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Turysbekova Gaukhar Seytkhanovna

Turysbekova Gaukhar Seytkhanovna

Candidate of technical sciences


Associate Professor

Mining and Metallurgical Institute named after O.A. Baikonurov

Department of Metallurgy and Mineral Processing

Email: g.turysbekova@satbayev.111


Professional biography

Professor, metallurgical engineer, candidate of technical sciences

The career path is associated with scientific activities at KazIMS, JSC Altynalmas, JSC KazGinAlmazZoloto, NAO KazNITU im. K.I. Satpayev. " Total work experience in the specialty for more than 35 years. The author of 3 monographs and over 50 publications. Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Mining Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Member of the UN expert group on the classification of mineral resources (Switzerland, Geneva). Under the direction of G.S. Turisbekova has been working on gold bioleaching for 30 years, and since 2010, work related to the use of biotechnological methods to intensify the uranium leaching process at enterprises included in the system of NAC Kazatomprom JSC.


1975-1980 - NAO KazNITU named after K.I.Satpayev (formerly KazPTI). Metallurgical engineer

1983-1986 - Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS, graduate school) - Department of enrichment of ores of rare and noble metals (supervisor Prof. Polkin SI) 1986 - She defended her thesis (MISiS) in gold metallurgy. Candidate of Technical Sciences

Scientific projects

Akbakaysky GOK (gold) - research, technology development

Nezhdaninsky GOK (gold) technology development.

Bakyrchik GOK (gold) leaching technology development.

Semi-industrial tests at the bacterial leaching plant together with the employees of Gidrotsvetmet (Novosibirsk)

Development of ore processing technology for the following gold-bearing deposits: Sayak 4, Komarovskoye, Raygorodok

Uranium mining mines of NAC Kazatomprom, Semizbay mine: research, development of a project and installation of a leaching installation, experimental research and implementation.


Монография :«Методика проведения исследований золотосодержащих руд» 1993 г.

Технология бактериального выщелачивания. Алматы, 2005, 70с.

Монография «Золото: Инновации в химии и металлургии», 652 стр, 2015 г.

Монография «Золото: Новые сырьевые источники, вторичная металлургия и аффинаж», 352 стр, 2016 г., Алматы

Монография «Природные наночастицы и наноструктуры», 600 стр, 2018 г., Алматы

Turysbekova, G.Altynbek, A.Bektay, Y.Shiderin, B.Bektayev, M. Technology of bacterial oxidation of Iron in underground uranium borehole leaching / International Journal of Pharmaceutical Researchthis link is disabled, 2020, 12(3), стр. 2988–2993

Shiderin, B.Bektay, Y.Gaukhar Turysbekova, G.S.Altynbek, A.D. Uranium-bacteria interaction (overview) / International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management, SGEMthis link is disabled, 2020, 2020-August(1.2), стр. 395–400

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