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Sarybayev Nurzhigit Omarovich

Sarybayev Nurzhigit Omarovich


Associate Professor

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Department of Mining

Email: n.sarybayev@satbayev.111


Professional biography

2015 -2016 yy. - engineer of "Mining" department of KazNRTU

2016-2017 yy. - assistant of "Mining" department of KazNRTU

2017 - till current date - senior lecturer of "Mining" department of KazNRTU


Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering department    

University of Alberta,

Master of Technical sciences

6M070700 «Mining»

KazNRTU after K.I.Satbayev, Mining department, Mining and metallurgy institute

Scientific projects

Project title: Preparation of contours of steeply inclined layers with geological structure required for numerical modeling of geomechanical processes in digital 3D format. Purchase and debugging of licensed RS3 software

Role in the project: performer


1) Sultanbekova Z., Tsekhovoy A., Moldabayev S., Sarybayev N. Risks study during implementation of combined transport on ore open pit mines. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 20 (1.2), pp. 259-266. URL:

2) Serik Moldabayev, Bolatbek Rysbaiuly, Zhanat Sultanbekova and Nurzhigit Sarybayev. Methodological approach to creation of the 3D model of an oval-shaped open pit mine. E3S Web Conf. Volume 123, 2019. Ukrainian School of Mining Engineering - 2019. URL:

3) Moldabayev, S., Adamchuk, A., Sarybayev, N., Shustov, A. Improvement of open cleaning-up schemes of border Mineral reserves. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM 19(1.3), с. 331-338. URL:

4) Moldabayev, S., Sultanbekova, Z., Adamchuk, A., Sarybayev, N. Method of optimizing cyclic and continuous technology complexes location during finalization of mining deep ore open pit mines. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM 19(1.3), с. 407-414. URL:

5) Moldabayev, S.K., Aben, Y., Kasymbayev, E.A., Sarybayev, N.O. Complete cyclical-and-continuous technology equipment for intermodal vehicle–conveyor–rail transport. Mining Informational and Analytical Bulletin 2019(7), с. 158-173. URL:

6) Moldbayev, S., Sultanbekova, Z., Toktarov, A., Sarybayev, N. Provision of possibility of constructing conveyor hoist in a stationary position during developemnt of a working zone on steep pit edges of an open-pit mine. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM 17(13), с. 693-700. URL:

7) Dryzhenko, A., Moldabayev, S., Shustov, A., Adamchuk, A., Sarybayev, N. Open pit mining technology of steeply dipping mineral occurences by steeply inclined sublayers. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEM 17(13), с. 599-606. URL:

8) Sarybayev N.O., Moldabayev S.K., Sadat Hosay. Cyclic and continuous method in coal mining. Mining journal of Kazakhstan, 2021, issue 6, pp. 20-24. URL:

9) N.O.Sarybayev, S.K.Moldabayev, Hurmat Sodaba, T.E.Bagdatov. Development perspectives of cyclic and continuous method. Mining journal of Kazakhstan, 2021, 6 issue, pp. 26-29. URL:

10) K.A., Yussupov, Kh A., E.K., Aben, E. Kh, S., Myrzakhmetov, Sayfulmalik, . D., Akhmetkanov, . D.K., N.O., Sarybayev, Nurzhigit O. Increasing the Efficiency of Underground Block Leaching of Metal. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran), 2024

11) Erbolat Aben, Saltanat Yussupova, Dalelkhan Akhmetkanov, Erbol Yelzhanov, Nurzhigit Sarybayev. Research into Uranium Characteristics and Content in a Pregnant Solution During Leaching with Oxygen Saturation. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran), 2024.

12) P. Shcherbakov, S. Tymchenko, S. Moldabayev, N. Sarybayev, D. Klymenko, N. Ulanova. Implementation of a mathematical component in the device development for operational control of the dump truck. ISSN 2071-2227, E-ISSN 2223-2362, Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2024, № 4.

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