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Smailova Gulbarshyn

Smailova Gulbarshyn

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Energy and Mechanical Engineering named after A. Burkitbayev

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Email: g.smailova@satbayev.111


PhD count:


AOTF UKSDI: Alma-Ata General Technical Faculty of Ust-Kamenogorsk Construction and Road Institute

Scientific projects

1. Development of a new design of a multifunctional mill for rolling high-quality sheets.

2. Development of damping metal materials with nanostructured coating.


1. Development of a method for calculating the degree of use of the plasticity resource (Dupr) when rolling on a new continuous mill Автор: Azilkiyasheva, M.M., Shayakhmetov, S.B., Bakyt, G.B., Kopenov, B.T., Smailova, G.A., Baubekov, Y.Y., Zhauyt, A.  Metalurgija. -  2021. – V. 60. Iss.3-4. P. 362–364.

2 Study of stress-strain state billets when rolling in a continuous mill of hot-rolled thin stripes using MSC super forge Автор: Kaliyev Y.B., Baizhumanov K.D., Tursymbekova Z.Zh., Zhumanov M.A., Smailova G.A., Azilkiyasheva M.M., Zhauyt A. Metalurgija. – 2020. V. 60. Iss. 1-2. P. 159–161.

3 The study evolution of the structure formation of the foil workpiece during rolling screw rollers and longitudinal-wedge mill (LWM). Автор: Mashekov, S.A., Smailova, G.A., Kulgildinov, M.S., Chezhimbayeva, K.S., Buzauova, T.M. с соавторами. METALURGIJA 59 (2020) 3, 370-372.

4 Structure formation of aluminum alloy d16 while rolling bars in the radial shear mill. Автор: Mashekov, S.A.; Smailova, G.A.; Alshynova, A.M.; с соавторами. METALURGIJA 59 (2020) 2, 195-198

5 Investigation of the formation evolution of aluminum alloy 1050 structure during rolling in the spiral rollers and the longitudinal wedge mill. Автор: Mashekov, S.A.; Smailova, G.A.; Alshynova, A.M.; с соавторами. METALURGIJA 59 (2020) 2, 203-206

6. The study evolution of the structure formation of the foil workpiece during rolling screw rollers and longitudinal-wedge mill (LWM)  Автор: S.A. Mashekov, G.A. Smailova, M.S. Kulgildinov, K.T. Tergemes, A. Zhauyt, K.S. Chezhimbayeva, T. M. Buzauova – METALURGIJA 59 (2020) 3, 370-372


7. Damping Metallic Materials with a Nanostructured Coating. Автор: Utepov, E.B.; Ten, E.B.; Zhumadilova, Zh.O.; Smailova, G.A.;  с соавторами. METALLURGIST Том:‏ 60 Выпуск: 9-10, (2017)  961-966

DOI: 10.1007/s11015-017-0392-1

8. Special features of structure formation during rolling strips in the helical rolls and longitudinal wedge mill. Автор: Машеков С.А.; Машекова А.С.; Уразбаева Р.Е.; Smailova, G.A.; с соавторами. News of the national academy of sciences of the republic of kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences issn 2224-5278 volume 2, number 434 (2019), 86 – 101

9. Dynamic force analysis of a six-link planar mechanism. Автор: Umbetkulov Y.; Yeleukulov Y.; Atalykova А.; Iskakova G.; Smailova, G.; с соавторами. MATEC Web of Conferences 51, 04028 (2018) 14 December 2018 VI International Scientific Conference “Integration, Partnership and Innovation in Construction Science and Education” (IPICSE-2018) Moscow, Russia, November 14-16, 2018

10.  The study of the quality of hot thin beams obtained by rolling on a longitudinal wedge mill.  Автор: Mashekov S.A.; Kiyanbkova L.; Alshynova А.; Smailova, G.; Urazbaeva R. с соавторами. News of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences ISSN 2224-5278 Volume 6, Number 432 (2018), 23 – 36

11. Design features of a cam-screw press with a large effort. . Автор: Askarov E.; Zhankeldi A.; Absadykov B.; Smailova, G. News of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences ISSN 2224-5278 Volume 5, Number 431 (2018), 192 – 200

12. Noise research of tooth wheel of the pinion stand of the radial-shifting bend with modified teeth (gears). Автор: Mashekov S.A.; Absadykov B.; Smailova, G.;  Saparbayev E.; Bekmukhanbetova с соавторами. News of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan series of geology and technical sciences  ISSN 2224-5278 Volume 3, Number 429 (2018), 162 – 172.

13. Calculation and construction of the tolling roller table.  Автор: Smailova, G.;  Yussupova S.; Uderbaeva A.; Kurmangaliyeva L.; Balbayev G. с соавторами. Vibroengineering PROCEDIA, 2018, Volume 18, Pages 14-19

14. The researching of the dynamic properties of longwheelbase platforms for the transportation of largecapacity containers.  Автор: Igembayev N.; Musayev J.; Zhauyt A.; Balbayev G. Smailova, G. с соавторами.  Journal of  Measurements in Engineering, Vol. 5, Issue 3, 2017, p. 182‑193.

15 The kinematic analysis of the third class mechanism. Автор: Zhauyt A.; Zhahanova I.; Smailova, G.; Murzakhmetova U.; Kurmangalieva L. с соавторами. Vibroengineering PROCEDIA June 2017. Volume 12, Pages 208-212

16. Improving the technology of blade punching made of titanium alloys by the calculation of degree of resource utilization plasticity / Автор: Mashekov S.A., Mashekova A.S., Nurakhmetova K.K., Alshynova A.M., Smailova G.A., Bazhaev N. A. / International Journal of Chemical Sciences. 2016. V. 14. Iss. 2. P. 829-841.

17. Engineering of the combined process of punching the compressor blades with an estimate of the plasticity resource of the wrought alloy./ Автор: Mashekov S.A., Mashekova A.S., Nurakhmetova K.K., Alshynova A.M., Smailova G.A., N.S. Sembayev. / International Journal of Chemical Sciences.  2016. V. 14. Iss. 2. P. 852-864.

18. Calculation of power parameters of cold rolling steel strips on multifunctional longitudinal wedge mill Автор: Mashekov, S.A.,Orlova, E.P., Absadykov B.N., Issametova M.E., Smailova G.A., Nugman E.Z., Rakhmatulin M.L. /Bulletin of the national academy of sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2015. V. 5. P. 5 - 18.

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