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Tolep Almas

Tolep Almas

Master of Technical Sciences


Institute of Architecture and civil engineering

Architecture Department

Email: a.tolep@satbayev.111

Professional biography

1. 22.11.2019 – DIPLOMA of the II degree of the International Professional Competition of the National Association of Prospectors and Designers for the best project-2019. Kazakh participants presented the project of the Museum of Modern Art in Kyzylorda.

At the Institute of Architecture and Construction named after T. Basenov Satbayev University, a diploma of the II degree was awarded to the winners of this competition in the nomination "The best concept of an unrealized project" Link ;

2. 06.12.2019 "The best graduate student of Kazakhstan 2019", as part of the support and promotion among young people of the Message of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Constructive public dialogue is the basis of stability and prosperity of Kazakhstan". ;

3. 09/28/2020 – Awarded the badge "Best Young Scientist - 2020" International Book Edition", "Best Young Scientists – 2020" among scientific and educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, organized by the Association of Legal Entities in the form of the association "National Movement "Bobek". Article Transformation and movement in architecture the connection between art technology and technology;

4. 02/25/2021 – DIPLOMA of the II degree of the International professional competition of the National Association of Prospectors and Designers for the best project-2021. Kazakhstani participants presented the project of a comprehensive school.

The Institute of Architecture and Construction named after T. Basenov Satbayev University presented a diploma of the II degree to the winners of this competition in the nomination "The best concept of an unrealized project"

5. 12/24/2021- The Youth Award "Samgau" is traditionally awarded annually in order to encourage, support and further develop the creativity of active youth, increase their political, cultural, spiritual wealth. Active youth of the city of Kyzylorda aged from 14 to 28 took part as candidates for the award, candidates were selected in 10 nominations. A special nomination was also established in honor of the 30th anniversary of the country's independence.The competition was attended by young people who successfully work in the field of education and science, journalism, sports, medicine, culture, IT, production, social sphere, who have achieved high performance in their field. In each of the 11 nominations, the winners were awarded the award of the akim of the city of Kyzylorda "Samgau" and an award in the amount of 100 thousand tenge. The winner of the IT nomination is Tolep Almas Yerboluly.


2013-2018 Specialty - 05042000 "Architecture", academic degree – Bachelor of Art in the specialty "Architecture" 2019-2021. Specialty - 7M07302 Architecture and Urban Planning academic degree - Master of Technical Sciences in the specialty "Architecture"


Erboluly T. A., Ivanovich S. K. Principles of architectural and spatial organization of transformable sports facilities //Наука, образование и культура. – 2020. – №. 2 (46). – С. 67-69.

Толеп А. Е., Самойлов К. И., Балыкбаев Б. Т. Трансформация и движение в архитектуре: связь между искусством, техникой и технологиями //Наука и образование сегодня. – 2020. – №. 4 (51). – С. 66-68.

Erboluly T. A., Ivanovich S. K., Tuleukhanovich B. B. Transformation and adaptation in modern architecture //Наука и образование сегодня. – 2020. – №. 5 (52). – С. 90-92.

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