Shiryayeva Olga Ivanovna
Candidate of technical sciences
Associate Professor
Institute of Automation and Information Technologies
Department of Automation and сontrol
Email: o.shiryayeva@satbayev.111
Professional biography
She started her career at KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev in 2001.
Conducts disciplines for students of the specialty 5B070200, 6M070200, 6D070200 - Automation and control: "Linear automatic control systems", "Nonlinear automatic control systems", "Design of automation systems", "Automation of technical systems", "Robust and invariant control systems", "Intelligent control systems".
State Scholarship for talented young scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2002 - 2003)
The title of "The best teacher of 2017
1) Kazakh Polytechnic Institute named afterLenin, Almaty. Specialty: 3601 - Automation and control in technical systems. Qualification: electrical engineer.
2) Full-time postgraduate student of the Institute of Computer Science and Management of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3) In 2001, he was awarded the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.01 - System analysis, management and information processing (by industry). The topic of the dissertation is "The study of dynamic properties and the construction of control systems for interval-specified objects"
Scientific projects
The main scientific areas of research: intelligent systems for automatic control of multidimensional multiply connected objects.
Since 1993, she participated in 13 projects under the agreement of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Actual projects:
1. "Development of intelligent dynamic systems for predicting and managing complex objects." Implemented under the budget program 120 "Grant funding for scientific research" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2012-2014. State registration number 0112РК00324.
2. "Intelligent technology of immunoset modeling of drugs." Performed under the budget program 055 "Scientific and / or scientific and technical activity" of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2012-2014. State registration number 0112РК02222.
3. “Computer molecular design of drugs based on immuno-network modeling.” State registration number 0115РК00549. 2015-2017.
4. "Development of information technology, algorithms and software and hardware for intelligent control systems of complex objects in the conditions of parametric uncertainty." State registration number 0115РК00536. 2015-2017.
5. "Development of cognitive Smart-technology for intelligent control systems of complex objects based on artificial intelligence approaches" No. AP05130018 (2018-2020).
Among the publications of Shiryaevo O.I. there are articles in journals and periodicals of the Higher Attestation Commission, KKSON, RSCI, Scopus. Current publications for the last 3 years.
1 Shiryaeva O.I., Samigulin T.I. (2019). Development of an artificial immune control system for a multidimensional oil and gas industry. Bulletin of NTU "KhPI". Series: Computer Science and Modeling. Kharkov: NTU "KhPI" 13 (1338), p. 155-165.
3 Shiryayeva O., Samigulin T. (2019). CLONALG application to the PID-controller synthesis of MIMO-systems in oil and gas industry. Lublin: Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska 9(3), p. 50-53.
4 Shiryayeva O.I. (2019). Features of the Smart-technologies application to the synthesis of MIMO-systems in oil and gas industry. The 17th International conference information technologies and management, Riga, Latvia, p. 46-48.
5 Shiryaeva O.I., Samigulin T.I. (2019). Basic concepts of the development of an artificial immune system into a class of complex systems. Bulletin of KazNITU 5, p. 501-504.
6 Shiryaeva O.I. Development of approaches of artificial immune systems for solving various applied problems (monograph). Almaty: ONON, 2019. - 206c.
7 Samigulin T.I., Shiryaeva O. I. Development of a Smart control system for a complex technological process of the oil and gas industry using bioinspired algorithms // Bulletin of KBTU. - 2019. - Vol. 16. - Issue 4. - pp. 164-171.
Copyright certificate 11354. Implementation of Smart technology for building a control system for technological processes in the oil and gas industry / O.I. Shiryaeva, T.I. Samigulin; publ. 14.07.2020. - 2s.
Panyukova, D., Sladkowski, A., Shiryayeva, O. Roadside infrastructure unit as an autonomous small-sized smart grid. holonic approach // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineeringthis link is disabled, 2020, 972(1), 012022.
Samigulin T., Shiryayeva O. Development of a SMART-system for a complex industrial object control based on metaheuristic algorithms of swarm intelligence // WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems
1 Shiryaeva O.I. Theoretical foundations for the synthesis of complex control systems using artificial immune system algorithms // Problems of automation and control. - Bishkek: National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic, 2021. – №1 (40). – Pp. 61-67. (IF RSCI – 0.463)
2 Shiryaeva O.I., Samigulin T.I. Integration of modern microprocessor technology of a distributed control system with AIS algorithms // Bulletin of NTU "KhPI". Series: Computer Science and Modeling. - Kharkiv: NTU "KhPI", 2021. – №1(5). – 56- 69c. (IF RSCI – 0.134)
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