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Smailov Kenzhegali Mamanovich

Smailov Kenzhegali Mamanovich

Junior Researcher

Researchers of Satbayev University holding

Institute of Metallurgy and Ore Beneficiation

Email: kenzegalismailov56@gmail.222


Professional biography

Smailov K.M. in 2015 graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, speciality ‘Physics’ and Master's degree in 2019 in KazNU named after Al-Farabi, speciality ‘Nanomaterials and nanotechnology’.

In 2018 he had an internship in Kyoto University of Technology Kyoto, Japan. He took part with an oral report in International scientific conferences: XX All-Russian Youth Conference on physical chemistry, physics of semiconductors and nanostructures, semiconductor opto- and nanoelectronics. - St. Petersburg; Asia Youth Exchange programme in Science administered by Japan Science and Technology Agency, Kyoto, Japan.

From February 2018 to 2020 worked in the DGP on PCV ‘Scientific and Technological Park’ RGP on PCV ‘KazNU named after Al-Farabi’ of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the position of Scientific Associate (SA).

Has more than 15 published scientific works, including published in co-authorship 2 monographs, including 2 patents for invention RK and 3 certificates, protected by copyright on the objects of works of science, 3 articles recommended by COCCON MES RK, 3 publications published in conference collections (Proceedings).

Since May 2021 works in JSC ‘Institute of Metallurgy and Enrichment’ at NAO ‘Satbayev University’ in the position of Junior Scientific Associate (JSA).


Bachelor's degree:

Graduated from Pavlodar State Pedagogical University in 2015, specialising in Physics.

Master's degree:

In 2019, graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, specialising in Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology.

Scientific projects

Currently Smailov K. is the executor of two research projects


Ospanov H.K., Smailov K.M., Nuruly E. Novel methods of extraction of cobalt and nickel from mineral raw materials: monograph / edited by Ospanov H.K., Smailov K.M., Nuruly E. - Almaty: Salem, 2020. - С. 220. Ospanov Kh.K., Gabdullin M.T., Smailov K.M., Nuruly Ye., Issabayeva B.K.. Technology for obtaining nanofilms of various metals by chemical deposition in the form of sulfides at low temperature // Herald of the Kazakh - British Technical University. - 2020. - № 2 (53). - P. 108-116. Ospanov H.K., Smailov K.M., Nuruly E. Regularities of change of non-traditional thermodynamic functions ΔrG0/n and for cobalt minerals // Chemical Bulletin of the Kazakh National University. - 2020. - № 1. - C. 22-30. Gabdullin M.T., Ospanov H.K., Smailov K.M. Luminescence and electrophysical properties of nanostructured synthesized cadmium and zinc compounds from unitiolate coordination compounds // Journal of Problems of Evolution of Open Systems. - 2018. - V. 20. - VOL. 2. - PP. 92-104.


Smailov K.M. Study of luminescent and photoelectric properties of nanostructured metal sulfides deposited by thermal destruction of unitiolate coordination compounds // V International Farabeev Readings. - Materials of the international scientific conference of students and young scientists ‘Farabi әlemi’. - Almaty, Kazakhstan, 3-13 April 2018. - С. 223.


Ospanov H.K., Smailov K.M., Nuruly E. Thermodynamic regularities of dissolution of nickel minerals // Proceedings of the X International Beremzhanov Congress on Chemistry and Chemical Technology. - KazNU named after Al-Farabi, Almaty, 24-25 October, 2019 - P. 37-38.


Ospanov H.K., Smailov K.M., Nuruly E. The latest methods of extraction of cobalt and nickel from mineral raw materials: monograph. / under scientific ed. H.K. Ospanov. - Almaty: ‘Salem’, 2020. - 220 с.

Smailov K.M., Umirbekova N.S., Supieva J.A., Omarkhan B.M. Mineraldy shikizattan cobalt pen nickelli bөlip aludynynң zhanja әdisteri: monograph / under the scientific editorship of K.M. Smailov. - Almaty: ‘Salem’, 2021. - 249 с.


Ospanov Kh., Smailov K., Nuruly Ye. Regularities of changing of non-traditional thermodynamic functions for nickel minerals // Sciences of Europe. - 2019. - Vol. 2, No 44. - P. 27-33. (Praha, Czech Republic).


Patent for invention RK No. 34537 dated 28.08.2020; Reg. application number 2019/0556.1 dated 05.08.2019. ‘Method of selective extraction of nickel minerals from dolomite ores in the presence of cobalt minerals’ / Ospanov H.K., Smailov K.M., Nuruly E.

Patent for invention RK № 35197 from 10.12.2021; Reg. number of application 2020/0384.1 from 08.06.2020. ‘Method of complex extraction of cobalt and nickel from ferrous silicate ores and/or concentrates’ / Ospanov H.K., Smailov K.M., Nuruly E.

Certificate of inclusion of information in the state register of rights to copyrighted objects (work of science). No. 20829 dated 12 October 2021 ‘Mineraldy shikizattan cobalt pen nikel'di bөlip aludyң zhadisteri’ / Smailov K.M., Umirbekova N.S., Supieva J.A.

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