Turlybekova Anar Orymbayevna
Master of humanities
Head of Department
Institute of Project Management
Department of Foreign Languages
Professional biography
She has been working at Satbayev University since 2006.
06.2018 - present – Head of the Department of Foreign Languages.
2006 - 2018 – Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages at KazNRTU named after K.Satbayev.
1996 - 2006 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages at Kainar University.
1995 - 1996 – Lecturer of the Department of International Relations at KazNU named after Al-Farabi.
1989 - 1990 – English teacher at the school named after Kirov, Urjar village.
2014-2016 – University of Reading, School of Literature and Languages, specialty "Applied Linguistics". Qualification: Master of Science in Humanitarian Studies. Аn alumna of the Bolashak program.
1990-1995 – The Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan, specialty "English and Russian languages". Qualification: Teacher of English and Russian languages.
1. “Code switching as a conversational strategy in the investigation of Kazakh /Russian / English students in Reading” Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MA in Applied Linguistics, University of Reading (Great Britain), 2016
2. Dictionary of Foreign Language Education-5В011900 5В020700, 15,0 п.л, 500 экз., Polilingva, 2020, РУМС Протокол № 9 25.05.2018.
3. Communicative teaching of foreign language through information and communication technologies in institution of higher education Материалы VI Международной научнопрактической конференции “Продвижение эффективных практик культуры качества в высшем образовании: бенчмаркинг и поиск резервов” 12-13 ноября 2019.
4. «The development of Research Competence Through Digital Technologies» в журнале базы данных Scopus «Talent Development and Excellence» - (cite score по образованию 84 процентиля); Vol.12, No.1, 2020.
5. Digital educational content: General English for students of technical specialities, 60 п.л. 250 экз. Polilingva, 2021.
6. Цифровой образовательный контент иноязычного профессионально ориентированного обучения студентов неязыковых специальностей (Международная научно -практическая конференция "Европа и Тюркский мир: наука, техника и технологии" в г. Бурса, Турция. 5-7 мая 2021г.).
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