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Tatykhanova Gulnur Sairanovna

Tatykhanova Gulnur Sairanovna

Doctor of Chemistry

Associate Professor

Deputy head of the laboratory

Researchers of Satbayev University holding

Laboratory of engineering profile

Email: g.tatykhanova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Tatykhanova Gulnur – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, associate professor, Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Engineering profile of the Satbayev University. In 2009, she defended her thesis for the degree of Candidate of Chemical Sciences on the topic: "Immobilization of biological active substances within the matrix of pН- and thermosensitive polymeric hydrogels", specialty 02.00.06 – "High molecular weight compounds" in the Dissertation Council of the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Bekturov NAS RK.

The total number of published works after the defense of the dissertation is 43.

- in publications recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 17;

- in international peer-reviewed scientific journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science - 15;

- in other scientific journals and publications – 3;

- 1 – monograph, 3 chapters in a book published abroad, 1 of them in Springer Science+Business Media

- 6 innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been obtained.

The Hirsch Index (h-index): Scopus - 8, Google scholar – 13.

PhD count: 2

Her research area is related to the development and implementation of bio- and synthetic polymers for special purposes in petrochemistry, nanotechnology, biotechnology and medicine.She is the scientific supervisor of the project AP13067773 "Development of scientific foundations and technology for the preparation of prolonged-acting eye drops based on gellan and ofloxacin" (2022-2024) Contract No. 94-KMUZ dated 05/20/2022 with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2022-2024 and DP21681702 "Universal polymer containers (flexitanks) for transportation of food and petroleum products" (2023-2025) (Contract No. 81 approved by JSC Science Foundation on 11/06/2023).



Semipalatinsk Shakarim State University

Specialty - "Chemistry", Bachelor's degree


Semipalatinsk Shakarim State University

Specialty - "Chemistry", Master's degree


Institute of Polymer Materials and Technologies, Ph.D.

Specialty - 02.00.06 – High molecular compounds.

Scientific projects

1. AP13067773 "Development of scientific foundations and technology for the preparation of prolonged-acting eye drops based on gellan and ofloxacin" (2022-2024) scientific supervisor,

2. DP21681702 "Universal polymer containers (flexitanks) for transportation of food and petroleum products" (2023-2025) scientific supervisor.


1. R. N. Tuleyeva, G. S. Tatykhanova, N. N. Gizatullina, D.B. Kaldybekov, Y.V. Bardadym, V. O. Aseyev, S. E. Kudaibergenov. Preparation and Characterization of Amphoteric Polysaccharides Derived From Chitosan and Gellan Gum Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2024; 35:e70033, Q2, IF 3.348

2. G.S. Tatykhanova, R. N. Tuleyeva, N. N. Gizatullina, D.B. Kaldybekov, Y.V. Bardadym, V.O. Aseyev, S. E. Kudaibergenov. Characterization of Biocompatible Gellan Gum Fractions for Prolonged Retention in Ocular Drug Delivery Systems. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2024, 35:e6635 Q2, IF 3.348

3. G.S. Tatykhanova, R.N. Tuleyeva, Zh.A. Nurakhmetova, N.N. Gizatullina, V.K. Krasnoshtanov, D.B. Kaldybekov, V.O. Aseyev, V.V. Khutoryanskiy, S.E. Kudaibergenov. Polymer-protected gold nanoparticles for photothermal treatment of Ehrlich adenocarcinoma: In vitro and in vivo studies. Macromol. Chem. Phys. 2024, 2400128. Q2. IF-2,7 DOI: 

4. Tatykhanova, G.S., Gizatullina, N.N., Kudaibergenova, G.M., Mukasheva, T.D., Kudaibergenov, S.E. Comparative Study of Gellan Gum Derived from Domestic Raw Materials of Kazakhstan and Commercial Gellan / Macromolecular Symposia, 2024, 413(4), 2400004. IF-0,246 Q3,

5. Maksotova, K.S., Akbayeva, D.N., Bakirova, B.S., Serikkyzy, A., Lesbek, B.M., Tatykhanova, G.S. & Kudaibegenov, S.E. Preparation and Characterization of Copper Nanoparticles Stabilized by Poly(vinyl alcohol) for Catalytic Oxidation of 1-Propanol. Eurasian Journal of Chemistry. 2024    

6. Tatykhanova, G.S., Hirvonen, S.-P., Bardadym, Y.V., Gizatullina, N.N., Saulimbay, M.A. Fractionation and Characterization of Commercial Low Acyl Gellan Gum//Macromolecular Symposia, 2024, 413(4), 2400001 IF-0,246 Q3,

7. Gussenov I, Berzhanova R.Zh., Mukasheva T. D., Tatykhanova G.S., Imanbayev B.A., Sagyndikov M.S., Kudaibergenov S.E. Exploring Potential of Gellan Gum for Enhanced Oil Recovery. Gels 2023, 9(11):858. IF 4.6, Q1   

8. Akbayeva, D.N.; Smagulova, I.A.; Maksotova, K.S.; Bakirova, B.S.; Tatykhanova, G.S.; Kudaibergenov, S.E. In Situ Entrapment of Catalase within Macroporous Cryogel Matrix for Ethanol Oxidation: Flow-through Mode versus Batch Reactor. Catalysts. 2023, 13, 1075.   IF 3.9, Q2

9. I. Smagulova, G.Tatykhanova, A.Shakhvorostov, D. Akbayeva, S. Kudaibergenov. Oxidation of iso-propanol and n-butanol by catalase encapsulated within microporous polyampholyte cryogel matrix / Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2021, IF 3.348, Q2,

10. Zh.Nurakhmetova, A. Azhkeyeva, I. Klassen. G.Tatykhanova, Synthesis and Stabilization of Gold Nanoparticles Using Water-Soluble Synthetic and Natural Polymers / Polymers, 2020, IF 4.329, Q1,  https://doi:10.3390/polym12112625

11. G.Tatykhanova, V.O. Aseyev, M. Vamvakaki, V. Khutoryanskiy, S.Kudaibergenov Ophthalmic drug delivery system based on the complex of gellan and ofloxacin/ Chem Bull Kaz Nat Univ. Vol. 2, 2022, P. 4-12.  КОКСНВО

12. A.Tokpanova, A.Turgumbayeva, Z. Abuova, G.Tatykhanova, K. Rakhimov, R. Tuleyeva, A. Jusupkaliyeva. Preparation and standardization of antimicrobial eye drops with gold nanoparticles based on the safflower seed extract/ Фармация Казахстана. -№3 (242). 2022. 231-235 стр. КОКСНВО   

13. G.Tatykhanova, Zh.A.Nurakhmetova, S.E. Kudaibergenov Иммобилизованные в матрицу геллана противоопухолевые препараты и наночастицы металлов: достижения и перспективы применения/ Chem. Bull. Kaz. Nat. Univ. No.4, 2020, p.32-41, КОКСНВО   

14. G.Tatykhanova, V. Aseyev, S. Kudaibergenov Mucoadhesive Properties of Gellan and Its Modified Derivatives Reviews and Advances in Chemistry. Vol.10, No. 2-3, 2020, p. 140-157. https://doi:10.1134/S207997802003005X


1. Kuldeev E.I., Tatykhanova G.S., Karataev E. A., Talanov V.S., Baktygali Zh.K. A device for transporting liquid cargo in a container. Utility Model Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 9646 dated 04.10.2024
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