Tokmurzina-Kobernyak Natalyiya Anatolievna
Candidate of technical sciences
Assistant professor
Associate Professor
School of transport engineering and logistics named after M. Tynyshpayev
Transportation Engineering Direction
Email: n.tokmurzina@satbayev.111
Professional biography
The total work experience is 28 years, including scientific and pedagogical experience - 23 years.
She began her career in 1996 as a laboratory assistant at the Department of the Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications.
In 1997 she enrolled, and in 1999 she successfully completed a postgraduate course at KazATK and defended her dissertation with the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences. In 2007, she received the academic title of Associate Professor of Transport.
In KazATK in the period from 1999 to 2021, she held various positions: laboratory assistant of the department, senior lecturer, associate professor, head of the Research Institute, head of the department, head of the Office Registrar, head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work, professor, Vice-rector for academic and educational work.
She was a member of the Republican UMS in the field of "Transport, transport equipment and technologies".
She took part in the development of state educational standards and educational programs in the field of Railway transport.
As an expert, she participated in the work of accreditation bodies to assess the quality of education in universities.
The list of scientific works by Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N.A. includes more than 100 publications, including: 1 textbook under the MONRK stamp, 3 textbooks under the MONRK stamp, 3 monographs.
It has a Hirsch index of 2.
He has the following State awards, incentives, diplomas, etc.:
– Winner of the State Scholarship "The best young scientist -2000";
- Medal "The best teacher -2016"
– Medal "For conscientious work" of JSC "National Company "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy";
- Certificates of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, MIIR RK.
He is constantly improving his scientific and pedagogical qualifications. Over the past 5 years, he has more than 5 certificates of advanced training, including abroad.
Certificates of advanced training courses for the last five years:
1. Erasmus+ Project Economics, Ecology and InfrastructureAT Hihg-Speed Railway . Germany, Dresden, June 2022
2. Distance learning technologies in higher education, Almaty, April-May, 2022
3. Information and communication technologies in education, Almaty, May, 2022
4.Management system for compliance with ISO requirements, Almaty, July, 2022
5. Audit of the traffic safety system, Russia, Moscow, June, 2022
From 2018 to 2022, she participated as a research scientist in the Usmas + project "Economics, Ecology and Infrastructure of high-speed rail transport". As part of the project, she completed an internship at the Dresden Technical University in May-June 2022.
He is actively engaged in research work. Over the past 5 years, under the leadership of Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N.A. completed 7 contractual research projects.
1.Almaty Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (1988-1993); specialty - 1706 - Locomotives, mechanical engineer of railways, full-time, higher education
2. Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications (1997-1999), specialty - 05.22.06 Railway track, railway survey and design, full-time, postgraduate study
Scientific projects
1. Technical and economic assessment of the project for the conversion of TE33A locomotives to gas engine fuel and the formation of the necessary infrastructure, SNA, 2017
2. Methodology for calculating the weight loss of old-age materials of the upper structure of the track, head, 2018
3. Analysis and development of a set of measures to improve the state of traffic safety in railway transport, Head, 2019
4. Calculation of temperature intervals for fastening the lashes of a seamless path" for the joint-stock company "National Company "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy", head, 2019-2022
5. Uniform standards for permissible speeds of rolling stock on railway tracks of 1520 (1524) mm gauge, head, 2021
6. Definition of requirements for the design and technical parameters of locomotives depending on the type and type of service for the preparation of Technical specifications for the organization of the purchase of new locomotives, head, 2022
7. Assessment of the technical condition, reliability and prospects for the use of passenger electric locomotives of the KZ4 series with a design speed of 200 km/h, manufactured by CSR LLC Zhuzhou Electric Locomotive Company, STS, 2023
8. Calculation of the required traction and operational characteristics of the fleet of mainline electric locomotives, SNA, 2023
9. Calculation of the required traction and operational characteristics of the fleet of mainline locomotives, SNA, 2023
Spisok public speaking for the last five years
1. Tokmurzina N. A., Kozhamberdiyev K. O., Makhanova A. K. analysis and neutralization of the power of locomotive depots in the system of mail-confirmation / Bulletin of Kazatk №1. - Almaty, 2019 G.-P. 39-45
2. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A., Ivanovtseva N. V., Makhanova A. K. The indicators of dynamic interaction of road and Road wagons with an increased level of load / Vestnik Kazatk (spec. vypusk) Volume 1-Almaty, 2019-pp. 109-114
3. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A., Ivanovtseva N. V., PYA D. R. prospects of introduction of permanent residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan /Bulletin of Kazatc (Spetsnaz. vypusk) Volume 1-Almaty, 2019-pp. 116-125
4. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A., Zhumangaliyev, R. T. Akchabayev, N. V. Ivanovtseva on the establishment of the final criteria for the safety of movement on the entrance roads / Entrance Hall of Kazatk (special. vypusk) Volume 1-Almaty, 2019-pp. 145-152
5. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A., Ivanovtseva, R. K. Kibitova, N. A., N. Z. Suleevahopper consideration of the problem of optimizing the main parameters of cars / Vestnik Kazatk (spec. vypusk) Volume 1-Almaty, 2019-pp. 139-143
6.Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A., A. K. Makhanova, N. V. Ivanovtseva, M. K. Shalabaev assessment of the efficiency of updating the locomotive fleet based on the cost of the life cycle / Vestnik Kazatk (Spets. vypusk) Volume 1-Almaty, 2019-pp. 163-166
7. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A., Ivanovtseva N. V., Tynyshkaliyev Zh. s. report of dynamic figures of Georgian television new achievements with different characteristics of Russian subordination / Bulletin Kazatk-Almaty, 2020№ 1-p.106-114
8. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A., Kamilov A. T. prospects for the use of electric locomotives KZ8A on wind roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan /Bulletin Kazatk-Almaty, 2020№ 1-p. 114-121
9. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A.,Vakhitova L. V., Ursarova A. K. on the issue of ensuring the safety of movement on road transport / Bulletin of Kazatk imeni M. Tynyshpayeva № 4 (115), 2020, P.144-153
10. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A. , Vakhitova L. V., Kiseleva O. G. concept of development of the system of management of safety on road transport / Bulletin of Kazatk imeni M. Tynyshpayeva № 4 (115), 2020, P.137-143
11. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A. exploring the power of the secondary sector on the road/monograph The Final monograph. Moscow, Izdatelstvo: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2019, STR.96
12. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A., Abdullayev S. S., Musin M. zh. culture of safety – modern access to the development system of safety management of trains / Bulletin of Kazatk named after M. Tynyshpayeva № 4 (119), 2021, P.126-131
13. Seidulla Abdullayev, Tokmurzina N., Bakyt G.The determination of acceptable speed of KZ4AS, KZ8A, TE33A locomotives on the railway roads of the Republic of Kazakhstan /Journal "Problems of Transport", No. 1, 2016, pages 25-35. (SCOPUS percentile Cite Score - 46), ISI Clarivate Analytics indexing.
14.Gulnar Imasheva, Seidulla Abdullayev, Nazdana Adilova, Tokmurzina Natalya, Gabit BakytProspects for the Use of Gondola Cars on Bogies of Model ZK1 in the Organization of Heavy Freight Traffic in the Republic of Kazakhstan / MECHANIKA, Vilnius, 2018 Volume 24(1), STR. 32-36 (BD SCOPUS percentile Cite Score – 18, BD Web of Science – Q4).
15. Tokmurzina-Kobernyak N. A., Utepova A. U., Dzhakupov N. R. fundamentals of the calculation of the locomotive structure.Textbook / Almaty: Kazatc, 2020 G. 120 s.
№ | Article title | Journal title | Direction | Year |
Potential research studies of doctoral students
Dynamics of transport equipment, operation and repair of transport equipment, train safety, energy efficiency and resource conservation in transport