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Sarsenova Gulshat Omarkhanova

Sarsenova Gulshat Omarkhanova

Candidate of technical sciences


Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Department of civil engineering and building materials

Email: g.sarsenova@satbayev.111

Professional biography

1) 2005-2009 - JSC NC KTZ-"Central Management of capital construction" engineer-estimator, leading engineer estimator, chief specialist of design and estimate documentation.

2)  2009-2015 - Assistant of the Department of Architecture and Construction, T. K. Basenov Institute of Construction and Architecture.

3) 2015-2016 - The Ministry of Justice of the RSE "National Institute of Intellectual Property" is the chief patent expert specializing in "Mining machines".

4) 2016-2018 - Kazakh Automobile Institute named after L.B. Goncharov lecturer of the Department "Transport Construction and production of building materials"

5) 2020-2021 - Multidisciplinary College of Zhanatas. Lecturer of the department "Mining and minerals".

6) 2014-2023 - Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport engineer-estimator of vocational training, freelance designer.

7) Since 2023  "Astana expert" Expertise of urban planning, pre-design and design estimates for specialization: Estimated part .

8) Since 2023 he has been a lecturer at the Department of Architecture and Construction at the T. K. Basenov Institute of Construction and Architecture.


1) 2000-2005 - Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M.Tynyshbaeva, Faculty of Civil Engineering, full-time department, specialty "Railway construction, track and track management". Qualification: railway engineer - builder.

2) 2006-2010 - Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communication named after M.Tynyshbaeva postgraduate thesis defense in the specialty 05.22.06 – "Reliability of the railway track".

3) 2011- 2015 - National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic Institute of Machine Science Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov Jalal-Abad State University, defense of candidate dissertations in the specialty 05.05.06 – "Mining machines" on the topic "Research and development of the design of a special conveyor on an air cushion for the transportation of large-bulk cargo"

4) 2014-2016 - Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics, specialty "Accounting and Audit".

5) 2020-2024 - Omsk Pedagogical Academy. The foreign language is English.


1. Sarsenova G. analysis of the market of water samples and materials. Vestnik KAZNTU Im K. I. Satpayeva №6,15.11.2015, STR 437-438 UDC 691.334.4 technical specifications

2. Sarsenova G. The modern state of the reserve of technogenic mineral cheese mountain and significant production. Vestnik KAZNTU im K. I. Satpayeva №6,15.11.2015, STR 439-440 UDC 691.334.4 technical specifications

3. Sarsenova G. practice of using technogenic mineral resources. Vestnik KAZNTU Im K. I. Satpayeva №6,15.11.2015, STR 9-10 UDC 691.334.4 technical specifications

4. Sarsenova G. The determination of the quality of character traits in the protection of certain mountain enterprises. Vestnik KAZNTU Im K. I. Satpayeva №6,15.11. 2015, STR 7-8 UDC 691.334.4 technical specifications.

5. Sarsenova G. Systematization and scope of application of conveyors and air cushion devices. KGUSTA named after N.Isanov MOiN KR Bishkek 2012,Zharchysy Vestnik 35 NEW ISSN 1694-5298 pp. 55-58.

6. Sarsenova G.,Murzalina G.B. The effect of non-rigidity of the base on the intensity of dynamic effects. VIII International Conference. Problems of strength of materials in transport. April 23-24, 2008. Theses.St. Petersburg, page 10 No. 2.

7. Sarsenova G., Bittibaev S.M. Contact-fatigue defects of rails in curves under axial loads. VIII International Conference. Problems of strength of materials in transport. April 23-24, 2008. Theses.Saint-Petersburg.

8. Sarsenova G., Omarov K.A. Determination of resistances in an air cushion conveyor. UDC 622.647 Science and Novelty Bishkek 2012

9. Sarsenova G., Omarov K.A. Calculation of a conveyor with an air cushion pneumatic drive. UDC 622.647 Zharatuu Bishkek 2012.

10. Sarsenova G., Seitkazinov O.D. Strength reliability of welded joints of the joint-less track. Proceedings of the International Technical Conference . Modern problems of transport equipment . Almaty KazATK 2007. No.3. pp. 76-79

11. Sarsenova G.O., Omarov K.A., Criteria for choosing the shape of the conveyor chute on an air cushion. Proceedings of the International Technical Conference .Modern problems of transport equipment . Almaty KazATK 2010. No.3. Pp. 76-79.

12. Sarsenova G.,Bittibayev S.M., Conditions for increasing the contact fatigue durability of rails. UDC 625.143.404.7 2008.

13. Sarsenova G. Investigation of the load-bearing capacity and geometric parameters of the load-bearing body of the air-cushion conveyor. UDC 622,643 Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical conference Modern problems of geotechnics, mechanics and construction of transport structures ISSMGEKazATK Almaty 2011

14. Sarsenova G., Omarov K.A. Fundamentals of calculating a conveyor with a pneumatic air cushion drive. Bulletin of KazATK Almaty 3(64) pp. 76-79

15. Sarsenova G., Omarov K.A. Improving the efficiency of air cushion operation in conveyors. Bulletin of KazATK Almaty No.3(64) pp. 97-101

16. Sarsenova G., Omarov K.A. Systematization of air cushion conveyors. Bulletin of KazATK Almaty No.3(64) pp. 97-101

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