Tumabayev Turlybek Salimovich
Master of Historical Sciences
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Project Management
Department of Social Disciplines
Professional biography
September 2016 - May 2019, Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev.
September 2008 - September 2016, Senior Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev.
September 2002 - September 2008, Lecturer, Department of Social Sciences, Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev.
September 2001 - September 2002 Lecturer at the Department of Social Sciences, Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpayev.
September 2000 - September 2001 A history teacher at school-gymnasium № 147 of Almaty.
Faculty of History of Kazakh State National University. al-Farabi (bachelor, master)Scientific projects
Scientific interests: The modern history of Kazakhstan.
Researcher of the research project "Kazakhs in the Second World War: documents from foreign archives." Supervisor - Doctor of History, Professor G.M. Mendikulova.
Author of more than 30 scientific publications:
1) Mendikulova G.M., Nadezhuk E.A., Gabdullina A.Zh., Akataeva A.A., Tumabaev T.S. Kazakh prisoners of war in the camps of Norway and Finland during the Second World War // Scientific journal "Questions of History". № 10. 2019 - p. 169.
2) Mendikulova G.M., Akataeva A.A., Tumabaev T.S. The Kazakhs participated in the Resistance movements in Europe (years of World War II) // Scientific and methodical journal "Qazaq tarihy". № 6. 2019 - S. 47-49 (in Kazakh).
3) Tumabayev T.S. A feat of science during the war // Scientific and methodological journal "Qazaq tarihy". № 1. 2016 - P.26-28 (in the Kazakh language).
4) Tumabayev T.S., Sumsinov A.S. Kazakh intelligentsia: number and composition // Scientific-methodical magazine "Qazaq tarihy". Number 8. 2014 - S. 20-21 (in Kazakh).
5) Tumabayev T.S. Galuzo on colonial policy // Scientific and methodical journal "Qazaq tarihy". Number 4. 2005 - P.62-66 (in Kazakh).
6) Tumabayev T.S. The historical science of post-Soviet Central Asia about jadidism // Scientific journal "Otan Tarihy". № 3. 2005 - P.41-55 (in Kazakh).
7) Tumabayev T.S. The colonial system of power in the Turkestan Territory // Scientific and methodological journal "Qazaq tarihy". № 2. 2005 - P.61-66 (in Kazakh).
8) Tumabayev T.S. Colonial politics through the eyes of Galuso // Scientific-methodical journal "Qazaq tarihy". № 3. 2004 - P.57-64 (in Kazakh).
9) Tumabayev T.S. Mustafa Chokai - the great ideologist of the Turkic people // KazGU. Herald. The series is historical. № 1. 2000 - S.151-154 (in Kazakh)
10) Мендикулова Г.М., Надежук Е.А., Акатаева А.А., Оспанов Т.Т., Тумабаев Т.С. Участия казахов в движении Сопротивления в Бельгии (новые архивные документы) // Вестник Карагандинского университета. Серия ИСТОРИЯ, ФИЛОСОФИЯ. №3(99)/2020. –С.172-181
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