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Suleev Zhandos

Suleev Zhandos

Senior Lecturer

Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Architecture Department

Email: zh.suleyev@satbayev.111

Professional biography

·        1997-1998 - Artist-designer, Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty;

·        1999-2007 - Sculptor-foundry worker, gas-electric welder of the 2nd category, S.Kirov Machine-Building Plant JSC, Almaty, foundry No. 3;

·        2007 - 2009. - Head of the "Restoration Center" of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty.

·        2009-2019 - Head of the Exposition and Design Works sector of the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty.

·        Since 2020 - a teacher of special disciplines at the Almaty College of Printing.


1991 - 1994 - Republican Art College. Artistic processing of wood, qualification of an artist-master.

1994 - 1999 - T.Zhurgenov Kazakh State Art Academy. Department "Painting and Sculpture", artist sculptor.

Scientific projects

1. I am fluent in all technological operations of casting. From the preparation of projects to the installation of monuments.

2. Gained full knowledge in creating sculpture models: molding, copying sculptures and various art forms.

3. Participated in the installation of the monument "Independence" on the Republic Square in Almaty.

4. Participated in the casting of monumental sculptures installed in the cities of Kazakhstan.

5. An author's bust of V. Goethe is installed in the Goethe Institute in Almaty.

6. Passed advanced training courses in the art foundry of Karaganda, under the guidance of the People's Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Professor T.S.Dosmagambetov.

7. Participated in metal restoration work with Italian restoration artists and designers.

8. Together with Hungarian specialists, he worked on the anthropological restoration of the portrait of the Kazakh historical figure.

9. He completed an internship in Tehran, Iran, at the National Library of Iran for the restoration of manuscripts and books.

10. Participated in the restoration of archaeological exhibits.

11. Participated in the restoration of the museum's exhibits: paintings, graphics, paper exhibits, manuscripts, photographic documents.

12. I also have extensive experience in creating exhibitions, transporting valuable exhibits and logistics.

13. Participated in exhibitions, creative projects and international festivals. Some works are in private collections.

14. 2003-2005. German language courses at the Goethe-Institut, Almaty and Berlin.

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