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Taubaeva Assel Yerlankyzy

Taubaeva Assel Yerlankyzy

Master of Technical Sciences


Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Department of civil engineering and building materials

Email: a.kissabayeva@satbayev.111

Professional biography

2018 - 2019 Educational center "Lacadem Education", Almaty. English teacherю

2019 - 2019 Educational center "ELC Almaty".

since september 2021 assistant at the Department of "Construction and building materials", Institute of architecture and construction named after T. K. Basenov, Satbayev University.


1)2015-2019 Kazakh leading academy of architecture and civil engineering, Faculty of construction technologies, infrastructure and management, specialty 5B072500 - "Technology of woodworking and wood products (by fields of application)". Qualification - Bachelor of Engineering and technology;

2) 2019-2021 - Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I. Satpayev, Institute of architecture and construction named after T.K. Basenov, Department of "Construction and building materials". Qualification  - Master in Educational program 7M07303 "Construction and production of building materials and structures." 

Scientific projects

Methods for reducing the seismic vulnerability of residential buildings.


1. Esenberlina D.I., Kisabayeva A.E. "Methods for reducing the seismic vulnerability of residential buildings". Russian magazine "Young Scientist" №19 (361) Russia 2021 2. Esenberlina D.I., Kisabayeva A.E. "Stealth technology in construction". Proceedings of the XL Student International Scientific and Technical Conference “Technical and Mathematical Sciences. Student scientific forms »Scientific forms. May 18, 2021.
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