Ukeshov Talgat Ramazanuly
Senior Lecturer
Institute of Project Management
Physical Education
Email: t.ukeshov@satbayev.111
Professional biography
Kazakh National Research Technical University named after K.I..Satpayeva
Lecturer of the Department of "Physical Culture"
08/31/2010 - to the present
Teacher of the Department of "Physical Culture"
01.09.2007 - 08/31/2010
Assistant of the Department of "Physical Culture"
08/31/2005 - 09/01/2007
Gymnasium No. 12 named after Sh. Ualikhanov
Physical education teacher
02.02.2004 - 11.04.2005
Rayymbek Youth School
Volleyball Coach
01.09.2001 - 31.01.2004
Secondary school No. 143 named after Suyunbai Military training Teacher
11.09.2000 - 08.01.2001
O. Zhandosov Secondary School
Physical education teacher
04/27/1995 - - 03/20/2000
Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. Physical education and sports, teacher
Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism (Master's degree), teacher
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