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Shvachko Vadim Valentinovich

Shvachko Vadim Valentinovich

Colonel (Reserve)

Deputy head of military affairs


Military Department

Email: v.shvachko@satbayev.111

Professional biography

He served in a number of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (since 1994) in command positions from commander of an artillery platoon to chief of staff, deputy commander of a cannon artillery brigade.

He began his teaching career in 2007 as a senior lecturer at the Department of Artillery of the Military Institute of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, associate professor of the Department of Artillery of the VI SV since 2014 (in 2019 he was dismissed to the reserve). Since August 2019, he has been a lecturer, senior lecturer at the Institute of Military Affairs. Since September 2021, Deputy Head of the Institute of Military Affairs. Author of textbooks for cadets of military educational institutions and students of military departments in the disciplines of "Shooting and fire control", "Military topography".



Karaganda Polytechnic Institute, engineering faculty. Qualification - engineer technologist.

Scientific projects

Main scientific directions:

His research interests are related to the automation of the management of reconnaissance and fire complexes, automation of the processes of reconnaissance and fire control of artillery formations of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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