.-Almaty, 2012. - P. 298-304. / Voinkov D. V.

60. Design of health resorts and dispensaries. - Student and science: Prospection // Collection of materials of the XII annual Republican scientific student conference. Part I.-Almaty, 2012. - P. 304-307. / Troynykh E. V.

61. Relevance of methods of reconstruction of health resorts. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2012. – №2(44), October-December. - Pp. 84-89. / Triple E. V.

62. Features of the Genesis of collapsible elements of the subject-spatial environment. - Economics, law, culture in the era of social transformation: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, January 18, 2013. - Almaty: Almaty branch of NOUVPO Spbgup, 2013. - P. 205-211.

63. Prospects for the formation of sanitary protection zones on the example of the city of Almaty. - Economics, law, culture in the era of social transformation: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, January 18, 2013. - Almaty: Almaty branch of NOUVPO Spbgup, 2013. - P. 307-313. / D. V. Voinkov

64. Features of improving the system of anti-tuberculosis institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan. - Economics, law, culture in the era of social transformation: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, January 18, 2013. - Almaty: Almaty branch of NOUVPO Spbgup, 2013. - P. 313-319. / G. V. Pereboev

65. General characteristics of the development of architectural ornament in the architecture of Almaty (the second half of the XIX-beginning of the XXI century). - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal-Almaty, 2013. - no. (50) - P. 65-71. / O. N. Priemets

66. Techniques for designing energy-efficient buildings. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. - Almaty, 2013. - № 1(47). - P. 77-82. / I. A. Nadezhdeva

67. Prospects for the development of energy-efficient multifunctional complexes in major cities of Kazakhstan. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2013. – №2(48). – Pp. 50-55./ Nadeeva I. A.

68. Research of funeral rites of Kazakhs in the works of scientists of the XV-first half of the XX century. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2013. – №2(44). – P. 13-18. / Voinkov D. V.

69. Improvement of the functional and planning structure of medical institutions. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2013. – №2(44). – P. 69-73. / G. V. Pereboev

70. Basic principles and factors that determine the organizational foundations of modern medical institutions. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2013. – №2(44). – Pp. 76-80. / G. V. Pereboev.

71. Methodological aspects of working on a PhD thesis. - Collection of materials of the international methodological conference 04/11/2016 "Modern approaches in the formation of methodological materials of the educational process" - Almaty, KazGASA, 2016. - P. 28-31. / B. A. Glaudinov

72. Innovative approach to the formation of a set of training programs in the IOC-Kazgas. - Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Actual problems and prospects of construction development: innovation, modernization and energy efficiency", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Professor amirlan aidarbekovich Kusainov. - Almaty: KazGASA. 2017. - P. 256-259. / L. T. Nurkusheva

73. Health-improving complexes of Kazakhstan: development prospects. - Science and education today / Olymp. - Ivanovo, 2017. - № 4 (15). - P. 99-101. / Rustamova R. S.

74. Urban development complexes in Miami (USA) as an example of optimal construction in flooded areas. - Science and education today / Olymp. - Ivanovo, 2017. - № 4 (15). - Pp. 101-105 ./ Salimbayeva S.E.

75. Features of development of recreational potential of the Bukhtarma reservoir. - Science and education today / Olymp. - Ivanovo, 2017. - № 4 (15). - Pp. 105-109. / Omarov K. R.

76. World experience in the development of resort areas. - Science and education today/ Olymp.- No. 5 (16). - Ivanovo, 2017. - Pp. 96-99. / K. R. Omarov

77. The geoglyphs of the Republic of Kazakhstan are considered in the context of the world’s oldest geoglyphs. - Student and science: a look into the future / Collection of materials of the XVII annual Republican scientific student conference. Part 1. - Almaty: KazGASA, 2017. - Pp. 114-118. / Manatova M., Sharipbek N.

78. Features of object design from the positions of different approaches. - Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference "Modern project process and new standards of life" October 23, 2017-Almaty: IOC-KazGASA, 2017. - Pp. 333-337. / L. T. Nurkusheva, O. O. Karpechenko

79. Science of the statistical approach in the studies of the specific application of architectural ornament and other decorative elements. - IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), IOP Publishing Ltd. International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety (ICCATS 2017) / 21-22 September 2017, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation. - Volume 262, 2017. / Priemer O. N., Mukasheva M. M.

80. Specifics of the problem of artificial light environment. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2017. – №4(66). – P. 51-58. / Turekulova A. I.

81. Specifics of the oldest geoglyphs in Kazakhstan. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2018. – №1(67). – Pp. 69-75.

82. Development of formation of memorial architecture of modern Kazakhstan. - Bulletin of PSU / Scientific journal of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar state University. Philological series. - Pavlodar, 2018. - No. 3. - P. 347-360. / Zh. A. Imanbayeva, L. T. Nurkusheva

83. Public libraries in the information society. - Rehabilitation of a citizen's living space: materials of the XIV international scientific and practical conference named After V. Tatlin / E. G. Lapshina. - Penza: PGUAS, 2018. - Pp. 82-86. / Kamalov B. B.

84. A determination of the quantity of ornamental composition elements depending on the preassigned proportion. - International Scientifiic Journal ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science Philadelphia, USA, November, 2018. The impact factor of the journal: 2017 – 4.102, 2018 – 5.667. / O. Priemets

85. Shota Edrisovich Valikhanov is an example of a true Creator. - Valikhanov Sh. Onegeli Omir / ed. by G. M. Muratov. - Almaty: Kazak universitet, 2018. Issue 164. - P. 233. - 236.

86. Creative heritage of M. p. Pavlov in the context of modern architecture of Kazakhstan. - Bulletin of the Kazakh Head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal. – 2018. – №3(69). – P. 85-91. / Priemets O. N.

87. Stages of interpretation of neo-palladianism in the architecture of Kazakhstan of XX-XXI centuries. - Bulletin of the Kazakh head architectural and construction Academy. Scientific journal, 4 (70) 2018. - Almaty: KazGASA, 2018. - Pp. 49-55./ Kuzembaev D. S., Priemer O. N.

88. development of ornament in Almaty architecture = the ornament evolution in the Almaty architecture. - Almaty: publishing house "Construction and Architecture", 2019. - 208 p. ISBN 978-601-7891-99-2 / Priemer O. N.

89. Features of implementation of architectural and style preferences in modern design and construction practice of Kazakhstan companies. - Dialogue of East and West cultures through the prism of unity and diversity in the continuity and modernization of public consciousness: the ancient world, the middle ages, new and modern times: collection of scientific articles / ed. V. N. Vdovin-Almaty: Institute of history and Ethnology named after CH. CH. Valikhanov Of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2019. - P. 186-192. / kuzenbaev D. sh.

90. Originality of interpretation of traditions of classical architecture by T. K. Basenov in the aspect of its significance for the modern architecture of Kazakhstan. - "GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019: CENTRAL ASIA" Atta V Khalykar. gyl. - tzh. Conf. Materialdary (IV volume).- Astana, 2019. - P. 53-56. / Kuzenbaev D. Sh.

91. Consolidation of skills in designing energy-efficient buildings when performing graphic tasks. - Materials of the International scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in architecture and construction: energy efficiency, energy saving, BIM technologies, problems of the urban environment". - Almaty: KazGASA, 2019. - Pp. 260-265./ Priemer O. N.

92. The architectural concept of design firms (a stylistic aspect) = Architectural concepts of design firms (a style aspect). - Almaty: "Construction and Architecture", 2019. - 186 p. ISBN 978-601-332-352-7 / kuzenbaev D. sh., Sadvokasova G. K.

93. Innovations in Kazakhstan’s Architecture. - International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). - Volume-8 Issue-10, August 2019 – P. 2305-2313. - ISSN: 2278-3075. / O.Priemets, I.Zayats, Zh.Kenessarina, E.Yssembayeva

94. The potential of BIM technology to form a harmonious urban environment. - Science and education today. - No. 10 (45). - Moscow, 2019. - P. 5-7. / Yaskevich V. V., Khodzhikov A. V.

95. Prospects for the formation of economy class housing in blocked two-story buildings in Kazakhstan. - Science and education today. - No. 10 (45). - Moscow, 2019. - P. 62-64. / Mukasheva M. M.

96. Basic criteria for assessing the prospects of types of multi-storey residential buildings of mass development. - Science and education today. - No. 10 (45). - Moscow, 2019. - P. 68-71. / Kapanov A.

97. Neoclassical theme in the context of the development of architectural and artistic forms of Kazakhstan at the turn of the century. - «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019: CENTRAL ASIA» № 2(3). September-October 2019 SERIES "art HISTORY". - ISSN 2664-2271-P. 6-10. / Mutaliev A.D.

98. Features of formation of the first capital ensembles of the city of Nur-Sultan. - «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019: CENTRAL ASIA» № 2(3). September-October 2019 SERIES "art HISTORY". - ISSN 2664-2271-P. 4-18. / Donchenko S. A.

99. the Problem of forming a comfortable home in a multi-ethnic society of modern Kazakhstan. - «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019: CENTRAL ASIA» № 2(3). September-October 2019 SERIES "cultural STUDIES". - ISSN 2664-2271. - P. 3-6. / Sarzhanov N. Zh.

100 Specifics of pedestrian spaces as part of the urban environment. - «GLOBAL SCIENCE AND INNOVATIONS 2019: CENTRAL ASIA»№ 2(3). September-October 2019 series "cultural STUDIES". - ISSN 2664-2271. - P. 7-10. / Usembayeva A. N.

101. History of Kazakhstan architecture / Textbook. - Almaty: International educational corporation, 2019. – 88 p.- ISBN 978-601-7966-52-1 / Glaudinova M.B., Glaudinov B.A., Galimzhanova A.S., Amandykova D.A., Priemets O.N.

102. Color in an urbanized environment and performance of the development of urban colority programs. - Science, education and culture, № 8 (42), 2019. - C. 58-60. / Ussembayeva A. N., Khodjikov A.V.

103. Features of formation of public spaces of the city of Almaty at the end of the XIX - the beginning of the XX century. - Science, education and culture, № 9 (43), 2019. - C. 51-54. / Kenzhebekov M. N.

104. Innovative style for the new capital city: the constructivism of the 1930s in Almaty. - National Association of scientists (NAU) # 49, 2019. - C. 9-11. / Donchenko S. A.

105. Planning features of mobile buildings. - Internauka: electron. scientific. journal 2019. No. 43 (125) - part 2. - P. 52-54 / Nogaibayeva A. S.

106. Typological features of mobile buildings. - Science, education and culture, № 10 (44), 2019. – C. 68-70. / Nogaibayeva A. S.

107. Dismountable buildings and structures of antiquity and the middle ages. - Science, education and culture. - № 1 (45), 2020. – C. 58-60. / Nogaibayeva A. S.

108. Basic principles of formation of modern eco-city. - Science, education and culture No. 2 (46), 2020. - C. 63-66. / Abilev D. N.

109. Principles of architectural and spatial organization of transformable sports facilities. - Science, education and culture No. 2 (46), 2020. - c. 67-69. / Tolep A. E.

110. Features of interpretation of the traditional life of the people of kazakhstan in the modern housing. - Science and education today, № 11 (46), 2019. - P. 5-6. / Sarzhanov N. Zh.

112. Features of housing for workers XIX - the beginning of the XX century in the UK. - Science and education today, № 11 (46), 2019. - Pp. 63-65. / Mukasheva M. M.

113. Historical background of the need for the formation of mobile buildings. - Science and education today, № 11 (46), 2019. - Pp. 66-70. / Nogaibayeva A.

114. Specificity of public space as a component of the city environment. - Science and education today, № 11 (46), 2019. - Pp. 74-77. / Sergazy D. UE.

115. Architectural adaptive space. - Science and education today, № 12 (47), 2019. - Pp. 95-97. / G. D. Maulenova, K. V. Tsay

116. Prospects for the formation of local history parks in Kazakhstan (on the example of the geoglyph Park in the Kostanay region). - Science and education today, № 12 (47), 2019. - Pp. 104-106. / V. A. Musabaeva

117. Interpretation of sustainable development principles in modern architecture. - Science and education today, № 12 (47), 2019. - Pp. 97-101. / A.D. Mutaliev

118.The architectural specific of Kzylorda city in the capital of Kazakhstan status (1925-1929). - Science and education today, № 12 (47), 2019. - Pp. 107-109. / S. A. Donchenko

119. Prospects for the development of apartments for families with wheelchair users. - Science and education today, № 12 (47), 2019. - P. 90-94. / A. F. Mondoniko, A.D. Mutaliev

120. Features of housing for workers in the twentieth century in Russia. - Science and education today, № 12 (47), 2019. - Pp. 88-89. / M.M.Mukasheva

121. Features of housing for workers in the NINETEENTH century in Russia. - Science and education today, № 12 (47), 2019. - Pp. 86-87. / M. M. Mukasheva

122. Architectural-urban planning features development of Ankara city. - Science and education today. - № 2 (49), 2020. – C. 77-81. / Donchenko S. A.

123. Architectural and urban construction features of the development of the city of the Canberra. - Science and education today. - № 2 (49), 2020. – C. 81-83. / Donchenko S. A.

124. Features modern architectural polystylism. - Rehabilitation of a citizen's living space: mater. XVI international.nauch-prakt. Conf. them. Vladimir Tatlin. Part II / under the General editorship of E. G. Lapshin. - Penza: PGUAS, 2020. - P. 73-75. ISBN 978-5-9282-1669-6; ISBN 978-5-9282-1671-9 / Priemets O. N.

125. Trends and principles of the formation of the coloristic environment of a modern city. - Science and education today # 4 (51), 2020. - Pp. 54-56. / Almukasheva D. B., Maulenova G. D.

126. Features of basic architectural assemblies cities of Brazilia. - Science and education today # 4 (51), 2020. - P. 57-58. / Donchenko S. A.

127. Specifications of taking into account climate conditions for designing eco-cities in arid regions of Western Kazakhstan. - Science and education today # 4 (51), 2020. - P. 59-62. / Abilev D. N.

128. Principles of organization of public spaces in large cities. - Science and education today # 4 (51), 2020. - Pp. 63-65. / Sergazy D. Y.

129. Transformation and movement in architecture: the relationship between art, technology and technology. - Science and education today No. 4 (51), 2020. - P. 66-68. / Tolep A. E., balykbaev B. T.

130. Theoretical model of a barrier-free urban environment framework for low-mobility population groups at all urban planning levels. - Science and education today # 4 (51), 2020. - Pp. 69-75. / Kustaubayeva, M. M., Balykbaev, B. T.

131.The creation of a stylistic image of the crematorium building. - Science and education today # 4 (51), 2020. - Pp. 76-79. / Dyussenova, D. G.

132. Creator in Kazakhstan-myth, or reality?. - Science and education today # 4 (51), 2020. - P. 80-82. / Dyussenova, D. G.

133. Volume-planning solution building creator. - Science and education today # 4 (51), 2020. - P. 82-85. / Dyussenova, D. G.

134. Reconstruction of public spaces in the city system. - Science and education today # 5 (52), 2020. - Pp. 83-85. / Sergazy D. Y.

135. An analog of architectural and planning organizations of hotels. - Science and education today # 5 (52), 2020. - P. 85-87. / Aydar UE., Mayorov S. M.

136. Analysis of the features of the motels. - Science and education today # 5 (52), 2020. - P. 89-90. / Aydar UE., Mayorov S. M.

137. Transformation and adaptation in modern architecture. - Science and education today # 5 (52), 2020. - P. 90-92. / Tolep A. E., Balykbayev B. T.

138.The role of public spaces from the beginning of antiquity to our days. - Science and education today # 5 (52), 2020. - P. 92-94. / Abilev D. N.

139. Architectural-urban planning features new cities-capitals of the XX century. - Science and education today No. 6 (53), 2020. Part 2-C. 77-79. / Donchenko S. A.

140. Development of the construction of three cities-capitals Kazakhstan of the XX century. - Science and education today # 7 (54), 2020. - P. 102-104. / Donchenko S. A.

141. Urban planning concepts of the capital cities of Kazakhstan. - Science and education today # 7 (54), 2020. - P. 105-112. / Donchenko S. A.

142. Urban development complexes of the city of Almaty. - Science and education today No. 9 (56), 2020. C. 37-40./ Donchenko S. A.

143. Urban development complexes of the city of Nur-Sultan. - Science and education today No. 9 (56), 2020. C. 40-42. / Donchenko S. A.

144. Style innovations of the capital cities of Kazakhstan. - Science and education today # 9 (56), 2020. - C. 42-50. / Donchenko S. A.

145. SHAPING of ISLAMIC MEMORIAL-CULT STRUCTURES in KAZAKHSTAN of the X – XIX CENTURY = the SHAPING OF ISLAMIC MEMORIAL-CULT STRUCTURES IN KAZAKHSTAN OF the X – XIX CENTURY – Almaty: "CIS&Architecture", 2020. - 143 p. - ISBN 978-601-332-692-4. / Kasymbekova M. B., Glaudinov B. A.

Article title Journal title Direction Year

Potential research studies of doctoral students

Renovation of the mausoleum-honako complex of Ahmed Yassavi in ​​Turkestan (features and prospects)

Features of the layout of apartments in multi-storey residential buildings in modern Kazakhstan

Features of the composition of multi-storey residential buildings in modern Kazakhstan

Features of the proportional structure of classical order compositions in modern architecture of Kazakhstan