Shaizhanova Meruyert Maratovna

Shaizhanova Meruyert Maratovna


Institute of Project Management

Department of Foreign Languages

Email: m.shaizhanova@satbayev.111

Professional biography

Master of International Relations. English teacher with 11 years of experience. She started her teaching career in 2011 as an English teacher at the O. Zhautykov Republican School of Physics and Mathematics. In 2013, she took the third place in the Republican Pedagogical Olympiad "Talented teacher-gifted children". In 2015, she was awarded the diploma of the director of the "Best Young Teacher of the RPMS-2015". In March 2015, she was transferred to the position of Head of the Library of the RPMS. From 2015 to 2017, she worked as a teacher of English language and literature at the State Almaty Humanitarian and Pedagogical College №2. From 2017 to 2019 she taught English and business English at Narxoz University. Since September 2019, she worked as an assistant at KazATC named after M.Tynyshpaev. Since February 2021, he has been working at Satbayev University as a tutor.


1. 2005 – 2009 Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Specialty "Romano-Germanic Philology".

Qualification: Philologist, teacher of English language and literature.

2. 2009 – 2011 Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Specialty "International relations".

Qualification: Master of International Relations.

Scientific projects

- Methodological guidelines for the implementation of practical work on discipline:

workshop on foreign language for all specialties of the master's degree program, Publishing center of the KazATC, Almaty-2020.


- "Ағылшын тіліндегі етістіктер мен оларды үйрету жолдары", the Bulletin of PSU. Pavlodar, Philological series No. 2, 2020, pp. 375-386,

- "Кәсіби мәдениетаралық коммуникацияны оқытуға бағытталған LSP-дың лингводидактикалық ерекшеліктері", the Bulletin of PSU. Pavlodar, Philological series No. 2, 2020, pp. 218-231,

- "Жобалау технологиясын қолданудың озық əдіс-тәсілдері", "Science and life of Kazakhstan", September 2020, No. 9, pp. 181-183.

- "International and pseudointernational vocabulary: main features, the methods of translation", "Science and life of Kazakhstan", September 2020, No. 9, pp. 225-228.

- "Study of the direct object", "Science and life of Kazakhstan", September 2020, No. 9, pp. 307-310.

- "Шет тілін оқытудағы инновациялық педагогикалық технология", Almaty scientific-practical conference. Almaty, 2017. - No. 2. - Page 16.

- "Linguistic approach to the consideration of phraseological units in Russian and English", "Ustaz martebesi", 05.12.2019-No. 47. Page 6.

- "Modern infocommunication technologies and communication systems in the educational process", the Collection of the international scientific conference of the Academy of CSS "Challenges of the 21st century, multicultural and multilingual world" 25.02.2020 G. Page.163-167.