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Shimayeva Saltanat Musahanovna

Shimayeva Saltanat Musahanovna

Master of humanities


Institute of Project Management

Department of Social Disciplines

Email: s.shimayeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

02.09.24 – KazNITU named after K.I. Satpayev, teacher of the Department of Social Sciences


Higher education. 2001-2005 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University № 0002855

The specialty is History

Qualification is History

In 2007  al-Farabi Kazakh National University awarded an academic master's degree and a master's qualification in archeology and ethnology. The topic of the master's thesis: "Shapyrashty runygy tarikhy men shezhіresі "


1. Digital Turkic World and Information Discourse of Kazakhstan; Vol. 99 No. 1 (2024)

2. Determination of the growth rate of students' language proficiency in Kazakh and Russian. Satpayev Readings-2021. 2-volume. Almaty 2021.

3. Socio-humanitarian problems of studying the participation of Kazakhs in World War II (statement of the question) Mendikulova International scientific journal In the world of Science and education. Taraz, kazakhstan issn: 3 0 0 7 - 8 9 4 6. Impact factor: sjif 2021 - 5.812022 - 5.94. October 20, 2024 4. A Comparative Analysis of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan Cultural Diplomacy Strategies on the New Silk Road «Izvestia of KazUMOiWL named after Ablai Khan», June 2024

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