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Sultanbekova Zhanat Zhensikbaevna

Sultanbekova Zhanat Zhensikbaevna

Candidate of technical sciences

Associate Professor

Institute of Project Management

Department of Management and Mathematical Economics

Email: z.sultanbekova@satbayev.111


PhD count:

Professional biography

She has been working at KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev since 1992. She began her scientific and pedagogical career as a teacher. Currently - Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Mathematical Economics.

1998-2001 – postgraduate studies.

2001-2008 – Lecturer at the Department of Computerization of Technological Processes and Production.

2001-2008 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of Computerization of Technological Processes and Production.

In 2009, she defended her PhD thesis in specialty 25.00.30 “Geoinformatics” on the topic “Development of a distributed data processing model in the calculations of quarry road transport.”

2009-2012 – Associate Professor of the Department of Computerization of Technological Processes and Project Management

2012-2014 – Head of the Department of Computerization of Technological Processes and Project Management 2014-2019. Associate Professor of the Department of Project Management.

2019-2021 –Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management of the Caspian Public University, Director of the Center for Certification of Specialists of the SPM RK (part-time).

from 2021 - Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Mathematical Economics of the Institute of Project Management named after E. Turkebaev


1988-1992 Karatau branch of the Kazakh National Technical University. Faculty of Mining Automation. Specialty Electric drive and automation of production processes

1998-2001 Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev. Postgraduate studies (full-time study).

Scientific projects

1.     0261/GF2 “Development of a methodology for the implementation and optimization of breakthrough technologies in quarries with inclined and steeply dipping seams” - .SNS;.

.2. 0713/GF3 “Development of an effective technology for the use of powerful excavator-vehicle complexes in deep quarries with the transition to internal dumping” - SNS

3.     1686/GF4 “Intensification of construction, reconstruction and increasing the efficiency of quarry operation using two-level mining of benches with equal length of their work front” - VNS

4.     1699/GF4 “Increasing the efficiency of reloading devices during the operation of combined modes of transport with an automobile downhole link in the open-pit mining of fields in Kazakhstan” - scientific supervisor;

5.     according to agreement No. 2432/17/20 yur dated October 19, 2017 with JSC "SSGPO" R&D "Lot No. 2 - Justification of the feasibility of switching to a combined automobile-conveyor-railway mode of transport and testing of the safe intensive development of work areas along steep sides with the use of excavator-vehicle complexes at the Kacharsky quarry of SSGPO JSC (2017-2019) - SNS;

6.     AP05133548 “Equipment, optimal placement and high-performance use of cyclic-flow technology complexes in the development of deep iron ore quarries” - VNS, current grant research at KazNRTU;

7. AP14869083 “Ensuring the completeness of extraction of deposit reserves based on a new approach to volumetric geomechanical modeling of deep open-pit mine workings along the entire perimeter - VNS, current grant research at KazNRTU;

8. No. AP14871548 “Development of productive models for managing the portfolio of development of small and medium-sized businesses for the conditions of Kazakhstan based on the ideas and principles of Agile technologies” - VNS, current grant research at KazNRTU;

9. No. PD|SCER|22-0041 dated 09/14/2022 with "NIITs ERG" LLP - "Establishing the priority of mining development for the possibility of safe development of peripheral reserves and the deep part of the Kacharskoe deposit" - VNS


  Methodological approach to creation of the 3D model of an oval-shaped open pit mine E3S Web of Conferences Volume.-123(2019) – р.13.

Expansion of Non-Transport Technology Application on Extended Quarry Fields.16th International Symposium on Environmental Issues and Waste Management in Energy and Mineral Production Istanbul, Turkey. 5-7 October 2016 SWEMP2016-23, 2016. - № 16. - C. 23

Improving transshipping equipment during implementation of combined truck-railway transport. 24th World Mining Congress PROCEEDINGS SURFACE MINING, 2016, Rio de Janeiro , Brazil, ISBN: 622/5: 502/504, 2016. - C. 143-153

Management reserves of mining operations mode in open pit mining of steeply dipping mineral occurrences.17th International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference SGEM 2017, Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining Issue 13, ISBN: 978-619-7105-00-1, 1, Turkey. – 2016

Optimization of mining schedule during safe development of working zones along steeply  inclined open pit edges.                              proceeding of the 26th international symposium of mine planning and equipment selection MPES 2017,Lulea, Sweden 2017,ISBN: 978-91-7583-935-6

Method of optimizing cyclic and continuous technology complexes location during finalization of mining deep ore open pit mines.19 International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019. – Albena, Bulgaria, 2019. – Volume 19. – pp. 407-414. ISSN 1314- 2704. (Scopus).

Innovative equipment for maximum and uniform loading of conveyors in ore mines. Global joint conference on industrial engineering and its application areas (GJCIE 2020). Istanbul  Technical University, 2020. (Springer).

Risk management in the operation of combined modes of transport in opencast mining.   20 International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020. – Albena, Bulgaria, 2020. (Scopus, CitScorе 0,25).

 «Жобаларды басқару негіздері» .Учебное пособие «Основы управления проектами» на казахском языке для магистрантов и докторантов технических специальностей, Алматы 2016

Justification of transfer parameters in conditions of deep zone development of iron ore surface mines (Обоснование параметров переноса в условиях глубинной зоны железорудных карьеров). Монография. Sustainable development of resource-saving technologies for mining and processing of minerals: multi-authored monograph. - University of Petroșani, Romania, 2019. – pp. 138-155. ISBN 978-973-741-622-3.(соавтор)

Probabilistic assessment of slope stability at ore mining with steep layers in deep open pits. Mining of Mineral Deposits Volume 16 (2022), Issue 4, 11-18.

Technology of an open pit refinement under limit stability of sides. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu . 2022-12-30 | Journal article DOI: 10.33271/nvngu/2022-6/005


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