Sidorenko Larissa
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Architecture and civil engineering
Architecture Department
Email: l.sidorenko@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Larisa Sidorenko teaches the main core disciplines at the Department of Architecture, Satbayev University.
Architect (member of the Union of architects of Kazakhstan), designer (member of the Union of designers of Kazakhstan),
Her research is aimed at the renovation, development and humanization of urban spaces; conceptual design of both stationary and mobile forms of architectural objects of various functional purposes.
The results of scientific research on the topics "Regional features of the organization of tourism infrastructure" and "an Integrated approach to creating a quality urban environment" are published in a number of articles and are used during classes.
Kuibyshev Institute of civil engineering. Faculty Of Architecture, Samara city, 1982.Scientific projects
Leadership and participation in all major architectural design works on the reorganization of the spatial environment, buildings and their interiors Satpayev University:the concept of reconstruction of the University Museum;
development of the subject-spatial environment;
brand shop of the University (RP with equipment development);
project and implementation of wall painting in the office of the Vice-rector for art;
reconstruction of the 2nd floor of the Kazakh-Korean center; Assembly hall (MMC);
media library (MMC) (RP with equipment development);
transition between buildings of GUK and MMK; student trade Union Committee (basement of GUK);
concept of design of Elevator halls;
reconstruction project of the University library; reception, office and meeting room of the rector of the University.
1 Chupina D. A., Sidorenko L. V. "the Concept of renovation of the former industrial and warehouse territory in Almaty", Scientific journal "Vestnik Kazgas". - 2014.
3 Bykov A. M., Sidorenko, L. V., "the Organization of subject-spatial environment of center for alternative and complementary medicine", the Scientific journal "Bulletin of architecture and civil engineering". - 2014.
4 Almyasheva D. B., Scientific supervisor – L. V. Sidorenko. "Some features of designing student dormitories in Kazakhstan", Proceedings of the international Satpayev readings, 2019
5 Kozhakhmetova M. X ., Scientific supervisor-L. V. Sidorenko. "Landscape as a key element in the improvement of residential space of the city", Proceedings of the international Satpayev readings, 2019
6 Zimareva A. O., Sidorenko L. V. "the Role of design in the organization of festivals" - Works of Satpayev readings: "Innovative solutions to traditional problems: engineering and technology". KazNTU. - Almaty, 2018
7 Kachibaia I. M., Sidorenko L. V. "On the design of mobile housing" - Works of Satpayev readings: "Innovative solutions to traditional problems: engineering and technology". KazNTU. - Almaty, 2018
8 Alpieva A., Sidorenko L. V. "Specifics of youth cafe design" - Works of international Satpayev readings: "scientific heritage of Shahmardan Esenov". KazNTU. - Almaty, 2017;
9 Bezhentseva I. S., Sidorenko L. V. "On the organization of a single pedestrian system in Almaty" - Proceedings of international Satpayev readings: "scientific heritage of Shahmardan Esenov". KazNTU. - Almaty, 2017;
10 Bezhentseva I., Sidorenko L. V., "Color in the design of the urban environment" - Proceedings of the international Satpayev readings: Competitiveness of technical science and education". KazNTU. - Almaty, 2016;
11 Zimareva A., Sidorenko L. V., "On the evolution of the architectural environment of shopping and entertainment complexes" - Proceedings of the international Satpayev readings: Competitiveness of technical science and education. 2016., KazNTU. - Almaty, 2016;
12 Sidorenko L. V., Kachibaia I. "Specifics of underground housing design" - Proceedings of international Satpayev readings: Competitiveness of technical science and education. KazNTU. - Almaty, 2016;
13 Zakaradze D., Sidorenko L. V. "On the question of typological features of the design of children's camps". - Student and science: a look into the future. Collection of materials of the XVII annual Republican scientific student conference. - Almaty, 2016;
14 Muratova sh., Sidorenko L. V. "On the question of typological features of the design of children's camps". - Student and science: a look into the future. Collection of materials of the XVII annual Republican scientific student conference. - Almaty, 2016;
15 Kaleeva E. V., Sidorenko, L. V., "Functional and aesthetic components of vertical gardening in urban environment". - Student and science: a look into the future. Collection of materials of the XVI annual Republican scientific student conference. - Almaty, 2015;
16 Omarova, A. D., Sidorenko, L. V., "Evolution of eco-technologies in architecture and design." - Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Architecture and construction in the context of global integration". - Almaty, 2015;
17 Sidorenko L. V. "Modern technologies in the design of the architectural environment". - Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Architecture and construction in the context of global integration". - Almaty, 2015;
18 Pogorelova G., Sidorenko, L. V., "the Role of design in addressing environmental problems of the urban environment". - Proceedings Of the international Satpayev readings: "the Role and place of young scientists in the implementation of the new economic policy of Kazakhstan". - Almaty, 2015
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